
See You in Eight Years

And finally, on January 20th, 11:12 p.m., Roselle and Armani would finally have their fated talk about the future of their relationship. The army soldiers pretended they weren't listening or that they didn't care, but they totally did. They darted their eyes to and from the couple as that initial silence whisked itself in the atmosphere.

"It's been a crazy day, hasn't it?" Armani asked.

Roselle was shivering. The hospital waiting room was warm and gentle, yet she still shook. "Uh, yeah. To say this was a crazy day would be an understatement. This was literally the most insane day I've had in my entire life."

"I wish I could say the same."

"What? You've had crazier days than becoming president, almost being assassinated, having your friend save you and getting shot in the process, being kidnapped, infiltrating a prison, having fist fights with secret service agents, and escaping to ask the army for help?"

He nodded. "Yeah. This day is definitely in the top ten though, I'll give you that."

Roselle stared into space, sinking it in: this was the craziest day of her life, but it wasn't the craziest day of his. "Armani, what kind of insane situations have you even been in for this day to only make the top ten?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, General Hernandez stepped into the scene.

"President Parker, I have news for you," said the General.

Armani stood up and shook his hand. "What is it?"

"Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we've rounded up all the Secret Service agents for questioning. We're going to go through them thoroughly to ensure that we weed out all the spies. That means interrogations, background checks, and a long process. It'll take a few months until the process is complete, but until then, the army will continue to serve you."

"What's the bad news then?" asked Roselle, her heart picking up and dropping in her chest."

General Hernandez took a moment to clear his throat. "We were going to perform an arrest on Meredith Scott, but when we searched for her, she was gone."

Roselle felt as though her heart had stopped all together. "WHAT?!"

"We think that somehow, she knew we've found out about her schemes. We're going to give this information to the FBI. She'll become the most wanted woman in America by tomorrow morning. The reward for turning her in will be fifty million dollars. Don't worry, we'll find her."

"No you won't!" Roselle shouted, standing up.

Armani turned to her. "Ro--"

"You don't know her! She's so sick, twisted, manipulative and clever! She won't be caught that easily. Knowing her, she has a good plan. If that doesn't work, she has a backup plan. If that doesn't work, she'll blow up the whole country!" She paced around back and forth.

"Ro, breathe with me."


"Roselle, since you were affiliated with Meredith for a while and you know of her nature, would you mind giving me more information?" asked General Hernandez. "After you recover, of course. I understand this day must have been a long one, and very traumatic for you." He handed her a card. "Tell me when you'd like to talk."

She took the card and placed it in her pocket.

"I'll get going." He gave one last nod to Armani. "I'll see you again soon, Mr. President."

Armani nodded. "Thank you again for everything."

General Hernandez left.

"Armani," Roselle said. "My mind is full of questions if I'm being honest. And maybe I'm crazy, or I overthink things, but--"

"You're not crazy," Armani reassured. "And that's why we need to talk, right? We need to communicate with one another. Go ahead and tell me what's on your mind."

She stood there for a moment taking the time to untangle the ends of her hair. "This first question is selfish."

"What is it?"

"Would you take a bullet for me? Because I would take one for you, and today, I proved it."

The president was caught off guard by that question, but his eyes didn't waver from her. After a few moments, he responded. "I'd take a thousand bullets for you if I had to." He took her hands. "I love you, Roselle. Do I even have to say it? I've loved you when we were kids, and I love you now."

Roselle gently took her hands back and stared at the floor. "That's an easy thing for you to say, but how can you prove it? You love me, but you got engaged to Lily."

"Ro . . ."

"Why have I been the one trying to prove myself to you all this time? Why have I been the one desperately trying to win your heart back? You didn't do anything to deserve me, did you? You ignored me for fourteen years and came out of nowhere to propose to me. Maybe when we were kids you've done a lot for me, but what about now? I almost died for you!"

Armani sat down on the couch and placed his head in his hands. "You're right, Ro. All I ever do is cause you pain . . ." He pounded his fist on the couch. "How could I have done all that to you? How could I have been so selfish?"

Okay, now Roselle was starting to feel bad. She sat next to him. "Armani . . ."

"Ro, as long as I'm in your life, you'll never be at peace. I've known I've had to tell you this all day, but I haven't gotten the strength until now. As long as I'm the president, we can't be together."

"So, you're leaving me again?! Just like that?!"

"I'm trying to protect you! You said it yourself. The craziest psychopath in America is on the loose. If you and I have ties, you'll never be safe."

"But, what if she's found?" Roselle compromised. "Then--"

"If she's found, then what? There's always going to be some sort of new drama, Ro. There's always going to be a new enemy. We can't be together until my term is up."


Armani raised a brow. "Do you think Eliot could handle the pressure of being president?"

Roselle tried to think of a counter-argument, but she had to admit, he had her beat.

"I love you, Ro. I also love the American people. I don't want to let you or my country down."

"Well, maybe after your term--"

"After my term is over, I'm running again. If at some point we did get together, it would have to be in eight years from now."

"Eight years?! That's so long from now. We'll be twenty-nine by the time you're done."

Armani grimaced. "I know. I know it's a long time, and I know that it'd be selfish to ask you to wait for me, so if you find someone else in that time, I want you to be happy."

"What about you?"

"I've waited fourteen years to see you again. What's another eight? I can wait forever, Ro. I want to prove my loyalty to you by remaining single for my whole term. I already screwed us up once by getting engaged. I won't make that same mistake. Again, I am so sorry for everything I've done to you." He smiled. "I'd be happy if you chose me when this is all over, but if you don't, that's fine."

Roselle wanted to fight it, but at the same time, she knew he was right; as long as they were intertwined, her life would be filled with constant craziness, and she was tired of it. If they were together, there'd be no peace. There'd be no end.

With a heavy heart, she nodded and stood up. Her eyes were fixated on the hospital tile's swirled and colors. She studied it as intensely as she could so that when she thought back on this moment, she would remember the shapes and hues rather than her grief. "See you in eight years, Armani."

"See you in eight years, Ro."

She walked away.

Thank you to Titania23 for voting! BONUS CHAPTER! And last chapter of volume one. Hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading! Volume two is coming out very soon <3

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