
Two Houses of Winter and Wolves

North of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Next Day, October of 280 AC of Westerosi Callendar / Year 10,280 - October of the Imperial Lordranese Callendar 

Surprisingly enough, the Winterfell wasn't apparently that far from the White Harbor, as it would take them only a few days to reach the Winterfell. Even though the continent of Westeros wasn't really big from the viewpoint of the Lordranians, it was still a huge landmass.

The North of the Westeros was as big as the rest of the Seven Kingdoms combined into one, making it the largest of the Seven Kingdoms. Unfortunately enough for the Northmen, it was also the most undeveloped place within the Westeros.

It was a region that was a sovereign nation ruled by the Kings in the North or, as they were also called, the Kings of Winter before the Ageon's Conquest. Yet, with the disappearance of the Magic and oversized Wyverns that the House Targaryen controlled, resistance was futile.

The largest region of the Seven Kingdoms, the dominion of House Stark, extends from the border of the New Gift, which is controlled by the Night's Watch, to the southern edge of the Neck far to the South.

The region is sparsely populated, with vast wilderness, rising moorlands, high plains, forests, pine-covered hills and snow-capped mountains, speckled with tiny villages and holdfasts.

The cold North is much less fertile than provinces in southern Westeros. Its harsh climate was deadly in winter and occasionally, it snowed even in summer. For the Fenrisians that were passing through it, it was no different than the climate at home, maybe even a little bit warmer.

The North has two major land barriers: the Wall to the North, which was considered one of the Wonders of the Known World, and the Neck to the South. The North is bound on each side by major seas, the Shivering Sea to the east and the Sunset Sea to the west.

The Fenrisians were using the typical war wagons of the Imperium as means for their transportation because they were not only for the transportation itself, but they were also warmachines in times of need.

And aside from that, they could be used in every environment, including the extremely cold and freezing one of the Lands of the Always Winter.

For their tasks in the Lands of the Always Winter, they ended up being prepared and as the entire place was or would soon be the domain of a powerful Lich, then nothing could be left to the accident.

They were very well prepared for the Lands of the Always Winter, because Ornstein had already carried out the reconnaissance of the terrain and knew how dangerous the Lands of the Always Winter were. 

The environment there was far colder than the average Fenrisian weather and in the core areas, where Ornstein only briefly went, were as cold as the Deep Winter of the Lordran, probably even colder due to the presence of Lich or something unnatural was lowering the temperature in that place.

Even though Ornstein was at Level 6, he didn't dare to enter the territory of whatever dwelled within the depths of the Lands of the Always Winter without proper preparations and equipment.

It was too dangerous and something that he didn't wish to risk his life for. The sources from the Imperial Military Intelligence were already telling that the Lands of the Always Winter were home to a very mighty Lich King.

That was a very dangerous thing because Liches of the highest order were frightening enemies, as were the Necromancers of the highest order.

They were the ones who could unleash unparalleled destruction and scourge on the enemies they had chosen, and there were only a few who could resist them in such situations.

The Holy Arcadia Empire still vividly remembered some of the most terrifying Undead and Necromancers that were a source of the most powerful Undead Scourtges that ever graced the Lands of the Ancient Lords.

During their relatively long journey from the White Harbor to the Winterfell, everyone was spending their time differently.

Ysgramor was on a different warwagon together with several captains of the Winter Wolf Knight Order, preparing his weapons for an inevitable fight and battle that was about to come.

Astrid was reading a book in her warwagon that she was sharing together with her father, who was sleeping on the upper floor of the warwagon. Their warwagons were a bit more luxurious, considering the fact that they belonged to the highest-ranked aristocracy of the Imperium.

She loved reading; it was one of the things that helped her relax and made her mind at peace.

Not to mention, since her childhood, she had a keen interest in knowledge and being educated, that was also the reason why she completed several extended courses within the Schola Progenium with honors.

Not only that, but she also completed her education at the Diesdorf Military College, which provided the best education in terms of cultivating the officers for the military.

Astrid was very well capable of commanding large-scale armies, and within the Fenris, she was often in charge of conquests of the Provincial Army against the forces of Ruin, Greenskisn and other dangers to the Fenris and Imperium. 

Aside from that, she also attended Jade College of Magic, which taught Druidism and also got apprenticeships from some of the most powerful Cryomancer Sorcerers within the Lordran. 

And that everything only fifty or so years of her life, as she was the youngest child of her father. That was also one of the reasons why she was chosen to be the Heir Apparent for the House Stark an Russ and the sovereignty of the Grand Province of Fenris. 

'The coldness that is in the environment of the North is pretty similar to that of the Lordran during the Winter... but the place for sure is poor...'

Astrid thought as she looked through the window of the luxuriously made warwagon, which was warm filled with cushions and fur. 

The constant cold and the iron grip of winter set apart the Northerners from the people of the Kingdoms south of the Neck. The North's terrain and climate do not easily yield the necessities of daily life.

Some Northmen live in remote, distant areas where they act as little more than clans and tribes. These remote folk, such as the Crannogmen, the Northern Mountain Clans, and the Skagosi, are still vassals of the Starks, however, and are allowed to maintain their own ways and traditions as long as they remain loyal to Winterfell.

From what Astrid saw and heard, coupled with the intelligence reports from the Imperial Military Intelligence, she knew that the North was the poorest area of the Seven Kingdoms of the Westeros. 

She didn't know if it was just stagnation or neglect; from what she saw, the Northw wasn't doing bad or good... they were just stagnating, having problems with the food and other necessities that were constantly being repeated in cycles. 

Countless places within the North certainly contained precious ores and metals; the richness that the North had was something that hadn't been touched by anyone in millennia and it seemed that nobody would even think about it.

But it wasn't really that weird if one thought about it more deeply. 

Before the Seven Kingdoms were unified as one, then each individual Kingdom was probably more developed than right now. To create one coherent nation or at least some cheap imitation of it, Targaryens wanted to make the individual nations within Westeros depend on each other.

Which was, in Astrid's eyes, good strategy and utter foolishness at the same time. While this strategy indeed guaranteed some sort of internal stability between the conquered nations, because each nation would be depending on the other one for their very own survival, it also destroyed their future.

Due to this, there existed many means to prevent them from developing because if they developed too much, they would stop being that dependent on the others, which would then lead to growing internal struggles and instability. 

So, the best course of action was for everyone to remain stagnant and to do nothing. 

Through this method, Targaryens managed to induct a state onto the Westeros over the course of three hundred years, that every kingdom that strived for independence would face many problems. 

Be it economic, trade, societal or political and many others that the ones that wanted to be independent would need to resolve. 

Yet, the price for this state, where nobody wanted to really separate and remain as part of the nation, where the binding element was the existence of the Iron Throne and its Wyvern by extension, was the development of the Westeros as whole.

This only showed Astrid that Targaryens were shit at ruling and politics, but that was also playing into their advantages.

"You are still reading?"

Even though Leman Stark an Russ knew that his daughter was smart, he was sometimes in pure wonder that when she wasn't training or attending to her duties, she would be constantly reading books. 

"Yes... it is interesting and you can learn a lot."

Astrid said absentmindedly to her father, who then sat opposite to her, on the leather sofa that was empty. As this was the warwagon was for the Elector Count of the Holy Arcadia Empire, there were tons of luxuries installed within the warwagon.

"Whatever makes you happy... at least you are using your time better than your brother combined."

Still that made him wonder, with how smart and dedicated she was, if she would ever marry... to preserve the Lineage of the House Stark an Russ; there were already Ragnar who sired some progeny, Ysgramor was still right now unmarried just like Astrid was.

Though with their long lives, it wasn't that much of a problem; in the end, they would live for several centuries at least, and if they reached the standards of Level 5 in their Old Blood, then they would stop aging entirely.

But that was a thought for the future still.

"How far are we from the Winterfell?"

Elector Count of the Grand Province of Fenris asked after some time observing the North before releasing a disappointed sigh at the situation that the North was in.

The conditions were terrible and from a few villages he saw, the state was terrible, poor and neglected. 

Within the Fenris, even the most remote villages looked much better because every single village within the Fenris and not only the Fenris but the whole Imperium must meet the Settlement Standards Act that was passed by the Landsraad around two hundred years ago.

According to the Settlement Standards Act, every single village must have proper fortifications, walls, village militia, living standards and every other thing. Compared to it, the villages in the North looked more or like prison camps.

"Evidently only a few hours..."

Astrid answered as she then returned to reading her book. They were on the King's Road for several past hours, which was, as it apparently seemed sole Road that was connecting at least the majority of the Seven Kingdoms together. 

And yet, it looked even worse than roads of the 3rd grade within the Holy Arcadia Empire. 

"Then we shall see... Astrid, when we arrive at the Winterfell, you will be together with me, be in charge of negotiations and everything that requires official representation of the Imperium."

Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ stated as he looked at his daughter because he wanted her to lead parts of the negotiations and diplomacy because she would be far more useful there...

She was his Heir Apparent, so it would've been inappropriate to leave her in charge of some negotiations.

"And the Knight-Kommandant of Silver Knights Dragon Slayer Ornstein would be also present or not?"

If they were going to the Lands of the Always Winter and behind the Wall, having somebody at Level 6 would be a great assurance for them. Even though she trusted the strength of her father, he was still Level 5 in the end. 

And if the things about the Lich King were indeed true, then the situation was grave and having somebody at Level 6 would give them another layer of protection.

"Yes... according to the orders from the Imperator, the Knight-Kommandant of Silver Knights is to accompany us into the True North and Lands of the Always Winter. Right now, he should be waiting for us either at the True North or at the Winterfell."

That was indeed a very positive piece of news that somebody as powerful as Ornstein would provide an extra layer of security to their expedition.

At least, in case they were attacked, they would have a good chance of survival with someone as powerful as Ornstein.


Winterfell, North, Seven Kingdoms of the Westeros.

The Winterfell was an ancestral castle and seat of power of the House of Stark for several millennia already. It was also considered as capital of the North for more than eight millennia already. 

It is in the center of the northernmost province of the Seven Kingdoms, on the Kingsroad that runs from Storm's End to the Wall. It was situated at the eastern edge of the Wolfswood, north of the western branch of the White Knife and Castle Cerwyn.

Winterfell is south of the northern mountains and southwest of Long Lake, 482 kilometers southeast of Deepwood Motte. 

Winterfell was a huge castle complex spanning several acres and encircled by two massive granite walls. There is a village outside, the Winter Town, even though right now, it already started showing the sights of the city. 

From the time Lord Rickard Stark met with the Knight-Kommandant of Silver Knights Ornstein the Dragon Slayer, the Starks released the coffers and started making massive investments into the North, something that should have been done a long time ago.

During the millenias that the Starks have been ruling the Winterfell, they gathered enormous wealth, mainly because they were never spending the money on luxuries or other unnecessary things that they didn't really need.

Winterfell has been built around an ancient Godswood and over natural hot springs. The water is piped through walls and chambers to heat them, making Winterfell more comfortable than other castles during the harsh northern winters.

Inside the walls, the complex was composed of dozens of courtyards and small open spaces. Weapons training and practice take place in those yards. The Inner Ward is a second, much older open space in the castle where archery practice takes place.

Inside Winterfell stands the Inner Castle, which contains the Great Keep and the Great Hall. Winterfell's towers and halls have diamond-shaped window panes. 

Winterfell is a huge castle complex spanning several acres, defended by two massive walls of grey granite with a wide moat between them. The Outer Wall was around 25 meters high, while the Inner Wall was more than 30 meters high.

Around the walls, there were several Guard Towers and Watchtowers; there were also Gurd Turrents on the Outer Wall and more than thirty watch turrets on the crenelated Inner Walls.

The great main gates have a gatehouse made of two huge crenelated bulwarks that flanked the arched gate and a drawbridge that opens into the market square of the Winter Town. 

When the warwagons of the Fenrisian delegation were approaching the Winterfell, the Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ felt a weird nostalgic feeling when he first set his sight at the walls of the Winterfell.

"See this... this is where our ancestor lived and ruled, Astrid."

For someone who was descended from the Lineage of the House Stark, they only knew about the glory and wonder of the Winterfell from the writings of their ancestors.

Even Astrid got more curious about Winterfell, while Ysgramor didn't really care much about the heritage of his ancestors.

He was more or like, the rest of the common Fenrisians, who had the worship and respect aspects, but it wasn't really something that he was passionate about. Astrid was meanwhile more curious about the history of this place and also its dormant Magic that was right now in the process of awakening.

The Winterfell was built by the founder of the House Stark, Bran the Builder who built many wonders throughout the continent of Westeros, including the Wall that separated the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros from the Lands of the Always Winter. 

And naturally, as the future seat of his House, Bran the Builder chose the most suitable spot to build the Winterfell, which was the location where several Leylines were crossed, meaning that the concentration of Magic during the ancient times must have been extremely high within the areas of the Winterfell.

Now, with the Resurgence of the Magic, everything was awakening and the environment was reverting to what it was once long ago. All of the lost glory and wonders would soon appear all over the Westeros and Essos. 

"I can sense tremendous Magic from it, father..."

Astrid stated quietly as she looked at the tall walls of the Winterfell, while her father, Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ nodded in agreement. With his senses being even more accurate than those of his daughter, he could see and sense the overwhelming Magic dwelling beneath the Winterfell.

"Yes... it should be built on the Dragon Veins... rather fascinating and they seem to be in the awakening process. In a few years, this place would be filled with Magic and maybe in a few centuries, it would not lose to the density of Magic within some more Magic-poor regions of the Lordran."

Dragon Veins were the source of the Magic; among the Leylines, the Dragon Veins were the ones that contained the most Magic and were something akin to the root of the Leylines.

Across every continent, there were only a few of the Dragon Veins, as they were pretty rare thing to see. And it also took a very long time, in a very Magic-rich environment for the ordinary Leylines to somehow evolve into the Dragon Veins. 

So, hearing this, even Astrid was surprised to hear that the Winterfell was built on the Dragon Veins; such a thing was rare... very, very rare.

While in the Lordran, the Dragon Veins were not as rare as they were within the other continents; even Elector Counts and High Lord Magistrates would get involved in fighting for the Dragon Veins to claim that part of the land as their own.

The last time the Dragon Vein was discovered, it was around fifty years ago and it was claimed by retired veteran Hunter of the Old Workshop who built there a training dojo and small castle for him and his descendants. 

As the Hunter was at the advanced stages of Level 6 and had pretty powerful abilities, nobody really dared to continue squabbling with Van Helsing over a plot of land where the castle was built.


Winterfell, North of the Seven Kingdoms of the Westeros

On one of the watchtowers of the Winterfell, there was a man watching the panorama of the city. He was observing the panorama of the Winter Town and the surrounding areas of the Winterfell as if he were waiting for something to come.

Lord Rickard Stark was the current Lord of the Winterfell, Warden of the North and Head of the House of Stark. He looked like many of the Northmen, with a long beard and hair, wearing fur armor to keep him warm in this cold environment.

"They are here..."

He said quietly, because the recent events have been too shocking. Many had speculated for too long that something existed beyond the Sunset Sea, and not the speculations were proved to be true when an entire enormous continent existed beyond the Sunset Sea.

And it was filled with horrors and beings from the worst nightmares, filled with more wars and slaughter than the continent of Essos could ever be.

It was a land filled with Magic and wonders, with being extremely powerful and mighty, and at the same time, also nations whose might eclipsed even that of the Valyrian Freehold during the peak of their glory.

Certainly, it was a shocking piece of news, but what was even more shocking to hear was the fact that apparently, they had distant brethren bearing the same name Stark within the Lands of the Ancient Lords.

It seemed that Brandon the Shipwright who sailed to distant shores of the Lordran, managed to arrive and even founded his own Lineage at that place. He met with one of the higher-ups of the nation that called itself the Holy Arcadia Empire and that ruled large parts of the Lands of the Ancient Lords.

Knight-Kommandant of Silver Knight Order, Ornstein arrived at the Winterfell some time ago, only shortly after the Imperial Delegation from the Imperium left the Westerlands back to the homeland. 

When he arrived at the gates of the Winterfell, he had a long discussion with the Knight-Kommandant of Silver Knights and it was time of revelation of many things.

In the end, Lord Rickard Stark was informed that there was a high possibility of the Imperium sending a separate delegation to the North of Seven Kingdoms.

Upon hearing what was happening in the world, Lord Stark readily agreed to meet with the Imperial delegation, who would be members of the House Stark an Russ as they were called within the Imperium.

With the Resurgence of the Magic, he knew that the times were changing, nobody knew if for better or for worse, but one thing was certain. 

That nothing will be the same as it once was.

He knew that if the Magic truly returned at full force and the environment reverted to that of the Age of Ancients, then it would create unprecedented levels of chaos and war within Westeros and Essos.

"My Lord, the delegation is heading towards the Winterfell; they have already passed through the Winter Town."

As he heard the Winterfell's Castellan saying that, he nodded as they departed to meet the long distant kin of the House Stark.

Somehow he felt that this meeting would result in an entirely new chapter in the history of the House Stark. 

Unlike his predecessors, he was politically far more apt; he knew that to revitalize the North, there was a need to have a good relationship with the Southern Kingdoms; that was the reason why he agreed to arrange marriages for his eldest son and daughter to the south.

But now, after hearing everything that was happening and that would probably happen, he was reconsidering the entire situation.

Depending on how the situation, he would need to change his standing.

Though right now, one thing was certain that the marriage between House Stark and House Tully would never happen. 

According to the Imperials, if what they told about the Magic Resurgence, those with weak Magical Lineages would perish in this turmoil that was coming for them.


Gates of Winterfell

Meanwhile down in front of the gates of the Winterfell, the warwagons that were carrying the delegation from Imperium stopped and Fenrisians started disembarking the warwagons.

Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ looked at the gates of the Winterfell, which was also the ancestral seat of his own ancestors. His children soon enough followed suit as Astrid and Ysgramor exited the warwagons and adjusted their clothes to look more representative.

Even Ysgramor under the stern gaze of his father, attempted to look more dignified, even though he didn't really wish to look that way. But he knew that right now, it was not time to test the boundaries of his father and his patience.

"Behave Ysgramor... I don't want any shameful behavior from you this time."

Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ stated sternly as he looked at his youngest son. 

Soon enough, from the gates of the Winterfell, several people appeared, one of them having a stronger resemblance to the Elector Count himself. Indeed, it was undeniable that both of the Houses, House Stark and House Stark an Russ were indeed having the same Lineage. 

For several first seconds, nobody really said anything, as the Imperials were looking at the Westerosi and the Westerosi were looking at the Imperials.

"I am glad to welcome our distant kin back to the ancestral seat of the House Stark."

It was evident that neither the Norhemen of the Westeros were really keen on theatrical gestures, something that the Fenrisians gladly appreciated because it was just a waste of time for them.

"And we are glad to see the ancestral seat of our Ancestors."

Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ stated back, as he then shook hands with the Lord Rickard Stark. Ironically though, the moment their meeting was taking place, it started snowing, which was the most poetic thing.

It was clear that a snowstorm was coming, as the environment of the North was getting colder and colder, with the emerging Resurgence of the Magic and also the Magic leaking from the Lands of the Always Winter.

"This is my daughter and also Heir Apparent, Astrid Stark an Russ and this is my youngest son, Ysgramor Stark an Russ."

Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ introduced both of his children, though it was clear that the more important of the two was Astrid. She was, in the end, introduced as the Heir Apparent to the Elector Count House Stark an Russ of the Grand Province of Fenris.

This made Lord Stark raise his brow when he observed the young-looking woman, she didn't look older than twenty or so, but at the same time, she had an aura of a very sharp warrior and killer around her.

It seemed that the information that he was told about the Imperium was true, and women had far better social standing with the Holy Arcadia Empire than they had in Westeros or Essos or anywhere in the known world.

"Should we go inside? It is getting colder and colder these past days..."

Lord Rickard Stark stated as he then led the guests from the Lands of the Ancient Lords to the Great Hall of the Winterfell.

Right now, the Winterfell was mostly devoid of the people, as his youngest son Benjen was at the Moat Cailin, his second son Eddard Stark was at the Eyrie and his oldest son was hunting for the bandits and brigands that were reported some time ago.

Though, Brandon would return sometime later... 

Soon enough they arrived at the Great Hall

The Great Hall has grey stone walls and tall narrow windows. Its wide doors made of oak and iron open to the castle yard, and the lord's door at the rear leads to a dimly lit gallery. The hall has a pitched roof, and its rafters have been stained by centuries of smoke.

The Great Hall of Winterfell contains the high seat of the old Kings of the North, but it wasn't the legendary Throne of Winter. Many of the artifacts that belonged to the ancient Kings of Winter were lost after the Targaryens conquered the North. 

The seat's cold stone has been polished by the many Lords who have sat upon it, and its massive arms are decorated with the carved heads of snarling direwolves.

The Great Hall can seat five hundred people and it was very large; perhaps if it was filled to the limits, then it would be able to house even six hundred or so. 

One arrangement is for eight long rows of trestle tables, four to each side of the central aisle. Everyone seated around, with the Knights of the Winter Wolf Knights and other prominent members of the administration of the Grand Province of the Fenris.

"I must apologize to the Elector Count that nobody from my Household is currently at the Winterfell, aside from Lyanna, my daughter and third child."

Lord Rickard Stark stated, but Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ didn't mind too much because they would be staying at the Winterfell for some time.

"Where is Knight-Kommandant of Silver Knights?"

Elector Count Leman Stark an Russ asked because he didn't notice Ornstein within the Winterfell and he also didn't sense his aura. 

"Out, together with my oldest hunting for the bandits and brigands... for past months, everyone is getting restless within the Westeros; it seemed that the Resurgence of the Magic has been making many people in power very nervous and some are eager for a more aggressive approach."

In the Westeros, there was a constant problem with the bandits and brigands that were plundering and attacking anything and everyone they saw around. And now, with the turmoil that was happening, the situation was getting worse and worse.

And with the Westerlands hammering down on the banditry and brigands, like never before, the many of the bandits and brigands that were active within the Westerlands escaped to the different Kingdoms. 

A lot of them went for the Reach and Riverlands.

One was the biggest of the Seven Kingdoms and another one was the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms without any real defense and soldiers. Even the noble houses were extremely weak and practically useless, with no real might. 

And thus, a lot of them managed to get into the North, somehow, as the bandits always managed to find their way.

However, because the North had been implementing some reforms, many were similar to the ones that were being implemented within the Westerlands. This was decided by Lord Rickard Stark after he met with the Knight-Kommandant of the Silver Knight Order and had an in-depth discussion with him.

Because of the long rule of the Stark and their veneration among the noble houses of the North, Lord Stark didn't encounter any significant resistance from his own vassals when he was talking about the creation of the standing military. 

Even though House Bolton raised some questions about such a decision, as the descendants of the Red Kings were constantly clashing with those of the Kings of Winter, but House Bolton didn't exist anymore.

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