

Lumielle had steeled herself for the coming of Cosette as best as she could. Fingers touched the dried ink of her vellum notebook. There was nothing she could do other than wait for her arrival. It was going to be the day that she debuted in high society, Lumielle had just turned fourteen, her birthday overlapped with the week of the debuting ball. As such, many things had been amiss. Deciding her celebrate her birthday after, she had received another present from Asterias. A white rose. Perhaps, it was an apology for not being in the Capital but Asterias had gone back to his mother's home town, her birthday was near the day of the debutante. As such, she had realized that was the reason he was going to be late. At least, Asterias had gone with his father. A small vacation for the Everton family.

Falling asleep had been difficult, once she closed her eyes, the curtains were yanked open and she could hear the sound of footsteps. A sensitive sleeper, she looked to see that dawn hadn't even broken. Evangeline was the first one to act, "We must start getting ready, Princess."

She had endured this once before, the maids sneering at her as they helped her get ready. Evangeline's gentle hands touching her hair as she snapped at Viria who also started to squabble. She had almost been late due to their fighting. This time, it was all the more different. Greeted with energetic faces, she was pulled out of the comfort of her bed. It wasn't as though she was upset, she didn't need much sleep.

"How is the water temperature, Princess?"

"Make sure to bring the lavender rose oils!"

"Where is the hairbrush?"

Massaging her fingers and remaining as still as possible, the remaining maids scurried around. Another one had placed a mask on her face to help with the bloating that mornings usually brought. The aroma of lavender and roses filling the air as she blinked. By now, the sun had started to rise. The brilliance of the sun filling the room and warming the scene in a brilliant raspberry hued gold. The thin bathrobe had been quite cold as it slipped down her shoulders.

"Mielle?" Aris asked as all the maids whipped their heads to the door to see her brother sleepily rubbing his eyes. Behind him were Leo and Rowan. Quickly, they placed their hands over Aris's eyes, "The Princess is getting ready for her debutante. We should get going." Rowan spoke his words rushed as Leo grabbed the shoulders of the Crown Prince steering him out of the room. Blushes staining their cheeks as Sylvia grabbed a brush slicing it over her throat as if to insinuate that she would kill the two if this happened again.

"We shall we back," Rowan said smiling and averting his eyes from Lumielle who could only chuckle. These children were adorable, then again, she was also a child. Perhaps, she should have been more chagrined.

The warmth from a heated towel was placed on her hair as the grueling process started. Aris came to visit her near lunch time with a plate of cookies and he ate them in front of her after being chided by Evangeline that she shouldn't have anything to eat due to the dress and bloating. Aris promised that he would bring some more but she could feel the smugness behind his smile. He needed to stop hanging around Asterias.

"What do you mean he's going to be late?" Sylvia asked, pulling back from her makeup to look almost aghast by Lumielle's answer of what time Asterias would be picking her up.

Lumielle resisted the urge to chuckle as she could feel Evangeline shoot her a glare as if not to move and ruin their hard work, another brush was placed upon the apex of her cheeks, "He had something to do today. He said he'll meet me at the event."

Maddy clicked her tongue, "You should have gone with the Grand Duke Salvatore's son. I heard that he also asked you."

"I thought I told you to keep it a secret," Cora chided before bowing her head, "I'm sorry, Princess. I don't know how everyone found out." Lumielle smiled telling her that it was alright.

Good, that rumor had been spread just as she had wanted. She remembered Cosette's pure adoration for Allard; if that didn't change in this life, it would be a perfect ploy to help cement her revenge. She was glad that Sylvia was personable. Everyone trusted and knew her. Their eyes met as Sylvia gave her a closed-eyes smile, a knowing simper.

"I already agreed to attend with Asterias," she answered.

"I can't believe our Princess has both heirs of the Grand Duchy's wrapped around her finger," Evangeline said smiling as she continued to work on her hair.

Lumielle almost coughed, her body spasm being somewhat controlled as her gold eyes assessed the maids who were also nodding. That was not the case, Allard was only interested in her due to the instruction of his parents. Befriending the Imperial Princess would only open doors for him; he was not doing this out of adoration. Asterias on the other hand, she paused, he was impractical. She had no way of predicting what he was thinking.

"You're right, our Princess is going to be the prettiest at this debutante," Maddy exclaimed finishing painting her nails.

Cheeks were a slight pink, "Stop this nonsense." Her words were weak with chagrin as the other maids laughed.

The dress that she had worn was white. With Sylvia's impeccable work her hair looked gorgeous. Slightly wavy, she had somehow adorned diamonds and pearls inside of her tresses. It was as if she had been blessed by the sparkling lights for the intertwining pearls and diamonds made her look ethereal. The bracelet that the two siblings had gotten her was adorned on her wrist as were the earrings that Asterias had given her.

The dress made her look like the maiden of the snow. A beautiful white dress, the sleeves were long and translucent making them glitter in the light. The heart-shaped neckline was accentuated by the translucent fabric creating a high neck-line. A small stone sat near the center of her chest, a light blue one that mirrored her earrings. White roses had strewn about the dress towards the button of her dress and a white ribbon sinched her waist. She looked as if she was blessed by the moon goddess. Indeed, all the work that had gone towards day was not in vain. Wearing white heels that were barely shown, she knew that it was an immense amount of money that had gone towards her outfit.

"Sir Helio would like to come in," Leo responded as Lumielle nodded. Her father's secretary approached. In his hands was a velveteen box. Bowing to the Princess, he greeted her.

"What do you have?" Sylvia asked as she didn't allow Lumielle to speak as she was still finishing up her makeup.

Helio opened the box, "A gift from his Majesty. He was apologetic that the debutant took so much time and that the Princess's birthday could not be celebrated." Inside was a ruby stone necklace, a gold chain. It was beautiful indeed, but it clashed with her dress. Luckily, the ruby was in the shape of a rose. At least there was a theme.

Evangeline took the box, "The Princess is grateful."

Helio bowed, "Honor and blessings to the Princess. You look quite beautiful. I'm sure his Majesty will say the same." What a farce. Yet, she couldn't help but feel her heart waver. Was her father really showing interest in her? Perhaps, he wouldn't come hand in hand with Cosette. Maybe, she had changed him. Maybe, her father would be kinder towards her. Lumielle couldn't help but wonder if she should depend on him, but realizing that she was already having expectations, it was far too late. Helio left as Evangeline sighed looking at the necklace. It was indeed beautiful but the stark red and gold made it stand out against the scheme that she was going for.

"Are you going to be wearing it?" Maddy asked tilting her head as Sylvia finished applying some more gloss to her lips.

Evangeline reacted quickly and placed it inside of her hand. It was heavy, "I suppose I should. My father is the one who gave it to me. Is there a way to take off the stone here?" Lumielle asked pointing to the silver-blue one that was embedded inside of her dress.

"We shall make adjustments," Evangeline responded.

It took another hour for the dress to be put on. The mirror reflected her appearance and she was nothing short of surprised. She did not even recognize herself. The maids looked extremely proud as Lumielle let out an exhale, "I look," she paused trailing off.

"You look beautiful, Mielle."

Turning around, she looked to see her brother. He was smiling at her, "Did you just compliment me?" Lumielle asked smiling as her brother took her hand.

"It was a one-time thing."

"Shame, I would have loved to hear it more," Lumielle spoke with a slight pout. Aris was going to escort her to her carriage. Was she excited? Lumielle wasn't sure.

"That's an ugly necklace," Aris said honestly.

Lumielle laughed, "Our father got it for us. Be careful, that would be imperial slander."

Aris paused, "The necklace is still ugly," he whispered in her ear.

She giggled, "That's slander against the imperial family. How dangerous," she teased.

"I'm terrified," Aris shot back as the two approached the carriage. He looked hesitant before he wrapped his arms around her. It was one of the first times that her younger brother had hugged him. Lumielle did not mind instigating the contact, wrapping herself around her younger brother as he frowned and tried to push her off. She hugged him back as Aris closed his eyes. There was something about tonight that put him on edge, he wished that Asterias was here holding his sister's hand but he could not contest. Aris had thrown a fit when he had heard about Asterias being her partner, without Lumielle's knowledge, and then gotten even angrier when the white-haired male said that he would be arriving late.

Lumielle patted the back of his head as she did when they were children, it felt like just a day ago he was crying over the fact that she had accidentally eaten nuts, "I'll be back soon."

Did he realize that Cosette was coming today? Did he sense her tension? Aris nodded before letting her go, "You'll be the prettiest at the ball because you're my sister." He had a smile on his face as Lumielle laughed. Leo took her hand helping her step inside of the carriage.

"Go to bed early, I'll be back by tomorrow."

Aris ushered her forward as she closed the carriage window and sat down. Evangeline was in front of her as she exhaled. Her heart was pounding loudly. She had done all she could; her father, perhaps, he would be there from the start. Maybe, he wouldn't come with Cosette and be her partner. Lumielle had hopes; this time, things would be different.

GOD, i feel like it took FOREVER to get here but we are here !! anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. it was really fun to write !!

i really miss writing asterias but he's not back yet, but do not fret he'll be back soon. xoxo

omg, also i POSTED the wrong chapter. i apologize guys !!

saemicreators' thoughts
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