
71. Maze

Gil snuck down the smaller hallways taking note of any differences in the floor in case of traps. These hallways didn't have any indents for bodies but did have spots for candles long since burned. He noticed some moth eaten tapestry once hung on the walls.

The hallways were not long and he came to a small room at the end. A stone altar was in the center covered in carved symbols. The walls were carvings of worship. Along with the heavens and flames underneath the ground. Upon the altar were some ancient gold coins and a book that was strangely in good condition. It appeared to be dusty but not rotten or overly damaged. Gil took note that the symbols in the alter may have had something to do with this.

He inspected the altar and the book finding a small metal thread underneath the book. Using an arrow he fixed the thread so it would not move. He'd lose an arrow but gain an unknown book that could hold many secrets.

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