
Looking Forward To Meet You Mr..

" another story for another time.."he said to me and change the subject..

After that I didn't asked more.. we talk little bit.. than he gone for sleep.. and I don't know what to do now.. so I entered our training room.. and started to do some workout..

I feel really tried but I don't know how to sleep.. why can't i just sleep..

Today's is one more big day..meeting with Stefan.


I don't know how to talk to him.. or what to do.. how can I face him.. when we meet or stood front of each other how can I act.. all are just to much for me..

Thinking all this.. I forget that time passed.. and it's morning five clock..

I just go to gym and started to workout.. like yesterday.. today's big day for me.. I have to meet him.. finally we both are going to stood front of each other..

He already know that I am here.. maybe he know about me.. I don't know.. that message.. that message tell me that he know all this.. but still I can't just think like this..

I have to talk to him.. I have to know that what he know about me..

After that.. I don't know what next..

If he think that I am Ava.. than I will play him.. and kill him..

But if he he know that I am not Ava.. than I don't know how can I will deal with him.. I don't know.. meeting him knowing him than I have to plan accordingly.. than I will get Ava's revenge..

"Heyy.." someone said to my back side.. I turned and look that it's him standing there.. looking at me..

I stop running machine.. and looking Walk toward him..

" Hy good morning.. sleep well.." I asked him with smile.. whipping all sweat in my face..

" I think so.. what about you.. you sleep well.." he asked me.

" Yeahh.. me too.." I said to him with fake smile.. when I know I am saying is all lie..

" Don't lie Rose.." he said to me.. I rise my eyebrow..

" Sorry.. what.." I started to say but he cut me off..

" I saw you.. you didn't sleep.." he said to me.. ohh now he cough me..

" Why.." he asked..

" Already told yaa.. my sleeping problem.." I told him..

" I know right.. I am asking why.." he said to me..

" I don't know.. maybe I stressed too much.. or.. I really don't know oky.." I literally going to snap him..

" Hyy.. shh.. relax.. relax.." he said and come closer to me and hug me.. I didn't say anything and hug him back..  and I feel little relax..

" Hungry.." he said broking hug.. and looking at me.. and nodded to him. Cozz I am hungry as hell..

We both are left the gym.. and I saw all boys are sitting in dining table and girls are making breakfast.. when we enter.. they all stop.. and look at us..

" Ohh.. Rose.. what are you doing here.." Noah said to me.. me and Eric both walk there.. and than stood front of them..

" Yeahh I just got here in this morning.. when you all are sleeping.." I tell them..

Girl's all are stop whatever they where doing..  and come to stood front of me.. I know they already guilty about what they did.. so I know what they gonna say..

" Rose.. I am soo soo sorry for the yesterday night.. we didn't.." she started to explain herself.. I stop her in middle..

" It's okay.. it's Happened.. I also Didn't tell you about this.. if I could be your side. Maybe I also react like this.. so no big deal." I told her with small smile. She after that hug Me tightly..

" Thank you so much Rose.. I thought you never understand this.. " she said. And broke the hug..

" It's really oky Amelia.."i said to her.

" And yeahh we are sorry to.." all are said in Union. I nodded. And smile to them.

" Oky come on join us. Breakfast almost ready" Sofia said to me. And I nodded again. And site besides Noah.. Eric also come and join my other side.

" By the why.. your both performance are really good.. and you have very sweet voice. I didn't know that you sing.." Nicky said to me..

" Thanks.. it's just plan in last movement.. but I am happy that those go well.. and you guys enjoy it.. and thanks guys to come.. " I tell them.. and we started to eat..

" About your girlfriend's.. damn they all are beautiful and cool" Matt said.. and we all are stop and looking at him.. when he feel that we all are looking at him. He stopped eating and give us little bit nervous look. " What I was just saying.." he started to explain but stop when we all are brush in laughter's..

" That's not a good one.. I am literally scared" he said. And we didn't stop once.. still laughing to he's look..

" Dude you have to see your face.." Logan said to him.. and he just rolled his eyes like girls do..

" By the way.. he's saying right.. girl's are cool and hot and all.." Jordan said and all are agree with this..

" That Naomi girl.. damn she's looking very so sexy.. and hard to talk with her.." Alex said. And I rise my eyes when he said. But other side.. I see that Noah's jew cliche.. what just happened.. I ignore it..

" Okay stop it this guy's.. " Sofia said to them.

" So when we all meet them again.." Hannah said looking at me.. and all are eye's on use..

" Well let's see.. for now we have most important work to do.. I just want to close stafen matter after that I will call the girl's to join us.. for dinner or something.. " i tell them and they nodded..

" We will.. any plans for today.. how to do.. any ideas" I looking at them.. don't know what to say.. I can't tell them about that message. They will worry about me more.

" I didn't think much.. I just want to see that.. he's know me.. how he reacts.. after that.. I will plan what to do with him.. and how.. " I tell them. And they nodded. And we didn't talk after that.. I know they all are thinking about it.. I know they all are angry.. hurt.. and ready to get there revange.. but we have to play safe. And smooth..

I don't know what that stafen guy do when he see me.. I know he's aspecting me here today.. and I am coming and fullfil he's wish.. but what's going on in he's head.. that is that most important part I have to figure out.

After our breakfast.. boy's are gone for looking all today's things that they are doing perfectly or not.. we girl's are sitting around to the hall. They are talking about all girls stuffs.. I am just sitting with them. And listing.. well it's not my think or maybe my think.. I always bore then they talked about this..

" So tell me Rose what are you wearing today.." Nicky asked me.. and like this.. there's eye's on me.. I give them blank look..

" I..I don't know.. I didn't think about it." I told them. And yeah I really didn't think about it. What to wear or what to not..

Could I wear like dress and act like Ava.. or I will ready like I always do.. don't know..

" Well you can broth anything you want in my closet.. I don't mind.." Amelia said to me . I just nodded. And smile at her.

" How about we all are go to the mall. And shop little bit.. I am kinda bored.. and it's could be fun you know.." I tell them. It's not that I don't want to wear Amiles clothes.. it's just I really feel bornig. And I have to do that time goes very fast..

" Damn.. that sounds exciting.. you know.. we didn't go for shopping so long.. I am in.. what you say girl's." Sofia asked to them..

" I don't mind.." Hannna  said. And like this Amelia also agree on this..

" But we have problem.." Amelia said and stop there when are going to get up for freshen up..

" We have to tell this to Eric.. or else he's going to mad.." Sofia said to us.. and I just rolled my eyes..

" Call him.." i said to her.. and she little bit hesitate.. but nodded.. why we have to tell him this.. he's not our dad.. or he is.. huh.. have fine out this..

" Hayy Eric.." she said to him. With little bit nervous look.

" Yeahh we are fine.. it's just.." she tell him.. maybe he asked that we are fine or not.. that's strange..

" No.. no Eric.. listen to me first are you.." she said him to frustrating voice.

" Rose want to talk to you.. " she tell him. And don't know what  he said. She give it to me. I take her phone.. and than receive he's call.

" Hyy Eric.. it's Rose.." I said to him..

" Hyy.. what you want to talk about.." he asked me. Not a west any movement..

" Actually we was thinking.. I mean no I was thinking that.. we girl's are go for shopping.." i started to tell him but he stop me.. and I hate this when someone do this..

" No stay there. We all are coming back in half an hour.. but why you want to go for shopping.." he said in frustrating voice..

" Well you forget that we are girl's.. and we like to go to Shopping.. and I are not asking to you.. I am telling you that we are going.. and we will see you in evening.. so bye for now. see you soon.." I snapped him and end the call. And give it bakc t Amber..  they are looking at me little bit shock..

" What.." I asked them..

" You just snapped him. .and hang up on him without waiting he's answer.. you are in trouble girl.." Sofia said to me.. and I Just rolls my eyes..

"Ohh it's nothing.. we will see that.. now come on.. meet me in 10 minutes.. go ready as fast as you can.. we don't have much time.." I tell them.. they all are nodded. And we all left for our rooms. Well technically.. I don't have her my own room.. because I never stay in night.. so I entered Eric's bedroom.. and grab he's smallest size t-shirt.. and wear it.. and wash my face. Didn't try to do anything.. just comb my hair. And adjust myself. And like this. I left he's room.

Well it's to easy.. I already have my jeans so I just borrow he's t-shirt.. so I don't think that he mind about it.. reaching downstairs I waited to girl's.. they come and we like this. We all are left for mall..

We al are chatted and having fun.. when I feel that someone's is following us.. and I get it.. that's why Eric told no to us.. ignoring that.. we shop.. I didn't even give girls the hint that we have been follow..

We go enter shop after shop. And they all are hungry girls like they never shopp in a couple of weeks.. an I don't mind for that.. I enjoy with them I also laugh at them sometimes. They are funny.. and cool.. but now I understand shopping with girl's it's to horrible..

After that we eat there. I told girls to go and take care right away.. I will pay for food. They nodded. And did what I said to them. When I about to left the Mall.. something come and grabbing my waist and stop me. I didn't even face him. My back is hitting on him. I don't even try to lose in he's hold I know there the message that I really want to know..

" Wear this for tonight.. boss want to see you in this dress tonight.. hope you dont upset him.. he wants you to wear this" he said and back off.. giving me the piece of bag.. I don't know what is in there. But I really want to see what he give it to me..

Without thinking anything.. I left there. I try to look back. And see that who's that guy.. but he Rush fast.. so I didn't see him..

Now I got it that he wants me to wear this.. and I also got it that he know that I will be there. And going to meet him today..

Whatever and whoever is this guy.. he's to smart.. and he's one step a head of us.. and I have to catch him before he do..

I am really looking forward to see you Mr...

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