
Chapter 65 I feel like I wrote a romance novel and I don’t know what to think.

And so, I told her everything. That I had a past life and that I wasn't anything much at the time, just a person who sat in front of the computer. I told her about my death, not including the part about Dio, and that I was reincarnated.

I didn't tell her that this world was something I saw in an anime, I just told her that there's a set timeline and I have to keep things as close as possible, and one of those important events was the training camp invasion and that Katsuki had to be abducted.

And surprisingly… she took that well.

She accepted it a lot easier than I thought she would. I honestly have no clue, but I think it's because everything I did will be explained if I was reincarnated with special abilities.

In fact, she was quite curious, specifically about my world as it should be an exact copy of this world 200 years ago, without quirks or anything of the likes.

She was especially surprised when I told her that [Vector Manipulation] wasn't my quirk.

But when I told her about Rumi…

[Bloodlust detected]

Yeah, she didn't take that too well, [Sixth Sense] was screaming to run the fuck away, but I couldn't just do that, so I endured my shivering legs.

Women are scary.

But she settles down and decided she should meet her for a 'friendly talk'. Ain't no way I'm believing that, but I don't say anything.

Momo- "So… what happened to the 'me' in the original timeline? The one where you don't exist."

Arata- "Well…"

This is a surprising question. I mean, I would be curious too, so I guess this question makes sense. But… what do I say to her? I purse my lips while my brain works quickly to filter out things I can say and things I can't.

Arata- "For one, you weren't the class president. Izuku ended up getting that spot because my vote for you was missing. Of course, like this time, he gave his spot to Iida later."

She nods while looking at me curiously. What am I going to reveal next?

Arata- "You became something like the strategist of class 1A, because you always quickly think of the best plan."

Her eyes widen as she couldn't really believe it. It seems like she still has a trace amount of doubt. I just smile in response. Soon, very soon, that doubt will disappear and she will grow into a beautiful flower.

Arata- "You also like the same guy."

Momo- "I see… wait… that doesn't make sense. I mean, you said you don't exist in that timeline-"


She stops talking and quickly covers her mouth with her hand.

Arata- "Hmm? It's Todoroki, right?"

It should be Todoroki, right? I mean, I personally thought Momo liked Shoto in the original series, it should be the same, right? I mean, for now. I don't like the idea of NTRing Shoto but I doubt he feels the same way and I really don't want to give up on her.

But it seems like I was wrong? Who is it then? I doubt that I, a master of love, can't find out who she likes.

(A/N: PFFT! *Spits out my drink*)

Let' see. She doesn't seem to show any excessive amount of goodwill to any specific person… I mean, except me, but that's not what I'm looking for. She also doesn't call anyone intimately… except me, but everyone calls me by my first name…

Maybe there's a hint in her speech? Did she say anything specific? Recently she said 'but you don't exist in that timeline' before stopping herself by covering her mouth.

What did she mean by that? She was confused because I said you 'like the same person' but then she said that… so…

Holy fuck.

(A/N: Come on… you're almost there…)

I think…

I think she…

I look over at her to see that she's still covering her mouth while the redness of her cheeks spread to a large area of her face as she glances up to meet my eyes before quickly sifting them away again.

I am a dum dum.

(A/N: … I have no words.)

Now, normally, my face would be heating up at this moment, but…

[Your Poker Face skill has levelled up]


Momo seems to have realised I figured it out and is now covering her face with both of her hands, but I can still see her blushing.

Arata- "Momo…"

She froze when I called her name.

Arata- "By any chance… do you… No… Who do you like?"

I began asking a question but changed it midway. It would be less awkward if I were wrong.

Momo- "…uo?"

I couldn't hear her. Which is amazing in on itself because I can locate the exact position of a fucking butterfly within a 10-meter radius with just my fucking ears, that's how crazy my DEX stat is.

Arata- "I'm sorry, nani?"

(A/N: Nani!?)

Momo- "… What about you?"

Oh god, I'm going to regret saying this.

Arata- "… I… like you…"

I say while scratching my cheek.

What the fuck is this!? A romance novel!? I feel so embarrassed! Momo must be feeling that as well, she's as red as a fucking tomato! Not like super embarrassed pinkish red, I mean red red! Like her hero costume!

I mean- Hmm? What's this? [Sixth Sense] is picking up embarrassment, sure. But… there's also… happiness? Shyness? And something I normally pick up from Rumi right before we fuck… Love?

Mmm… that confirms it. Momo… is in love with me as much as I am with her.


And we just stared at each other, one with a cool impassive face that's threatening to break down at any moment and the other with beet-red cheeks covered by her hands while she looks up at you with those obsidian puppy eyes.

My heart… I can't take it…

Arata- "Momo… I… was in love with you for a few months by now. The first time I saw you, I thought you were a beautiful mature woman. I was infatuated. But the more I got to know you, that infatuation with your looks turned into a love for everything about you. Your kindness, your vulnerable states, everything."

Momo- "I… love you too. When I was down about being useless after the sports festival you cheered me up. During the USJ invasion, although you didn't outright stop it, you went out of your way to personally save us and make sure we all went home. Even then you always did what you could to make us safe by giving us many different pieces of tech and gadgets."

Wow, I really did all that didn't I? I mean I was just trying not to die, but now… maybe… just maybe… all my work so far want that bad.

Momo- "By the way, you're already in a relationship with Rumi Usagiyama and you just confessed your love to me. We need to talk on your morals."

Ah fuck.


A/N: They finally confessed ohmygodtwnkfucrjgrhguwu934tyw

ROB: r/ihadastroke

MC: >_>

Momo- "*Blushing intensifies*

AN: By the way, lots of people are against you telling Momo about your past life.

MC: Yeah probably something to do with tradition of keeping past lives a secret. I honestly I dont know why I should keep it a secret.

Momo: I, for one, am glad you told me... you're still no getting off the hook though.

MC: Ah fuck.

Let me know if I missed something, also consider dropping a power stone, it helps and you get a free one daily!

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