
Their Son's News


Fred was on his way toward the dining hall when his phone rang in his pocket. It was his son calling him at that moment. 

He was happy that Vincent had phoned him. His son only does it when it involves the company. And so Fred wondered what kind of news Vincent would report to him. 

Fred swipes the green button and speaks, "Son, it's rare for you to call me with personal matters. Then, it is about the company?" 

"Dad, yes, it was. I phoned you to inform you that my proposal was approved." 

"Oh, that's good news! I heard that you are working to win an International project. Which one did you propose to?" 

"Dad, it's the Dream City," Vince replied.

"Dream City? Where..." The name rings a bell inside his head. Fred widened his eyes now that he remembered. "That project! You got it!" 

"Yes, dad. I will fly to Australia next week to meet our biggest client." 

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