
[Bonus chapter] Looking Forward

"As if before this whenever I told you to scram, you really did," said Raelle. "You have never been that obedient. You and I both know that."

Hyson smirked at that, "But then aren't you the same? Everyone thinks you're obedient too. But you and I both know how much of a lie that is. There is no one more scheming than you around here. Your obedience wasn't any different than mine."

"Isn't that why we are still here together?" asked Raelle. "Didn't you say you'd come straight to the banquet hall?"

"I changed my mind," replied Hyson. "I wanted to see you first." Then he pulled her up from the lounge chair and made her stand up before him. He even made her twirl for him. He was really doing whatever he wanted without any obstructions. It showed how Hyson was allowed to do whatever he wanted and no one would stop him. Not even Raelle.

He tapped his chin in satisfaction once he was done looking.

"Like what you see?"

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