
A trip to the Village

The next day :

Taking the cooked deer meat out from the pan I place it on my plate as Mourning was already eating. This guy could eat a lot I mean 8 slices, HUGE slices of a deer leg is more than enough to feed me for a week, he even asked for the bone to eat. Shaking my head I start eating my food looking at the calendar, winter would soon be over and I would have to start hunting for the village again.

There weren't many hunters in or outside of the village so I along with two other hunters have to hunt for the village which in return we get a whole load of things we can choose from such as seeds, fruit, veg, and even tools. Glancing to Mourning I smirk coming up with an idea on how to get his tools but I would first have to make sure the village had the right ones he needed.

Grabbing his and my plate I go over to the sink and start washing them and only glancing up when I hear the door open and shut."I wonder where he's off to I hope he's not stalking my chickens again.." Putting the dishes into the dish rack to dry off I head upstairs to get showered and changed.

Putting on my favourite hunting cape, I grab my bow along with a few traps and head for the stable. Glancing over to Mourning I watch as he tries to get one of the chickens to walk over to him.

Amari: OI, stop stalking my chickens Mourning or else a dagger is going up ur ass also I'm going out for some time, I should be back by around noon afterwards we need to chat!

Petting Nutmeg side I hand her an apple to munch on as I start saddling her up for the trip for the village, turning to her I wait until she's done eating before I put the rein on her. Grabbing my traps I hook them up to the side of the saddle before I get onto her saddle whistling for to her start moving.

When Nutmeg walked out the stable I turn to look at Mourning and early jaw drops at what I was seeing, he had somehow gotten the chicken to come to him but she was the only one the rest had fled for their coop. Chuckling I stop Nutmeg right by him before I point to the chicken.

Amari: Don't expect any other chicken to come to u, shes the only friendly one of the bunch. I'll see u later Mourning.

Clicking my tongue Nutmeg starts walking again down the path to the village, looking up to the trees I smile seeing the leaves changing the colour. "Spring is coming early this year I guess" Looking forward again I keep an eye on the road ahead of us, if my plan was going to work I would have to first chat with the Keeper of the forge to see if he had any tools he was willing to let me have and if he doesn't then ill have to the go to the Trade on Trade shop, they normally always have the things I need.

A few minutes later

Walking up to the forge, I hop off Nutmeg and ties her rein to the pole she hated the sounds that come from the forge and I don't blame her since her hearing is more sensitive than mine. Walking through the doors I wave to the men working inside as I head up the stairs to the office of the Keeper of the Forge. Knocking on the door I walk in and wave, there before me, was a man in his 60ths his hair already grey but eyes remained a bright and lively blue.

Mister Wales was his name, he was a very kind old guy but he was also quite the jokester. Before he even moved here, he was a well-known comedian or so he says. Walking over to the seat I laugh seeing the whoopie cushion, removing it I sit down and smile to him.

Amari: Hello Mister Wales, it great to see u again but I come here on important business

Wales: Good day to u too Amari, what is it that u require hm?

Amari: I'm thinking of building something for next winter but I don't have the right tools-

Wales: Amari u do remember I still owe u favour what tools do u need

Smiling I relax and hand him the list of the tools I would need.

Wales: This is quite the bunch, when would u need it by?

Amari: The start of spring or just after once the snow has melted slightly would be great thank u.

Wales: Alright then ill see u then have a good day Amari.

I get up waving to him as I walk down the stairs waving to the men once more before i head to Nutmeg, grabbing her saddle I haul myself up before I grab her reins clicking my tongue to get her to start moving. Walking through the town I look over the ships before I stop and stares at the Trade on Trade shop, I hadn't been there in a while and I felt like for some reason I should go in. Stopping Nutmeg once more I hop off her and heads into the shop, the owners were twins but the thing was they didn't look like it at all. Daniel the older twin had golden hair and brown eyes while the younger twin Dapple had brown hair and green eyes but none the less they were two great guys and were one of first to greet me when I had moved back into town.

Roaming the isles I walk up to the counter before freezing when I hear an oddly familiar clicking coming from below, slowly following the noise it leads me to the basement door. Now normally I wouldn't do this but that clicking reminded me of how Mourning speaks, opening the hatch I walk down following the light before I gasped looking at the sight before me.

A wounded yautja lay asleep on table with a cloth over his/her body I couldn't make out what gender it was due to how bad the light was. Nearly screaming when I see the twins head pop around the corner we stare at each other for a while before I laugh.

Amari: Well shit u have one up ur asses as well...

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