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"Aella said-"

"I know what she has been telling you. She is also the one that stole away wind mana from you while you rested. You did not lose enough to cause you harm, just enough that you were able to be awakened by your little one." Mordant had seen quite a bit. 

His eyes were not prying in the sense that he invaded privacy. He had just done exactly as he had been asked of by Ventus before she left. Keep his eyes on any trouble that might appear. Make sure that the slumbering dragon were safe. Ensure that the hatchlings had good care. 

He had done all of this along with the help of a few others. Even Ignus had made a point to fly through the wind dragon territory to show that a royal dragon was not far. For some of the elder wind dragons, that was a very positive event. A few others felt violated by it. Hence why Mordant remained hidden in the shadows. 

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