
Harbin's daughter

It's been definitely a long night as Shingi went through his story after waking up.

He told the story of him being rescued and following the plan of his Blessed One Master. He trusted Harbin to keep a secret, but his family and especially his daughter probably weren't that good to keep secrets.

He used his MAJOR ILLUSION to show the different people he met, although he changed their faces and their equipment a bit to be safe.

He used the Illusion so that he wouldn't mention the name of the one he was referring to but instead have the Illusion of him or her.

Harbin's daughter's name was Himon, and his wife's name was Orsina.

Both Himon and Orsina seemed interested in the stories of Shingi, although the latter tried not to show it much on her face.

"So where is sis Annoue? Is she going to visit us too?"[Himon]

Shingi sadness appeared on his face for a split second before returning to his normal state.

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