
What A Boyfriend You Got There

"Death on the 18th stab? It means the stabs must have extremely quick, else she would have bled to death or died out of heart failure from the pain by the time the killer got to umm, say, the 10th or the 11th stab." Lisa looked up to John with this new revelation.

John also jumped in, "It must have happened very quick, the stabs were also deep; meaning the force behind it must have been good. The person doing it had to have been strong enough to do that." 

"Our prime suspect is a girl right?" the guy from the back who first spoke, asked again.

"Yes…" John and Lisa watched each other nodding an answer to the question.

"What's the time of death?" John asked again to the girl whom they interrupted earlier.

"It's around 10 to 10:30." It was finally known at what time Ariadne had died.

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