
Chapter 18: Saving Cassana

A/N: Hey guys,

Again, I decided to upload another chapter to thank those who became my new Pàtreons and decided to support me.

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Thanks, Miguel Rojas for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Aeden Emrys for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, jacob hixson for becoming my Pàtreon.

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Tywin was furious. He didn't even finish his words, not to mention talking about his plan against Edward, yet he got insulted in the face by Aerys.

Tywin took his leave but promised himself that when an opportunity presented itself, he was going to kill Aerys and all the Targaryen. He hated that house to the bones. He would add that to The Targaryen's dept.

After Aerys left the hall, The master of whispers whispered in his ears about his plan to wed prince Rhaegar to a Valerian descendant. Aerys liked the idea and saw that it could separate Rhaegar and Tywin and end their plan of taking the throne and replacing him. At once, Aerys ordered his men to send a letter to Steffon Baratheon to go to Volantis and find a bride for Rhaegar from a Valerian bloodline.

One week late, ُEdward reached Storm's End and, at once, went to his father's study. When he went in, he could see his mother, his uncle Heldon, and his mother's eldest sister, Helda Estermont. He didn't like this aunt of his, and what a timing. He now had a replacement who he could sacrifice for Cassana. Now, all he had to do was to persuade his parents.

"You are back. I heard you were injured." Said Steffon with his strict voice.

Hearing his father's voice, Edward's little feeling of guilt, for some reason, was washed away. He was already mad at his father for refusing to let him participate in the Storm's End's tourney. After the last assassination attempt, Edward was more hungry for power. He wanted to be the lord of Stormsland as fast as possible. So it became acceptable to him to sacrifice the man who cared for him for the last decade and a half, all of a sudden.

"Yeah, Tywin and his old tricks," said Edward while kissing Cassana's hand.

"Stop badmouthing, Lord Tywin. He won't descend to such petty tricks," said Steffon, getting a speechless look from Edward. Edward could swear that the man was not naive as Steffon had seen before when Edward had fished the spies from his unit. Some of them admitted being sent by the Lannisters. So, he did not know Tywin's excuse. It might be because he had deepened his friendship with Tywin for the past few years.

After deciding to sacrifice Steffon, Edward started seeing him as a sore in his eyes that he needed to get rid of more and more.

'Well, it is better that you are going to die soon, or else I was going to kill you myself. Although you helped me and cared about me, your existence is an obstacle in my plans.' thought Edward in a cold tone. After the assassination, Edward turned more cold-blooded. He was ready to sacrifice anyone to achieve his goal.

"Yeah, the honorable Tywin won't play low, right?" Said Edward in a mocking tone.

"Sigh, why did you come in a hurry? Why didn't you stay till you recovered a little before coming here?" asked Cassana, trying to lighten the mode.

"Didn't I promise to take you on vacation around Westeros? How could I not fulfill my promise on the appointed date?" said Edward in a joking tone.

He had sent a letter earlier, promising to take Cassana on vacation around Westeros when he returned to Storm's End.

"Your mother still had her duties in the castle. She can't leave for a long time," said Steffon, destroying the mode.

'Well, chill, man. I know you love Cassana, but I am trying to save her here.' Thought Edward in a funny mode while looking at Steffon. He was not sorry for not saving Steffon, even for a bit.

"Well, what a coincidence that my aunt is here. She can help mother's here by taking her duties for the next two or three months," said Edward in a sinister tone. He hated this aunt of his, and he could sacrifice her with a light heart.

Helda felt a chill ran through her spine, but she was ecstatic after hearing Edward's words. She had always wanted the position of her sister. She was very jealous. She wanted to be the Lady of Storm's End.

'Maybe I can seduce Steffon and took the position of the Lady of Storm's End in the future.' thought Helda to herself. She did not realize how much Steffon loved her sister.

Edward looked at his aunt as if he was looking at a fool. He always knew about this woman's feeling of inferiority towards Cassana, but he decided to let her live in her delusions for the next few months. After all, she was going to die in two months' time.

"No, she can't. How could she take care of your mother's duties?" said Steffon in a somewhat angry voice. He could not bear to stay away from his wife for a long time.

"Well, she would always help mother's with her duties when she came to Storm's End from Estermont. Right aunt, you could take care of my mother's duties. Right?" said Edward in an amused tone.

"Right, Right. You could go. I will take care of everything." said Helda in a hurried voice, trying to sound not eager as much as she could.

Steffon could only sigh after seeing the death glare directed at him by his wife and could nod his head in approval.

"Well then, father. Excuse us, we still have a lot to prepare," said Edward as he left the room, taking Cassana with him.

After reaching his parent's room, He was pulled back by his ears by his mother.

"Well, spill it, young man. What are you hiding from me?" asked Cassana while still pulling Edward's ear.

Edward was shocked. He thought he had fooled everyone there.

'Mother's intuition is a frightening ability. She could even see through my well-prepared plan.' thought Edward as he was having the shock of his life.

"Well, you see, mother. I heard that the king had a little disagreement with Tywin Lannister over Rhaegar's betrothed." Said Edward with a funny tone. He wished he could see Tywin's face at that time. No worries, he could rub Tywin's injury in the future.

"And what is that have to do with us?" asked the confused Cassana while letting Edward's ear go.

"Well, I heard from a bird that the king will order father's to go to the free cities to search for a wife for Rhaegar there. Of course, Father would take you with him. This journey would take several months, and a well-behaved son that loves his mother, I decided to save you from the hard work." Said Edward in a funny tone, trying to distract his mother from his true purpose.

I was having a great time when I decided to check the comments of the previous chapters and it really made my day so thank you, especially those gifs.

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I will revise from the sixth to the tenth chapter in the next few days.

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