
Ch.117 After Party!

After that scuffle, Illyana, Dani, and Kris who caught the soul sword with just two fingers were called in to Dr.Reyes's office.

The rest were sent to their rooms for the night.

The 2 girls were given a stern talking to by the doctor, reminding both of them that their behavior will be affecting their chances of leaving the facility.

"I'm sorry but, if you keep acting like this evening... I'm afraid, I can't sign off your release. I can't be responsible for unleashing dangerous mutants into a civilian society."

"Now, you know that your actions have consequences... So, both of you will be on solitary for 24hrs. I hope this amount of free time will help you reflect on your actions, and find ways to not let this happen again."

"As for you, Kris I know you just saved Dani. But, I have to be impartial... since you also used your abilities you'll be sleeping in solitary for the night."

Kris was about to protest but then, the doctor cut him off.

"Kris, I hope you understand that this is also for your own good... We still haven't found out the cause of the bombing incident that's being blamed on you."

"So far there are no leads on what caused it or if you did cause it. It's just this evening we found out, that other than your existing abilities, you're also invincible."

"Please take this time in solitary a chance to reflect on the events from before you were sent here. I believe that your not a terrorist, but let's also find away so that the people outside this facility would believe your claims. Is that ok?"

Kris could only nod at this. But, he can't help feeling like his being strong armed with a subtle threat that if he doesn't fall in line she will be sending him to the feds.

After there little chat with the doctor, all three of them were confined in adjacent cells without any windows. The room was bare, with only a bed and a toilet.

That night, Dani who was in a cell in between Allyana, and Kris started to dream about the night she was seperated from her father...

At a secret room hidden inside Dr.Reyes's office, multiple monitors were set up to keep an eye on every patient in the facility. She was observing and taking notes of her findings like she always does.

But, it was at this moment that the sensors in Dani's cell started giving off alarms.

Her heart rate started raising and her psionic levels were going off the charts.

Mean while...

With Illyana, she had manage to doze off while embracing her friend Lockheed, when she suddenly felt as if her surroundings had changed.

When Illyana opened her eyes. She saw, that she was back at the room where her captors used to keep her as a slave.

She immediately closed her eyes, and held Lockheed tighter as she chants,"This is just a dream, let's go to our private place. No one could hurt us there."

As she kept on repeating this over and over again. Illyana failed to notice that the door of her cell opened up, revealing a drawing of a tall man with a smiley face written in blood on the corridor wall.

With Kris, He could not sleep at all since a very annoying leak at the faucet near by kept him up with the echoing drip, that does not stop no matter what he did.

Deciding to cover his ears with his pillow, and closed his eyes shut as, he tried his best to ignore the stupid faucet.

Later would he know that the room started to flood slowly due to the dripping faucet.

With Dani, she was awoken from her sleep by fresh white snow landing on her face, flake by flake it began until snow fell from the rooms ceiling.

She stood up, and looked around the room as if doubting the validity if this phenomenon. Still skeptical she started to catch the falling snow with her hand.

This is when this seemingly fantasy like dream became a nightmare. The falling snow began to turn red like blood.

And when she looked around the room once again, what she saw were dead bodies covered in the snow.

Dani was now freaked out, as she stood on the pile of dead bodies. When she looked down trying to avert her eyes from seeing all those corpses that resemble the people from her tribe.

She noticed a face jotting out of the snow beside her feet. When she tried to look closer, it opened its eyes revealing it to be her own face as it said,"Demon Bear!"

This is went she woke up, still laying on the bed. But, her cell walls started moving as if it was made of latex. Hands, and heads started pushing thru the walls as if trying to reach her.

Then it started to snow with flakes of red blood, which stained her clothes as she had no choice and stand on the center of the room screaming while the creature in the walls close in on her.

This is when Dr.Reyes opens the cells door, and saw Dani drenched in blood screaming in the middle of the room.

When Dani saw that the walls weren't closing on her anymore she looked up and asked the doctor,"What's happening to me?!"

After she finished her sentence, the door of Kris's cell burst open. Large amounts of water came rushing out of the room, carrying Kris out to the corridor soaking wet and coughing out water from almost drowning.

When he was done coughing up a river, Kris told nobody in particular,"I think the pipes in this place are faulty, we should call a plumber in the morning."

This is when Illyana, with Lockheed on her hand... stood out her cell door staring at a drawing of the creature that haunted her dreams on the wall saying,"What's going on Lockheed?"

"Not a pool party for sure..." answered Kris.

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