
Party at Remnant Part 5: Fight! Fight! Fight! (Jaune/Future Sam vs Grimm Dragon))

please comment what you found annoying in the writing style of this fight. I want to know what i can do better, what i do wrong, and how you guys think i could correct it.

...and comment if you find something you like in this writing style...if there is anything i guess.


---with Future Sam/Jaune---

there was a big, BIG mountain around Vale called Mt.Glenn

there was a big, BIG city on the Mt.Glenn

there was also a big, BIG city INSIDE Mt.Glenn

there was a big, BIG hole, in the Big, BIG city Inside Mt.Glenn.

inside the hole there was a big, BIG, enormous giant F*CK YOU DRAGON!

Jaune: meh, i saw better.

said the blonde, and really, you cant blame the guy..."Elder scrolls (Part-V)" dragons while not giant, are totally OP! and "the Witcher" dragons, while not as OP as the ones from skyrim, they are way bigger than the sorry excuse of a dragon that was in front of him.

"Hmm, he seems pissed" was the thought created by his genius observing skills that flashed inside Jaune mind.

like...you launched a rocket at it, of course it will be pissed!

Jaune: hello! my name is Jaune Samuel Arc! my dreams is to do whatever the fuck i want, and bitchslap all those who try to stop me! I hate many things, but if i had to chose it would be all those sorry excuse of human being that comment "betta MC" while 99% of them are just as pathetic as they think the MC is being, also microtransactions! fuck that shit!

The lovable Blonde Knight did a big leap upwards, evading the jaws of the dragon that tried to jump at him.

Jaune: of course, not all of them, only those who think that the MC should F*ck every woman in existence, and is immediately belittling him when he is FRIEND'S with a girl, instead of making her a harem member worshiping his cock, y'know? the only exception to that, is when the MC is ACTUALLY acting like a Beta MC letting other people walk over him, for some reason or another... i can understand being nice, but there are limits.

continued the Blonde knight, as he lightly landed on the dragon snout. A cluster of Fireballs already formed above him when he did so.

Jaune: Listen... I sleep with more than one woman (and man) myself, but i dont seek a relationship other than fuckbudies. Think about it, and tell me -not that you can- that trying to satisfy more than 10 women that you are in a relationship with -which is already too much- does not sound more annoying rather than pleasurable!...unless we take into account clones and Super-speed, or any other bullshit superpower that can help with an orgy, but even then its too much hassle.

also, i dont know why, but "making the girls entertain each other" while you yourself are busy with another one always sounded disrespectful for me.

"her you! start licking the girl next to you out, while i am fucking this one, i will get to you in a sec ok?" like...wtf?

[you are ranting, you are aware that it does not understand you?]

Making a Sick triplebackflip, the blonde jumped away from the snout of the dragon and made every single fireball fly into its direction.

Jaune: yeah... I ruined a "introduction joke with my rant... Such sin will need to be punished, but i will think about that later.

(A/N: no joke, i legitimacy wanted to do a "introduction Joke" and started to rant, only catching myself now....anyway, what do you guys think should be my punishment?)

making a perfect landing, our MC looked at the impressive size of black smoke all around the Grimm Dragon.

[also how are you able to say such a long sentence in the span of a second?!?]

Jaune: bullshit time magic, commonly known as "bullshit fan fiction logic of MC having a fight".

[ I- wha?]

Jaune: nothing honey~ just relax and watch the show <3.

with a ear-shattering roar the smoke was blown away! Dust risen from the ground making its way into Jaune eyes, The entire underground city of Mt.Glenn had suffered from the soundwave of the Dragon roar!

Wall collapsed, shattered window Shattered EVEN HARDER! (no idea how that would work but okay?) and while this was happening Jaune was trying to do a "ok" joke just like saitama, but unfortunately his face muscles were not as developed as the ones of the bald hero.

the result was a face one makes while in a rollercoaster, and a mumbled "opahgy" instead of "ok". Lets spare his dignity and say he definitely wasnt launched into the air and crash landed into a trash container.

NOPE! didnt happened! Jaune bravely faced the dragon, and resisted the power of its roar, and showed his might by standing in place!

(A/N: He is just standing there.....MENACINGLY!!)

YUP! thats definately what happened....


Jaune: alright, this may actually be kinda fun.

stated the blonde knight as he crawled out of the trash container he definitely wasnt in.

This much damage with only a roar? The Only other time it happened was with Alduin! and even then it was not to THIS scale of damage!! (without the use of thu'um, that is)

getting the Trash, that he definitely wasnt covered in, out of his messy blonde hair, he looked calmly as the Grimm dragon raised from the ground. Its Wings the size of ...22 meters? something along these lines.

using them to stay in one spot it glared at the Blonde, it was quite literally looking down on Jaune, and The blonde couldnt give any fucks about it.

a brilliant red arcane light started to dance around his hands.

He brought them together, and slowly pulled them apart, revealing a radiant chaotic red energy roughly formed something resembling a sphere was now trapped in between both of his palms.

the dragon already sensing danger before Jaune attack was ready, immediately flied toward him!

Jaune: dumb.

commented the Blonde knight as he launched the sphere "ka-me-ha-me-HA! style" toward the beast.

He aimed for the head, just like Thanos taught him, but the Dragon was at least clever enough to know that he should avoid this thing. And while he did manage to save his head, it was too late to dodge completely, so instead it hit it straight into the side of its corpus.

a Vibrant explosion took place when the spell made contact with the Dragon Body. Crashing into the ground with a massive THUD, it was disoriented, and confused.

Taking advantage of this, Jaune took out the new and improved Crocea Mors into his right hand, and the Broad saber prototype into his left hand.

yes, he is dual wielding... he wants to be cool give him some slack okay?

throwing his Broadsaber toward the Dragon head, and controlling it with telekinesis, he made it spin fast enough to make it seem as a "Kienzan" from DBZ was making its way toward the Beast.

to his complete astonishment, and annoyance he found out that while doing significant damage, the BLADE OF PURE PLASMA, is somehow not able to Completely sink into the Grimm Dragon flesh.

Jaune: i call bullshit.

sure, alduin scales resisted too, but at that time it was a faulty prototype...the first prototype...that exploded in his hand after 10 seconds of using it.

regrowing that arm was sure annoying.

maybe he did something wrong while building this prototype, and thus it does not produce enough heat to cut things like a normal lighsaber should? Or maybe Grimm are just THIS OP in this version of RWBY?

making the Broadsaber float back to his hand, he coated both Crocea Mors, and the plasma blade in magic. The dragon who woke up due to the pain of a plasma weapon trying to cut into its skin glared at Jaune, its Jaws opened wide as he tried to swallow the knight whole.

Jumping up Arc once again evaded the Dragon attempt to eat him, and landed once again on his snout. BUT! unlike the first time, he wasted no time making jokes!

he twirled Crocea Mors in his hand, switching his grip on it into a "reverse grip" and brought it down with all the force he could muster.

in the end the blade sank deep, but not deep enough to pierce the brain.

"how tough is its skin!?" was Jaune thoughts before he was launched high (and i mean HIGH) into the air by the Grimm Dragon jerkin his head in response to the attack.

the before he could even knew what happen Jaune already slammed into the "roof" of the hollowed mountain.

Trying to gain some sort of balance while falling, he notice the Dragon making his way toward his direction! Acting purely on instinct He "grabbed" as much as he could of Mt.Glenn "roof" with telekinesis, and ripped out a large chunk of rock that crashed into the Grimm Dragon who started to get dangerously close to Jaune.

engulfing himself in Magic, literally creating a Magic cloak around himself he manipulated the space touching the magic, and started to slow down. After that he quickly gained his balance, and locked his gaze on the Dragon.

this thing was more resilient than he thought it would be.

seriously!? plasma blade? for the Dragon it was probably a very annoying paper cut.

getting hit with pure condensed Arcane energy? for the Dragon it was probably like taking a Hit with a giant fist, it hurts but he can ignore it and continue fighting.

having a large boulder moving at March-3 (yes it was moving that Fast, Telekinesis is OP)? For the Dragon it was like getting a slap on the face, it stings a little but nothing that serious...well at least it made him lost his balance while flying toward Jaune, that was a plus.

he COULD use Crocea Mors in the "Sacred Gear Mode" but to be completely honest...he is still not sure about those seals on O'Dim soul, so that option was out of the question.

Jaune: i cant believe im going to use this.

and at that moment...something happened.

space itself shook, time seemed to slow, all sounds disappeared and an unbearable heat started to come out of Jaune body.

Jaune: and here i thought i would have some fun...

This form was OP AF, but it was...boring.

fights ended in a flash! when in this form Jaune/Sam, suffered the same pain saitama had in the "one punch man" world....there was no thrill or excitement in battle, he was too OP.

and the answer to that problem was simple! dont be OP!

so he put seals on himself, every time he faces someone, he was a "normal mortal". He was still powerful, but not super powerfull.

sometimes when he fights someone he likes, he decides to honor his opponent and makes his own power level be the exact same as his enemy. That way the winner would be decided by the fighter skill in combat and not some BS cheat.

Flames started to manifest all around the underground city of Mt.Gleen, they burned the ground, the building, even the air!

Orange, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Black, purple, pink, brown! The flames flashed with each color to ever exist! ...in a weird way you could say it was Fire that tried to imitate the Pride flag, but took it up a notch by adding more colors.

Jaune Arc, at this point was just casually standing on in air, in this form Gravity doesnt really affects him if he didnt want it.

Jaune: alright! bye-bye!

said the Knight with a bored tone.

transforming into this in front of a sentient being is sometimes fun, especially when they think they won, or when they are incredibly arrogant! I mean...this is basically a real life version of "THIS ISNT EVEN MY FINAL FORM!" Meme, and it was HIM who was doing it!

but unfortunately, there was no joy doing this to a not intelligent beast.

All the fun in such a thing was the reaction of the enemy, not the casual destruction of the enemy.

forming a sphere of flames in front of himself, he watched the Dragon who was in a panic-like state. Not wasting his breath on any comment he made the fire ball gently bop the Dragon snoot.

When the fire made contact with the beast, it swallowed it whole in a matter of milliseconds, and burned it even faster, soon there was nothing but ash...and a burning mountain.

looking at the now melted broad saber still in his hands he shrugged his shoulders, he can make another one.

with a flick of his finger he made Crocea Mors stop falling to the ground and start to levitate toward him. A sword empowered by O'Dim soul would not burn with simple divine flames, it needs more than that.

[Grimm Dragon card acquired]

all according to keikaku. *makes eyeglasses glow*

now with this card i can finally (hopefully) be spared from the wrath of arthoria...LIKE SERIOUSLY ITS NOT MY FAULT! ALDUIN WAS TRYING TO KILL ME FOR FUCK SAKE!

meh, anyway, better go prepare for that raid on Vacuo.

---meanwhile with Ozpin.---

both the great wizard of Oz, and Cirila watched as the entirety of Mt.Glenn was literally burning to ashes.

Oz: ...so you still wanna go to vacuo?

---bonus scene---

Shiro: okay, you...uhh..."guys" ready?

asked the young hero wannabe, not entirely sure if calling Dragon's "guys" is appropriate.

The little gang of Dovah's was looking seriously at the redhaired human. Normally working with a human would be bellow them, its only acceptable when the human is worshiping the ground they walk upon, and the sky they fly in.

but this is a rare exception, if it meant finally getting free out of that monster grasp, then they are ready to lower themself to such a disgraceful level.

all the Dovah's nodded their heads, and Shiro used one of his command seal to bring saber to him. Now he has only 2 left.

Her body materialized in a spectacle of tiny blue lights, and soon Arthoria was standing there in all of her glory.

Arthoria: Shiro, what happen-

she was ready for a fight, after all she was summoned to her "master" via a command spell, it was common sense this should be used only when the master is in trouble.

but seeing no signs of battle, and having Shiro's & all her cute lil'dragons staring at her told her this is not entirely the case.

Shiro: Arthoria...I love you, and care about you-

she blushed at that, even if the word "love" was used more as a way to say how much he see's her as a friend, rather than lover...well, hearing "I love you" from your crush is still very nice, y'know? even if he/she didnt meant it in a romantic way.

Not to mention He used her name and not tittle!! But this also suggest he is serious...he rarely does that after all.

Shiro: -but you need to stop with..."this"

he emphatized the last word, while pointing at the dovah's behind him.

Arthoria heard all she need.

Shiro: You cant just keep dragons here, its not-

Arthoria: EX-


Arthoria: -CALIBUR!!!!!

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