
Did you love her?

It strangely felt like if he didn't speak about his past or spoke about it, Lan Wu would get upset either way. But since he didn't want Lan Wu to have anything to do with Qilin Kai, answering his questions was the best choice.

"Did you love her?" asked Lan Wu dropping a nuclear bomb from the very start. The question was too personal that it even surprised him. The words just spilt out of his mouth and by the time he realised how wrong that question was it was already too late.

Huishe Yue's brow creased slightly his heart leaping out of his chest. What sort of question was this? It was as though Lan Wu was going straight for the kill not giving him time to warm up. His eyes blinked slightly faster than usual as he replied, "Uh..... ye-yes. Yes, I did but why, why are you....."

Lan Wu: (covers eyes with hands internally feeling so embarrassed).

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