

The warm red blood that spread throughout the street was now drying. Still, there was the sound of silence. The boy's face was looking down at the cold body. He slowly raises his head up, looking straight. He gave a very furious and aggressive stare to the only shadow left.

He says in a very low and dark voice, "Now there's only one of you left to kill. I'm a enjoy slicing your neck in half or maybe slice you where you least expect it! Are you sure you want to point that knife at her!? You have one chance! Make your choice now or DIE!!!"

The shadow then says in a frightened manner, "How... di... did you just... did you just kill him?" His tone then changes and says, "YOU BASTARD! YOU CAN GO TO HELL!"

All of a sudden the boy's blade penetrates close to the shadows heart. The boy says to him, "I told you, you had one chance and you wasted it! Now you get to die. Rest in piece fool!" As he says these words, he's twisting the knife, pushing it forward, until the knife comes out through the shadow's back.

The shadow falls down to the floor taking his last breath, spitting out blood. His eyes stayed open. "J... J... Joyce are you okay?" The boy asked. Joyce then responds to the boy, "Wh... what the hell did you just do!? How di... did you just do that!?"

Her voice then changes to a very frightened little girl, "What... what are you?" "Joyce, I'm sorry. It was the only way to save you. I had to! I... I don't know what happened to me."

Joyce then runs and hugs the boy tightly saying, "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you saved me from those creeps. Thank you for saving me. Thank you," she says crying. The boy hugs her as well. He says, "It's okay. I'm glad your alive and now you're safe."

The boy was wrong! They were not safe at all. They heard more footsteps, to which they had no choice but to run. The boy carries Joyce and runs to hide in a nearby abandoned building. The boy then peeks out through a hole in the wood and sees more shadows.

He also saw a tall, scary looking man. He was talking with the shadows. The boy was hearing their conversation. He heard: "Look at this mess. I told these people to scare him. I didn't want him that frightened to which he would kill my henchmen. These damn imbeciles don't know how to do their damn job right!"

As the boy was listening he then heard Joyce whisper to him, "What's going on? Who are these people and who's that big scary looking man?" To which the boy responded, "Shh...Joyce! I need to hear what they are saying. Sorry, I'm not being rude to you. I just need to listen."

The boy continues to hear the man's conversation: "Look, that boy needs to join our clan and if he refuses more than 14 times then you have my permission to slaughter his body if you want and leave him in the gutter or sewers. You can feed him to damn rats for all I care. He's no different from them anyway. He's just a scared little coward and a stupid orphan!"

After the two had their talk, the boy whispered to Joyce, "Okay let's leave before they find us." "Okay you're right, let's go," said Joyce. Once they were walking out of the abandoned building, the boy accidentally stepped on a weak wooden floor. Within those few seconds, the creak produced a very loud sound. And that very creak could be heard from outside.

The big tall man asked his henchmen, "What the hell was that!?" To which he took out a ciggerate lighter and pointed to the building. "If there's someone there, show yourself or I'm a burn this building to HELL!!!"

Luckily the boy found an open window and jumped out. He saw Joyce having trouble getting off to which he grabbed Joyce by the waist. "Damn, you're a little heavier than I thought. Come on! Let's get out of here quick."

They both hurried, running to Joyce's grandmother's house. The big man was very grumpy and didn't care anymore. To which he said, "Damn buildings! Eventually, they're going to destroy all of this." And so the big man left the area. Joyce and the boy were still running.

They finally make it to the house. Joyce then knocks on the door. As her grandmother opens the door, she sees Joyce out of breath. Her eyes were red from all the crying. she was shaking. Her grandmother immediately reacted and said, "Where were you and what happened!? Why do you look like you've just been chased?"

Joyce response was, "Are you mad at me? And I don't really want to talk about it." Her grandmother said, "No I'm not mad at you sweetie. I was just worried. Come in."

Before Joyce entered the house, she said to her grandmother, "Oh I forgot to say this is... Well... I don't know his real name, but can he stay with us? His parents were killed and so he had nowhere else to stay. Please let him stay."

Her grandmother responded, "Yes, yes, get in. It's cold outside. We don't want you to get sick now do we?" "Thank you, ma'am," the boy says as he enters the house.

Once inside, the boy sat down on the couch. Joyce was sitting next to him.

While Joyce's grandmother was sitting on the couch in front of them.

Joyce's grandmother began to speak, "Now tell me, child... what happened? Why were you running? And what is the deal with your parents?"

The boy proceeded to say, "It was very dark that night the incident happen, and well I remember I saw the shadows. They are an evil group that makes people fear their worst nightmares. They have a way with just by looking at their eyes, it's so intimidating that anyone who is weak will go insane. As in the victims will be scared or they'll have the desire to kill anyone in their way. I believe that is what they are trying to do with me. I'm so sorry ma'am. They are after me because they want to turn me into an evil murderous killer with no desire to love. We were running from a big tall scary looking man. I could not see his face clearly, but he was talking with the other shadows. I... I believe he has something to do with all of this. Now about my parents... I remember my mother. She was scared. My father was next to my mother and he was protecting me from the shadows and well... I was so scared I did not know what to do. One of the shadows told me: 'Kill your parents now or we'll make them kill you.' They gave my parents a gun and my father gave me a very sharp yet rare blade. My father said: 'Do what you have to do son. I won't kill you. Even if they have to torture me, just get it over with.' And so I had to choose one or the other." "Which one did you choose?" Joyce's grandmother asked. "Well, I had to kill the—" (Oven Beeping).

"Oh dear! I almost forgot! I made some chocolate chip cookies and I served you both some milk. Go ahead, child. Please, eat and enjoy. You had a rough night and a rough day. Tell me the rest tomorrow. When you're done, leave the glass cups in the sink and go to sleep. That includes you too Joyce."

"Okay, grandma! Thank you for letting him stay. You're the best grandmother in the world," Joyce says while hugging her. While Joyce and the boy were eating their cookies, Joyce said to him, "Hey, don't forget, there's no school tomorrow. We're going to have lots of fun tomorrow. Oh, by the way, don't worry. I'm still thinking about what kind of name I should give you. It needs to represent you in a way."

"Okay Joyce, thank you. Hey, let's go to sleep now. That way we can wake up early and have fun all day tomorrow," said the boy. "Okay, let's go to sleep," said Joyce. They both then brush their teeth in the bathroom downstairs. Once done, they both go upstairs to Joyce's room.

Joyce says to the boy, "Oh! I forgot we need to get you some clothes to sleep in. Let me check my closet to see if I have any boy clothes for you. let's see... No, no, not that, to small... Ah, here we go! Here are some black sweat pants and here's a white shirt."

The boy then grabs them. "Thank you, Joyce." He starts walking to the restroom and changes privately. Eventually, he comes back out. "Okay, here's a pillow and two blankets. One is for you to use as a soft surface to lay on and the other is in case you get cold at night. All right, you're all set! Good night! Sweet dreams little one," Joyce says while yawning.

"Thank you for taking me in Joyce. You're a really sweet girl. You've really done a lot for me today. I'll make you one promise then. My promise is to keep you safe and happy no matter what happens to me. I need you to be safe because I need you in my life." "Okay, okay, just go to sleep," Joyce says as she smiles uncontrollably with her pillow on the top of her face.

Joyce had already fallen asleep. The boy was still awake. As time goes by, it was 12:30 P.M. The boy was finally closing his eyes to sleep. After five minutes have passed, he wakes up. Only to hear someone screaming and begging for help. He then looks up at Joyce's bed. No one was there.

"Joyce, where are you!?" The boy screams. He then gets up off the floor, opens Joyce's bedroom door, gets out of the room, and looks down the stairs.

The stairs appeared longer than he had seen it before. It was too dark to see anything. He flips a light switch, only to see one light illuminating part of the wall. There were black scratches on it. "What the hell?" The boy says quietly. "Joyce! Joyce! Are you there?" The boy whispers.

He suddenly hears a door shut. It was the restroom door that had closed. "Joyce, are you in the restroom?" As he says those words, he felt as if someone or something had passed right in back of him. "There can't be anyone here. This place is safe... I hope."

The boy approached the bathroom door and opened it slowly. He turned on the light. The light only illuminated the restroom bath. He opened the curtains only to find nothing. The bathroom was clean. The boy then flips another switch. This time it illuminated the sink and mirror. The boy washes his face, dries it up, and looks up at the mirror, only to notice that he was all black.

His eyes were red and he gave a murderous killer smile. "Son of a bitch. The hell is that!?" The boy says. He then looks again. "Wait! Is that me? NO! I am not a KILLER or a MURDERER!!!" The mirrors were now filling with blood. The boy washed his face and as he's washing it, he notices he's washing his face with blood.

The boy so frightened falls close to the bathtub and noticed there was a body, it was his mother. "Mom! Momma." He picks up the body and then he accidentally dropped her. Her arm broke when she fell. He now saw his mom drowning in her own blood. The boy cried as his mother's body disappears into some kind of darkness.

"No! Mom. Mommy! I love you. Mommy, please come back!" He says sobbing. The boy looks up at the mirror again and this time it's his father. "Da... dad?" His father then speaks, "You have betrayed us! You are not even worth being called my son. You dare kill us!? You're nothing but a bastard!"

"No dad, I didn't kill you. Remember? I... I couldn't have killed you. I was trying to save you, remember?" "Oh, I remember you killed us with that blade I gave you. You're a disgrace to me! It was a mistake giving birth to you! Now I would love to see you die. We don't need you anyway." "Dad, wait! I can change! I can change!" the boy says as his father as well fades away into darkness.

The boy was saying to himself, "I killed my family? No, I saved them. I'm sure I saved them." The boy's blood felt as if it rushed to his brain. His head started to hurt at that moment. He hears gunshots, a blade penetrating someone's skin and someone laughing maliciously. While the last person screams for help, "NOOO PLEASE SPARE ME MY LI...." The blade penetrated through that person. The boy heard himself scream, "No! Momma! Poppa!"

The boy finally wakes up from that horrible nightmare. Joyce had been hitting him with the pillow. "Hey, are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep." "Joyce, you're okay!" He gets up and starts to hug her. "Okay, there, there now. You're okay," said Joyce "So, what did I say?" asked the boy. "Something about your parents. Do you want to talk about it?" "I... Don't know if I should anymore. I'm already frightened as it is."

"Okay, you know what... here... you can sleep on top of the bed with me. Just for this night, so you don't have any more nightmares," said Joyce. "Thank you, Joyce. Why are you being so sweet to me?" "I don't know exactly. I guess I need you too," Joyce says while smiling and giving the boy a wink.

The boy checks the time. It was 2:00 A.M. He then gets up on Joyce's bed, gets comfortable and asks Joyce, "Hey, do you think I'll be all right? That I'll get over all of this fear?" "I told you so many times already. As long as you're with me, you'll be safe and healthy. Okay? You little sweetheart."

Both of them went back to sleep. After their sleep, Joyce wakes up at 7:00 A.M. Only to find out that the boy was not on her bed nor on the floor. "Where is he!?" She said to herself.

Word count 2,454

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