
~Chapter 10~

A few years had passed, and Firespark had grown to the average age of a human 10-year-old. Deeming that she was ready for responsibilities, Soundwave had given her the tasks of gathering data pads that held reports and information regarding different topics, mostly energon mines, and Autobot sightings.

The pink femme had practically memorized the entire warship, as her routes were similar to the last. Lazerbeak would follow her around, making sure that she wouldn't get lost, like many countless times during her first runs. If he got tired, being the kind sister she was, he would rest on her shoulder plating.

This list of tasks was easy enough: gather data from commanding vechicons and retrieve the daily energon ration for her family. Since sire was third in command, rations were insignificantly larger than that of a standard soldier.

"You better save your energy, Lazerbeak, cause you have to carry either mine or your cube back," Firespark advised her older brother.

The mini drone gave a small huff of air and landed on her shoulder, "Why do I have too?"

"Because I can't carry all three cubes and data tablets in one go," she responded as she opened the door to the control room.

The room was busy with soldiers and commanders as they filled out their reports. Even though they seemed, all the same, the femme could always call out one specific clone, "Hey Steve,"

The said vechicon looked her way with a slight wave, "Hey Firespark. Running the Commander's errands?"

"You know me," she smiled. Lazerbeak hummed impatiently in her audio receptors. "So, any reports I need to deliver?"

The soldier pointed over to the stack of tablets, "Over there. They're all about last night's accident."

Tenderly she balanced the stack in her arms, "Thank you, Steve," she called as she left the room. Her attention went back to her brother, "What was that for?"

"We're here to do a job, not mess around," he replied coldly. "Besides they're replaceable so there's no need to make friends with them,"

Hurt by his comment, she didn't respond to him and continued to the energon storage compartment. Vechicons held a special place in her spark since they tried to protect her years ago, only to end up offline.

Lazerbeak had flown off and grabbed the cube for Soundwave while pushing the other cubes toward his younger sister, "There, we got everything. Let's not be late now,"

Grabbing the two containers, she stacked them on top of each other and followed the mini drone toward their shared quarters.

The doors slid open, and the duo stepped inside. Firespark placed down the energon and made her way toward her sire and set down the stack of datapads. Soundwave looked over to his children and nodded in acknowledgment.

And that was how her days went every day. Do jobs and get a small thanks in return. She loved her sire, but now he seemed distant.

Lazerbeak was starting to do the same, acting cold and always in a rush.

"Sire, is it okay that go down to Knockout?"

"What reason?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored here, and I finished my work,"

"You may go,"

She smiled and hugged him, "Thanks sire,"

The femme took off toward the medibay where her two favorite 'uncles' were at.

Knockout and Breakdown would always welcome her when she had nothing else to do. Each mech had something new and different to try, like how to repair an energon leak or maybe even how to crush someone's helm into their spark chamber. They were also great at dad jokes for some unholy reason.

The doors slid to the side, and Firespark walked in to find the red mech repairing a foot soldier, while Breakdown would tell him what he was doing wrong.

"You know, Breakdown, I am perfectly capable of repairing damaged wires and fuel lines," the medic huffed in frustration.

"I know you can, but are you sure that goes there? It looks like it should go above the other one," the blue mech suggested.

"Yes, I'm sure," he growled, fusing the metal plates back together, "See, good as new,"

The vechicon left with a small thank you, so Firespark took this time to make herself heard, "Hey guys."

Both mechs perked at her voice, "Hey there, Tiny," Breakdown greeted as he side hugged her.

"I'm not tiny!" the pink femme protested, "Soon, I'll be bigger than you,"

Knockout chuckled, "Actually, you'll be lucky if you reach his shoulder,"

"You'll see," she promised boldly, puffing out her chest, "I'll be just as important as both of you and sire,"

The two mechs shared a look at each other, "Um, Firespark, I don't think-" Knockout started but was cut off by the appearance of another Vechicon.

"What was that?" the femme asked.

"I was just saying that you can help me restore this soldier," the medic stated with an awkward grin.


Both mechs deflated in relief, "Nice cover-up," Breakdown whispered.

The two mechs and young femme spent the rest of their time repairing Vechicons, and small talk about the different parts and functions.

It was peaceful until Firespark thought of a question, "Why do they always come in injured?"

"Cause this is the medical bay," Breakdown answered.

"No, I mean, what caused them to be injured?"

"Oh! Um, well you see, it's because of-" the mech looked toward the red medic staring with wide optics.

Noticing the uncomfortable tension Firespark sighed, "Everyone avoids this question, don't they,"

"Look, Tiny, I think your sire needs to explain this to you. It's not our place to tell," the blue mech reasoned gently.

She nodded, "Okay,"

As the femme left, the mechs look at each other. "Do you think Soundwave will tell her the truth?"

"For her sake, let's hope," Knockout whispered. "It has too,"

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