
Mirrored Realm

The Silver Devils ' eyes remained tightly shut under the Sun's setting, levitating off the ground in a meditative state just a few meters in the air. He pulled in a sharp breath, focusing his mind, not on his body but the Silver Arcana flowing within his soul, pulsing like a heartbeat; the energy cycled through his veins akin to blood and back to his soul. And finally, he exhaled.

Opening his eyes to the setting of the Sun just outside the college courtyard, deprived of any students or professors alike, silence came with the whistling of the winds brushing against his silvery hair.

"I need a bit more practice connecting to the Astral Sea,' he mused, lowering himself to the ground on two feet. Stretching for a moment, he hooked his arms behind his back and stared openly at the Sun slipping behind the horizon, "The better connection I have, the more Astral Force I can take."

He passed his hands through his long silky smooth hair and sighed. The day was slowly coming to an end, and students and teachers alike were heading back to their dorms and down towards the city.

Trinity had only allowed students a free day every two weeks. Although class itself was optional, missing a single day of class was equivalent to missing a semester.

A/N: How I felt when taking French.

"DUMB-DUMB!" The bane of his existence bellowed, running over with a delectable smile. " Are you trying to hide from Aurelia?"

"Shouldn't you be making friends?" Zariel snapped, rolling his eyes with utter exhaustion.

"Aurelia has friends, dummy. She's just very busy as of late. When are we starting, Zensu?" She asked with large hopeful eyes, etching closer to the young lord's face as the seconds lingered by one after the other.

"We can start tomorrow; it's a little late, but I thought you would take the day off. Trinity usually has some strange competition every two weeks."

"They do. It's a spiritual test this time, and the winner gets a few Acana pills, but it's supposed to be held under the glow of the moon, so it should be fine. " Aurelia remarked, " So we have tons of time. Also, I need new clothes."

"Eh?" Zariel eyed her body and frowned, not seeing a difference. "You look the same. Why do you need new clothes?"

"Shut it! Dummy! You know nothing of a girl's body. If the uniforms weren't free, I would have nothing to wear."

"Really? Is it your breast? They seem sm—"

Blocking the incoming nut shot with deadly precision, Zariel backed away, " Never mind, let's go shopping tomorrow."

"Good, anyway, I have got to go. Ella and I are going for drinks."

'Isn't she still a child? Well, I guess if she can kill a person, she can drink.' the young lord thought, recalling the many times he forced the waiter to bring them beer and wine.

"Take care,'

"Oh?" Aurelia blurted out with widened eyes.


"You said take care. That might be the first time you—"

"Just get out of here," Zariel annoyingly barked, waving her off.

Giggling into her palms, the young minx smiled, rushing across campus to the gate where Ella stood in wait. Peering down at the pocket watch in her hand, she glared at Aurelia.

"Your late."

"Sorry, me and dumb-dumb were talking," Aurelia explained, a little out of breath. Wiping her brow of cold sweat, she leaned onto her elven sister. "Let's go; it's been a while since we drank together. Oh, by the way, where is Sionn?"

"Said he was going to chill with Zariel. He bought a bottle of Riveroak-1190," Ella said, resting her hands on her Rapier's hilt.

Flashing a cheeky smile, Aurelia hooked her arms around Ella's neck and nodded, "Have you ever been to Zariel's dorm?"

Ella sighed, "We need to talk about you two. Maybe a few drinks will loosen you up."

Heading down towards town a few kilometers off-campus of Trinity, the streets became blistering with students as cheers and songs began rippling through the streets. Under the amber glow of the setting sun, the rich glow of the moon deepened throughout the skies, bringing about a coming night.

Heading towards Bluec Street, filled with hundreds of upperclassmen, Aurelia and Ella smiled amongst each other as they began touring one of Tinrity's famous streets known for affordable drinks and food.

Lights began to light up, filling the darkening skies with life as the young girls walked around. Receiving many stares, Aurelia and Ella continued along, having long gotten accustomed to being stared at.

"Have you noticed it?" The Fallen softly said, keeping her gaze ahead.

"The buzzing sensation in my head? Someone is following us." Ella calmly responded. "But the Alarm is supposed to warn us of danger. Whoever is after us is ready to strike or already has."

Aurelia's brow creased and slowly tapped upon the rune on her wrist. It was then she started to notice more and more people slowly fading from her sight.

"And illusion," Ella said; with a slew of sweat dotting her brow, she unsheathed her Rapier and readied herself. "Aurelia."

"I know," The young fallen coldly said, summoning the Staff of Eldritch and unsheathing Morningstar. "Show yourself!" She demanded with a long cry.

Crackles of laughter seemed to fill the empty streets, echoing from every direction. "Aurelia Morningstar, Welcome to the Mirrored World. A layer of space that mimics creation. Duke Blackwater cannot save you here. Get them!"

Startled by the stranger's words, the sounds of footsteps were quick to enter Aurelia's and Ella's ears as they turned to their rear at the dozen or so warriors who began to spawn one after the other.

"In the name of our god, Azalea! We shall strike down the Godless!" They cried.

Snorting almost immediately, Ella sneered, " Who said we needed Duke Blackwater to kill you all?"

"That's right. Dumb-Dumb trained us well." Aurelia uttered, her eyes glimmering with a deadly hue.

"I'll handle the dogs here!" Ella coldly said as her eyes slowly began to gleam a scarlet light. "You take care of the caster."

"No one's going anywhere! Ivory Vines!"

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