
On The Wings Of Love


"You need to wake up, my beautiful," Rukiya said as she gently tapped Hawi. It was almost noon and they hadn't done anything substantial. 

Since they came home last night, with Ruru dragging Hawi by the ears, they hadn't said a word to each other. Instead, they had silently gotten into bed, with a pouting Hawi being coddled by Ruru. 

"Five more minutes," Hawi groaned, holding on to her Ruru like she was scared someone would take her woman from her. She didn't want to have negative thoughts this morning, so she focused on the warmth that she was getting from Rukiya's full chest.

 Oh, how it was tempting to pull the laced pajama down and have a taste of what she was forbidding herself, and yet wasn't forbidden to her. She was putting a lid on her pleasures and it was driving her nuts. Perhaps she would try and open the lid today?

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