
Chapter 186: First meeting with Daenerys

A/N: Hey guys,

Note: I want to explain one point here. EDWARD IS NOT A GOD. He is not a perfect man. Don't forget that he also grew older and was thirty-six-year old this year. He also grew a little accustomed that everything was in his grasp making him make a mistake here and there.

Here's today's first chapter.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 25 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.




The Slaver's Bay's Cities and Qarth would need to wait for now since Edward would come for them later.

After thinking of all this, Edward decided to rest his mind since he was at the edge for days. He decided to think of who he had to send to do the job of delivering 'Green Onion.' to Bravos in the morning.

Two days later...

It was finally the time for Daenerys's arrival at Storm's Eye. Edward forced his son, Raymont, to come with him to meet her since the idiot argued with him about this matter. Edward did not have time to play with them like that.

They did not wait long in the city's port before they could see the large ship appearing from afar. This ship's captain could be none other than the admiral and his deputies. That was why everyone was surprised that Edward made one of those go himself to take Daenerys back.

Anyway, the ship did not take long before docking in the port. Minutes after that, Bruce came down with sailors and marines behind his back, surrounding a tiny little girl. The girl was more beautiful than Emilia Clarke that played her role. After seeing her, Edward got tempted to take her for himself instead. He thought that he could have her for himself since his son did not want to marry her.

In the end, Edward refrained from doing that since he had enough of falling for beauty. Edward turned to become like Tywin in this matter. He preferred to fuck his whore, Jaesella, who worked as a maid in his keep than falling for love again. Tywin was doing the same. He never opened his heart for another woman after Joanna's death but did not prevent himself from fucking a whore here and there.

"Haha, welcome to Storm's Eye, Daenerys. It is great to see you. I wanted to see you since Alesanna sang praises about you in her letters." Said Edward as he went ahead to touch the girl and give her a hug. He wanted to know how it felt down there when he did that. (The last sentence was the author's thought.)

Daenerys was still afraid that she was in danger and had been thinking all the way here how this man was going to treat her. She did not see this man before, but she knew that he was the man who killed her brother in single combat and the reason behind her family's downfall.

Although Daenerys believed that the most part of the reason was her father's and brother's actions, she still blamed Edward and Robert in her heart. After hearing Alesanna's words about what Edward did after Robert and the Lannister sacked King's Landing, Edward gained her respect, though.

"The honor is mine..." Said Daenerys as she looked at Edward. She did not know how to address him. Was she going to speak to him as if he was the king? The title was belonging to her family, though.

Edward did not mind since he knew if Daenerys agreed to call him something like 'Your grace.', he would think something was wrong with her. Although Daenerys was a little naive at this point, she was a dragon that refused to bow to anyone.

"Don't worry about titles here and there. Just call me Edward, and I will call you Dany." Said Edward as he smiled at her face after she heard the nickname that he had given her.

"Come here. Let me introduce you. This one here is my son, Raymont. He will be your husband soon." Said Edward as he pulled Raymont to the front. Although Raymont found Daenerys more beautiful than her niece, Rhaenys, he wasn't willing to harm the relationship between him and his wife because of Daenerys.

"It is an honor to meet you." Said Raymont with his usual smile as he looked at Daenerys. He was not doing that to attract her to him or something. He was only putting on his usual face when he met strangers.

"The honor is mine." Said Daenerys as she looked at Raymont carefully to check him out. The man would become her husband if everything went smoothly.

She had to admit that she was satisfied after checking Raymont's body and face. He was excellent goods in her eyes that was much better than the savage Dothraki.

"Let's go. I have to tell you something, but it has to be only the three of us." Said Edward with a serious expression on his face. He had to tell Daenerys sooner or later about Rhaenys, or the things would go south.

Daenerys, who did not understand what was wrong, only nodded her head. After seeing that Edward did not intend to kill her, she was relieved and decided to go with Alesanna's words.

Edward took the two back to the Great Hall in the Storm Keep, where they could talk alone. Although he prevented anyone from entering the military port since he did not want any little bird to discover Daenerys's arrival, he did not want his officials to know that Rhaenys was Rhaegar's daughter.

"Take your seat, little Daenerys. You have to know what you will go through from this point." Said Edward as he looked at Daenerys. When he saw her looking at him, waiting for him to continue, he spoke again.

"I know that I promised you that you would marry Raymont. But I will give both of you a chance out of this marriage. If you want to marry any of my other sons, I will allow it, but your chance of becoming a queen would be minimal." Said Edward with a calm tone. He was not saying those words to Raymont, though, since he knew his son's mind.

After hearing those words, Daenerys's expression changed a little since she thought that Edward would go back on his words. She heard how the lords manipulated everyone to their benefits but did not expect Edward would do the same, even after hearing about how honorable he was.

"Don't give me this face. I did not lie to you. There are some things that even Alesanna did not know. Well, Raymont already has a wife." Said Edward as he saw the change in Daenerys's expression, who looked back at Raymont.

"His wife is actually your niece, Rhaenys Targaryen, your brother's daughter. I have been taking care of her since she was a child. In the end, the two fools fell in love and married two years ago. She should give birth in a month or something like that." Said Edward while looking at Daenerys's face. He could see clearly the different emotions in Daenerys's eyes after she heard his words.


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