
1873. Peaceful Nature

The slit gray pupils focused on Walker's every word. It was the elder echidna ensuring that he was speaking the truth. However, Walker also felt that there was more to it. As if the elder was looking through him and at his abilities further. 

"You may share what you know of the world. I wish to hear how you understand the past. How you managed to see the remnants of evil that once threatened the entirety of nature." The elder appeared to want more knowledge under this. 

"The story of that is shorter compared to the stories of how we got all the way here. But we can share anything you want to know. I didn't come here for anything other than to learn and offer a hand." Walker was still honest. The quest might still be there but that was secondary. There was also the fact that the quest was still not been completed. It meant that there was so much more to discovering the race than they thought. 

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