

"Reyyyyy .... !!!" Jelita jogged while screaming for Rey, her arms stretched out and hugged Rey's body tightly.

"ehm !!" without them knowing Danil was standing behind Jelita.

Jelita took off her arms and turned around to see who surprised her.

"Oops..Sorry, Danil .. habit." Danil frowned at the word 'habit' that came out innocently from his wife's sweet lips. Meanwhile, Rey remains calm and relaxed.

"Danil, let me know, this is Rey." Jelita said, pointing at Rey.

Rey stretched out his hand and was greeted by the size of Danil's hand, but anyone who saw could conclude that there was a murderous air in Danil's gaze.

"Danil, Jelita's husband." Danil said.

"Reynald, Her Brother Jelita." Danil gawked at once. Rey? Jelita's sister? but Danil quickly got over himself.

"Sorry at your wedding, I can't go home, because I have to replace papa to take care of his business overseas."

"Oh, is it okay to be happy to meet you?"

"Rey .."

"Mama .." Rey approached the woman who was half old but still looked fit and beautiful. Rey kissed her hand and kissed her mother's cheeks.

"Papa where?"

"There is ... you said the pick up was after lunch, how come it's been here at this hour?"

"There's something Rey has to tell Jelita, Ma, that's why Rey was here sooner."

"What's wrong Rey?" asked Jelita.

"Come on, let's sit inside." Danil said. Jelita clung to Rey's arm spoiled, while Danil could only take a deep breath when he saw his wife's behavior.

"Forgive Jelita, Dan. She's really spoiled with Rey,"

"It's okay ma."

"Danil's spirit, they are brothers, it's clear that they are close." Danil thought encouraging himself.

"Rey, what would you like to drink?" Danil asked when they were sitting in the family room.

"Coffee is fine."

"I'll do it." Jelita said. Danil again feels jealous with Jelita's treatment of Rey..eh .. jealous ??

Not long after, Jelita came with a cup of black coffee without sugar, and put it on Rey's front desk.

"Please have the coffee," said Jelita

"There's no cyanide, right?" Rey said taking his coffee cup.

"Nothing, just a little mixture of coffee and rat poison." Jelita said with a chuckle.

"The correct one?" Rey said.

"Yes or no .. why am I giving poison to you, no need to know?"

"No use but give laxatives."

"Ye at that time on purpose so you didn't go abroad, so I gave you the medicine."

"Danil, you have to be careful, having a wife is too sadistic like him." Danil smiled.

Meanwhile Jelita just stuck her tongue at Rey. even then did not escape from Danil's vision.

'Gemes' said Danil to himself.

"Anyway, what's up Rey, he said he wanted to say something earlier." Jelita said, Rey put the coffee cup on the table.

"I already know who tried to bring down Danil."

"Who's Rey?" Danil and Jelita said together.

"He elahhh ... very compact, relax." Rey teased. Danil and Jelita looked at each other, a second later they bowed in shame.

"So, who are they?" now it was his papa's turn to ask.

"Richard Mahendra." Danil looked up at Rey intently.

"You're kidding me .. he's my uncle."

"In fact, your real enemy is your uncle, your uncle, the problem that often arises is in the command of your own uncle, they want to take over your company. you." Hearing Rey's explanation, Danil fell silent.

"But the second largest shareholder in your company is PT. Chandra Corp." Even the CEO is the biggest investor in your company. "Said his father Jelita.

"Previously, Chandra Corp was owned by my maternal grandfather, but it was sold because my siblings wanted an even distribution of assets. And I myself never know who owns Chandra Corp now, even during shareholder meetings, only his assistant came." said Danil. Rey and Jelita looked at each other.

"That means your uncle's chances are also very small, unless the CEO of Chandra Corp appoints your uncle as CEO." Papa said.

"Looks like you have to quickly clarify about the photo, Danil." Jelita said.

"I'll help you."

"Very well, I'll have my assistant prepare for tomorrow's press conference." said Danil

"Mr. lunch is ready." Mbok Rahmi said

"Pah. Mah, Rey let's eat first." invite Danil. They have lunch together, and full of intimacy, Danil is grateful when he is down there are still people who support him.

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