
Let Me Down Slowly


"None of us can create a portal outside Sicario, kid," Hudhayfah said as he watched the smile fall off Ruru's face sadly. This is not going to be easy for them, but then it wasn't like anything had ever been easy since they left Sicario, yeah?

Ruru looped at Hudhayfah hopefully like that was supposed to make the portals create themselves. She had expected that the borders would be impenetrable but somehow she had also hoped that she would be able to get out and go back to Hawi. 

This wasn't what she had imagined and the psycho felt like punching things again. Her mate had mastered the art of testing her patience in more than one way and she knew that this was just another unfortunate incident. 

The impossible had happened and yet even then Ruru hadn't realized that she had stopped time. It was strange really how much power she had and how fucked up everything had gotten, but then what else was she supposed to say or do? 

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