
Chapter 122: Ashara's changes

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

For every two new pàtreons, I will upload one more chapter the next day.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 25 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.




"If I killed Tywin, the other lords of Westerlands and Westeros might use this chance to attack me. I can defend myself against some lords, but if the rest united against me, I might not come out alive. I had to do so for our children. What would have happened if I died without soldiers there? Would not the other lords kill our children the same way they tried to do to your friend's children? You would not want to see our children treated like that, would you?" Said Edward throwing the blame entirely into Tywin and using his children as an excuse to try to coax Ashara. He and his children were her weakness at the moment.

Something happened to Ashara after she heard his words. Yeah, power, she needed to have the strength to avenge her sister. She needed The Power to protect her children and her husband. If she could not defeat those men with one hundred men, then she would recruit a thousand. Those people might crush her children's heads like they tried to do to Elia's if she did not have the power to protect them. Although her husband was a strong man who changed many things, he still did not have enough strength to kill those people. She would need her own power to help him protect their children. (It is here bitches.)

"I need you to be strong, Ashara, for our Raymont and little Axel. They would depend on you. I need to travel to Dorne tomorrow and could not afford to leave you like that." Said Edward trying to coax her. He did not know that this moment would be the crucial point in changing Ashara's personality. No one knew what this change would turn into in the future.

"Why?" Asked Ashara, who just steeled her heart and tried to stop her tears. The first thing she decided to do to gain power was to change this weak personality of her. Why would she cry when she could train herself and gain a position where she could kill the bastard Tywin and his house.

"I will try to save your idiotic brother who kidnapped your friend Lyanna with the cunt, Rhaegar." Said Edward with somewhat an angry tone. He wanted to show her that he cares a lot about her and would save her brother for her. He also wanted her to know that her brother was the one who did not listen to Edward's advice in the past and was one of the causes for Allyria's death.

When Ashara heard her husband's words, she snapped out from her daze and looked at Edward thoroughly. She wanted to see if he really meant what he said this time. Not being able to see through Edward's intention, Ashara could only nod her head and give Edward a look of Gratitude. She had heard the news and knew that Rhaegar's kidnapping Lyanna Stark with the help he got from Arthur was the reason that this fire had spread to this degree. She actually put some blame on Arthur for not being there to rescue their sister.

"Be careful, my love. I can not lose you as well." Said Ashara as she hugged Edward as strong as she could. She was afraid that she would lose her husband as well at the moment. Not only because of her sake but also for their children. She was so afraid of the fate that would befall them if Edward died. Her children might lose their father because of her requests.

"Don't worry, Ash. I will bring that idiot with me. Take care of yourself and the children till I return." Said Edward as he kissed her on her forehead before standing up and leaving the room. He and Ned would move on the same day they arrived at Storm's End as time was of great importance.

Ashara, who was alone in the room after Edward left, raised her head, and the look of her eyes changed. She knew what she was missing at the moment, and determination in her eyes was the best proof for her change. Ashara needed strength and her own secret forces in order to have a say in this dirty game. Ashara remembered how Edward tried to train her all this time, but she always ignored his advice or did not put it in her heart. But It seemed that Edward wanted her to prepare for days like that in order to have the ability to protect their children, but she was like an idiot who did not cherish this opportunity.

'For my sons, I must have the strength to protect them. Even if Edward could not protect them, I must have the power to do so. I would not let any of them die as my sister died, and I could not do anything to help her. And if Edward could not.....' Thought Ashara to herself as she remembered the possibilities that might happen. After that, Ashara dived into her thoughts in order to come up with a plan on how to change herself for the best.

Meanwhile, After leaving the room, Edward moved towards the Round hall where He had agreed to meet Ned and Stannis. When he entered the room, he saw the two sitting there with the other men that came with him. When Edward looked at Stannis, he could see that he wanted to tell him something but was still hesitating.

After taking his seat and greeting everyone, Edward turned his eyes to Ned.

"We will leave in an hour, Ned, so go and prepare yourself. It would be a long journey to the south. Only I, you, Clinn, and your friend Howland Reed will go so that we can move fast." Said Edward with a calm tone. No one asked what happened between him and Ashara.

After hearing this, Ned and Clinn nodded their heads and stood up to prepare themselves. Of course, Edward would not invite Howland Reed to this meeting. He did not know the man, so even if he got Ned as his friend, Edward would not let him in.

After that, Edward turned his head to Stannis, who gave him a complex look since the start. He did not know what was on Stannis's mind this day.

"What is it, Stannis? Just say it." Said Edward with a calm tone. He did not have much time to waste, and he still had to give the other the instructions about the matter that he wanted to get done.

"For my work till now, are you going to reward me with some lands?" Asked Stannis as he wanted to know how much Edward would reward him after taking the castles in Dorne and protecting Stormsland when Edward was north. Although Edward had planned to do this from the start, Stannis still exceeded Edward's expectations and took Yronwood for Edward and his new kingdom.

Edward was surprised after hearing what Stannis said. Maybe, Stannis was just testing him here. He did not expect Stannis would prefer to stay in Stormsland rather than going to King's Landing. But after some thought, Edward saw that was the rational decision. If Stannis went to King's Landing, He could only be the master of ships in the small council. Stannis would never have the chance to be the king's hand with Jon Arryn, Tywin Lannister, who would marry his daughter to Robert, and the old fox, Hoster Tully. But if Stannis stayed here, he had a good chance of becoming the hand.

"I was planning to rebuild Summer Hall into a huge castle. If you want, I will appoint you as its lord." Said Edward with a smile. Summer Hall would be in the center of the Kingdom of Storms, and it would have huge potential. So Edward thought that it would be an appropriate reward to Stannis.


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