
#3 - Random Rant

Look, I wasn't planning on posting this but here we go. I've always found it ever so slightly troublesome that the only genres under female lead are: Urban, History, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Teen, and LGBTQ+.

While on the other hand, the genres under male lead are: Urban, Fantasy, History, Horror, Sci-Fi, Sports, and Games.

Why is there even a difference in the first place regarding genres for each lead? And get this, Urban female lead displays as Contemporary Romance, History female lead displays Historical Romance, Fantasy displays as Fantasy Romance, Sci-Fi turns into Sci-Fi romance, and Teen stays teen which is good and so does LGBTQ+.

This begs the question to me of why a history genre with a female lead HAS to have romance? Why does a fantasy story with a female lead HAVE to have romance? It doesn't make any sense to me as to why it's required.

For another thing, take a look at the male lead side of things. They have extra genres like Horror, Sports, and Games. For some reason, LGBTQ+ has completely disappeared. This has made me run into issues where my story, Nights Like These, has a female lead and is a horror story. It makes no sense at all.

Anyways, I digress. Back to the main point. Urban for male lead displays as Magical Realism, Fantasy displays as Fantasy, History displays as History, Horror displays as Horror, Sci-Fi displays as Sci-Fi, Sports displays as Competitive Sports, and Games displays as Video Games.

Uh, what? Nothing of that makes any sense to me - they don't even have anything romance-related! Why is there a huge difference between the possible genres for female leads and male leads? It doesn't make sense.

Why can't a romance story be told from the perspective of the guy? Why does every genre girl related have to involve romance? Why can't the genres for sports, horror and games be for female leads as well? Why is LGBTQ+ only limited to female leads?

My brain is getting fried from thinking about it all.

As my last point, I'll be sure to create a male lead romance. Mark my words.

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