
Chapter 94: Punching Rhaegar in the face and Edward's schemes

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's third chapter.

Also please, Can your write a comment about my writing style. I wanted to see if I improve as we move forward or if there is something that still needs more attention.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 18 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


The mass release of eight chapters when we have 65 pàtreons.



Everyone's expression changed after seeing that Edward was prepared to start a war, especially Brandon, who stood next to him. Brandon did not expect that Edward was angry to this degree. Was he Lyanna's brother or Edward's? He did not think of doing something like that, but Edward did.

Before the minute passed and while the crowd waited for Edward to draw his sword, Rhaegar finally decided to come out of the tent. He was still smiling after all that happened because of him. It seemed that his obsession with the prophecy took over his thinking that he could not think straight anymore.

"Easy, everyone. Why are you all behaving like children?" Said Rhaegar as he was smiling at everyone, trying to lighten the mode.

Edward did not wait for him to complete what he wanted to say and came too close to him. Rhaegar was still smiling at Edward as if his smile would help him solve everything. No one hated Rhaegar's smile more than Edward.

Edward did not wait for Rhaegar to open his mouth before punching him hard in the face. He was disgusted by Rhaegar's smile and did not wait to distort that face of his. Edward did all that in a moment, shocking everyone in the process. No one expected Edward to punch the prince before saying a word.

Everyone was in a daze while looking at the prince who fell on the ground because of Edward's strong punch. The first to snap out of it was Arthur and Barristan. Barristan ran to the prince to check if he was alright while Arthur held his sword in front of Edward. If Edward made another move, he would attack for sure. Even if Edward is his brother by law, he would still kill him.

"You are a disappointment. You disgust me." Said Edward to the prince, who turned his face towards Edward after snapping from his pain. He did not expect Edward to do something like that either.

"The next time you pull something like that again, I would not mind taking your head." Said Edward before waving his hands dispersing his men. He then turned around and left with the others leaving everyone looking at his back.

That was the last day of this fucking tourney, after all, and Edward did not care about what happened next.

It seemed that Edward's warning was not enough since the prince still kidnapped Lyanna ten days after the tourney. After everyone left, Rhaegar took Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent and kidnapped Lyanna.

Edward was sure that Lyanna was kidnapped this time. She did not go with Rhaegar willingly, as he saw her expression when Rhaegar crowned her as the queen of love and beauty. There was no way she fell in love with him in this life. But Rhaegar kidnapped her to achieve the prophecy.

Somewhere in Dorne, Rhaegar and the kidnapped Lyanna were looking at each other. Lyanna was so angry after she knew who kidnapped her. She remembered what Edward had told her about something bad that would happen to her. She figured that Rhaegar kidnapping her was it.

"You dare take me away?" Asked Lyanna while looking at the prince. She did not believe that a prince could behave like that. The prince, who was singing the other day that almost made her cry from his soft voice, kidnapped her.

Although she hated Robert for his whoring, she still had some hope thanks to Edward. Edward behaved the same way that Robert did before he married Ashara. But since his marriage, he did not think of doing such a thing again. That was what her brother, Ned, told her. Ned said that since the two were brothers, they would act the same way. All she had to do was only wait till she and Robert married.

"I like you, Lyanna. I can't let you marry that beast." Said Rhaegar as he looked at Lyanna. He really liked the girl since he had seen her, but this was it. There was no love in the air. This was the first time they talked to each other officially.

Rhaegar was angry at Edward after he punched him in front of everyone. He thought that they were friends and that Edward would support him since Edward had a bad relationship with his brother. But was Rhaegar an idiot for thinking like that? Yeah, whatever bad relationship brothers had, they would still fight against the stranger.

Rhaegar was also afraid of Edward when he saw him using his men like that. It was as if Edward was ready for war against him. But when he thought about how the Targaryens ruled Westeros for nearly three hundred years without failing, he believed that Edward would not be able to do anything even if he wanted. He would execute Edward after he was done with Lyanna.

Rhaegar took Lyanna to Dorne, trying to make her fall in love with him, but it seemed that that would not happen here. If he knew that Edward was the cause for all of this, he would want to behead him at the moment. But he would know soon but what would happen was the other way around.

"And I do not like you, so mind returning me back to the North." Said Lyanna, who was still acting naive. She did not take Edward's words to her heart because if she did, she would know that with the way Rhaegar was looking at her, that would not happen.

"No, I want to marry you. I already brother the maester here." Said Rhaegar as he signaled the maester. He had prepared everything for their wedding. He had annulled his marriage with Elia and prepared the place where they would marry.

"Are you nuts or something? Why would I marry someone who kidnapped me?" Asked Lyanna with anger in her voice. Was this the prince that everyone was saying that he was wise and all that? He seemed to be more mad than wise to her.

Rhaegar was indeed not behaving normally. Because of the doubts and suspicions he had in dealing with Edward, not to mention the unhappiness in his marriage with Elia, the features of the Madking started appearing on Rhaegar. He had been trying to find a way to talk with Lyanna for the past two fucken years, but someone was hindering him, not letting him even get close to her. He suspected that Edward had something to do with it since he was the one who sent her away in the middle of Storm's End's tourney.

Kidnapping Lyanna was the only way, especially after receiving a punch from Edward. That was why he was not taking no for an answer. Even if he had to threaten Lyanna by killing her father and brother, he would do it as long as he could have her.

"No, you are. I already imprisoned your father and brothers, and if you don't agree to marry me, I would accuse them of treason and kill them." Said Rhaegar with some madness in his eyes. He did not do any of what he said, but he would be surprised to find that was happening at the moment in King's Landing.

Lyanna's face changed. She loved her family more than anything, and if she could save them, she would do anything. She did not believe that a prince would do something like that to the innocents.

"You can't do that since they did not do anything. The lords of the North and Westeros will rebel against the Iron Throne if you do something like that." Said Lyanna as she believed what she said was the truth. And it was indeed the truth.

"Try me. If you don't marry me at the moment, I will order the rest of your family's deaths." Said Rhaegar with a hint of madness. He knew what Lyanna said was the truth, but since he did not imprison the Starks, nothing would happen, would it?

Although Lyanna was stubborn and would not submit to Rhaegar easily, She relented in the end. In front of her family's well-being, she collapsed after a few days of Rhaegar's continuous threats.

Meanwhile, at the King's Landing, Brandon, who learned from Edward, did not go to King's Landing, but Lord Rickard Stark was the one who went there first. The king imprisoned the man who demanded a trial by combat and was burnt alive.

Before Brandon went North to rally his bannermen, he was assassinated by Edward's men. Edward had planted his men around Brandon Stark all this time to wait for this moment. Since Edward had sent his brother, Renly, to be a squire for Brandon Stark, it was the perfect way to kill three birds with one stone.

Although Brandon was his friend and Renly was his brother, Edward did not hesitate for a moment. By killing Brandon from the North, Renly from Stormsland, and Elbert Arryn from the Vale, Edward was sure that this was enough to start the rebellion.

Brandon's group got assassinated before they reached the north. Among the group, Elbert Arryn, Jon's heir, and Renly Baratheon were there. After Edward's men killed everyone, they used the wildfire to burn their bodies and left a message. "Those against the Targaryen should burn alive." No body would be able to find how they truely died. At least until Bran became the three-eyed raven.


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