
Don't touch me!

"You want to break your heart again, do it. I will be there to console you, help you but do not forget I alerted you." guessing by Shanaya's tone, Riya knew she was hurt and, all she needed was her support.

"I understood everything. I won't let my feelings hurt me again." on the verge of crying, Shanaya somehow spoke.

"Shana, I can only make you understand and see the reality. It's totally up to you, to do what you want it's your life. Having feelings for someone is divine, but having it for a wrong person is not."

Shanaya heard Riya continuing in a soft voice, the soothing voice that she always use while making someone understand her point "Vihaan is exactly like 'Saar' and, you know the exact reason behind this statement of mine."

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