
Time Skip

It has been two months since the first official long-term trade with Barius, and I must say that this trade started to bear some fruit. Now Lionheart family has a steady incoming from the trade between Barius company called Sea Serpent Trading Group and us.

Barius trading group is a small trading company in his country. Barius is coming from the Salauris Kingdom. Beastman is the dominant race in that kingdom, but there is another race as well lived there.

Salauris Kingdom land is like Mongolia. A country consisted of grassland and field. They can use their land to plant some food like wheat and potatoes. The only plant they can grow is the plant that can grow in any place. However, even if they can grow their own food, the harvest is not as good as the plants in the western continent.

While they usually import food from other countries, they are one of the biggest exporters of meat in the world. Not only meat, but they are also the biggest exporter of wool and other animal products like milk and eggs.

Anyway, the last time Barius came here, he brought five galleys instead of two like before. They then buy many grains, fruits, and vegetables in bulk, and I need to tell them that I cannot sell them this amount of goods every month. I need to think about my own people, after all.

In return, I also buy a good amount of wool and leather from them. The wool is used to make clothes, while the leather is used to make the troops' armor.

Speaking of troops, the two forts are finished. The first fort is located in the southwest of the Sea Dragon City near the fishing village. This fort has a function as a training fort for the marine. This fort also has a function as a response team if there is a pirate that successfully landed on my land and tried to raid it.

While I can smite them with lightning from the sky, I cannot do that if I'm sleeping and pirates do their raiding, which usually happens in the middle of the night. That is why I also create a ward around the fort to wake up the soldiers there if a pirate docks themselves near the fishing village or the forest where they cut down the tree to fix their ship.

The other fort is in the opposite direction. This fort is located on the west side of Sea Dragon City near the Silver mountain, where many monsters spawned and bred. This fort has the same main function as the other one, Training the newbie. However, unlike the other one that has another function as a defender against a pirate, this fort is the one controlling the monster roaming around the mountain.

The soldier in this fort is the one that kills any monster that gets out from the mountain range where they lived. The scout from this fort is also the one that oversees the monster movement around the area. If there are more than a hundred D+ to C monsters, they need to alert the villagers nearby to evacuate immediately. If they see more than twenty B-class monsters, they need to send the fastest hawk they have and alert both Lord Byron and me.

"My Lord"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear Richard's voice.

"I'm sorry for that, Richard. Can you tell me what you want to report once again?"

"Of course, my lord. The first I want to say is that there is an invitation to the Royal Palace to celebrate the first harvest, my lord."

First harvest party, huh? As its name suggests, this party is the party that celebrates the first harvest. Usually, this party is the time the southern lord flaunts their riches to us and the time the northern nobles search for any merchant coming to this part and beg for them to sell their food at a lower price.

However, right now, the north did not have to fear not having food on their table as they have enough food already.

"Do you think the other lord will come to this party? They already have the food they need after all."

"No, I don't think they will come, my lord. Some of them? Maybe. They still need to meet some buyers for their goods after all. With their food problem being taken care of, they now want to sell their metal for a higher price. Especially iron and copper."

"So, do you think I should go there?"

"It is up to you, my lord."

".... You know what? I will go. Richard prepares for our departure tomorrow morning."

"Of course, My lord."

"Good. Now speaking of the first harvest party, how is the situation on the farm?"

"They are doing great, my lord. Rachel says in her report that the farm is doing great. The worker already planted new seeds yesterday. The next batch of wine and vodka was already delivered this morning. I think they will arrive here in a few hours from now."

"Good. Is there any problem there?"

"Nothing she cannot handle, my lord. However, she asks how to handle the wild boar and goat making a nest in the area."

"Tame them if they can, but if they cannot do that, then hunt them down. We don't want them to eat our food source after all."

"Very well. Rachel also asks if you can hire more workers. While they don't have a problem maintaining the farm but when it is the time for planting and harvesting, they cannot harvest all of them in a single day."

"I see. Richard, ask Rovul or Leonardo if they have some men who want to work in the field."

"I understand asking Rovul for a worker, but why asking Sir Leonardo?"

"Leonardo was formerly a hunter before he became a soldier. I think he knows some hunters that want to work in the farmland. I want to hire the hunter to hunt the wild boar and goat in the farmland."

"I see. Then I will immediately inform both sir Rovul and sir Leonardo."

"Good. Now, is there anything that needs my attention?"

"Yes. There is a letter from Lord Duchamp."

"Oh? Please hand it over."

I take the letter from Richard's hand and begin to read it. The letter asks me if I will go to the First Harvest party in the capital city. Not only that, my grandfather asked me if he could buy some of the wine and vodka in bulk.

"Richard, please prepare ten barrels of wine and ten barrels of vodka from my personal cellar and place it in our carriage for us to bring tomorrow."

"Ah… It looks like lord Duchamp is addicted to your creation, huh, my lord?"

"That he is. However, I also need to tell him not to become an alcoholic."

"Then I will prepare ten barrels of wine and vodka for our journey, my lord."

"Good. Is there anything else?"

Richard shakes his head before saying.

"Nothing, my lord."

"Good, then please tell me the menu for today's lunch."

The advanced chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts
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