

It was all over the news that day. Headline after headline after headline. No matter where you turned, it was always the same thing: "King James I of England takes Bullet for President Armani Parker at U.S. Inauguration Ceremony."

But that wasn't the truth. Roselle knew the truth: James didn't take the bullet for Armani. He took the bullet for HER. She was shot too, but it was just in the arm. Her arm was killing her, but she'd survive. James on the other hand, who was shot in the chest, wasn't looking too good. It was unclear if he'd make it or not.

The doctors were finally finished treating Roselle's wound, and she was allowed to have visitors. Armani rushed in as soon as he could. Upon seeing Roselle, his expression was shattered. "Ro . . ."


He grabbed her and held her in his arms before she could even finish saying his name. "You saved my life," he said, grasping her even tighter. "Thank you."

She wasn't sure how to respond to that. She wasn't even sure how to respond to people wishing her a happy birthday, let alone having them thank her for saving their life. Those weren't the kind of social skills you could learn at school. "Uh, you're welcome?"

He let her go and took a moment to just look at her and place her hair behind her ear. "I don't even know what to say, Ro. If it wasn't for you, I'd be--"

"You don't have to say it twice, dummy," she said, hiding herself blushing. "I was so confused when it happened. There are still so many things I'm confused about. How the hell did that guy even get in that ceremony with a gun?! Isn't the Secret Service supposed to hunt guys like that down?!"

"You know, you're right." Armani stroked his chin. "The Secret Service are talking to the guy that tried to assassinate me. He works for Marlie, but he's not talking so far. He's not confirming or denying that Marlie's the guy that's got it out for me. If anyone could sneak a gun into an event like that, it's him."

The door swung open, and Antonio walked in, sure to confirm that no one from the outside was listening in. "That's just what the real culprit wants you to think. Marlie's crew had nothing to do with it."

"You can't just barge in here like this, dude," Roselle said.

"I'm sorry about my intrusion but," he took another glance at the door. "You're both in great danger and you have to come with me immediately."

Armani raised a brow. "If we were in danger, couldn't the Secret Service handle it?"

"That's why I'm here." Antonio fixed his glasses. "President Parker, the Secret Service has been infiltrated with spies."

He widened his jaw in disbelief. "What?"

"Why should we believe a thing you're saying?" Roselle asked.

Antonio cleared his throat. "Because I have answers to the inconsistencies that make no logical sense. I can take you to Warren Strobe and he'll tell you everything in much greater detail than I can. The Secret Service spies are containing him in a secret prison just outside the capitol where he can't tell anyone else what he knows."

"But Warren--"

"We have no time for questions. We need to go."

"How do we know you aren't a spy too?" Armani asked.

"I am. That's how I know everything. I've been involved in this plot for far too long, and I don't agree with the things I've been doing. President Parker, there's someone out there that wants to assassinate you, and if they aren't caught, they'll stop at nothing to get what they want."

Armani and Roselle exchanged looks.

"I've always believed you would make a good president. I even voted for you. When I heard of this plan, I was very conflicted. My apologies for not saying anything before, but I'm trying to set things right now."

"After an assassination attempt?" Roselle pointed out. "After two innocent people got shot? A little late there, buddy."

Someone banged on the door. "President Parker?" the voice asked.

"Listen to me," said Antonio. "We need to get out of here right now."

"No!" screamed Roselle.

Antonio pulled out a gun and held it at them, causing them to put their hands in the air. "You two are coming with me." He pulled out two giant duffle bags. "Get in."

"Well," Armani said. "Hard to argue with that."

* * *

About twenty minutes Roselle and Armani were put in a vehicle of some sort, they arrived somewhere and Antonio took them out of the bags. They were in a tiny, torn down, filthy apartment.

Roselle jumped out, her face red from her panicked cries. "ARE YOU FRIGGIN' INSANE?" she snapped.

"Shh," Antonio said.


"I'm sorry, but I had no choice. I'm sincerely trying to help you."

"You've got a funny way of showing it." Armani crossed his arms. "You said we needed to talk to warren. Why are we here?"

"You two need disguises if we're going to infiltrate that prison." He tossed some secret service suits and glasses at Roselle and Armani. "Put those on. You'll be posing as new agents."

"Woah," Roselle said. "Nice threads."

"I don't think I would be unrecognizable in a suit," said Armani. "I wear one all the time."

"I've got a plan for that," assured Antonio. "Don't worry, I'll get us in."

* * *

Roselle and Armani just finished putting on their disguises, and Roselle kept looking at herself in the mirror, spinning around. Her hair was up in a bun, and her suit was hugging her in all the right places. She felt like she was in a James Bond movie. She couldn't decide if this was thrilling, or scary.

"You look good, Ro." Armani touched her arm.

"OW!" Roselle yelped. "I just got shot there!"

"Oh my, I am so sorry. Are you sure you're alright to go?"

"I'm fine." She took another look in the mirror and nodded at herself. "I want to hear what Warren has to say."

"So do I." He grinned at her. "You really do look beautiful by the way. You're like a tantalizing spy."

"Shut uuup." She rolled her eyes at him, but was desperately trying not to give away her smile. She was then hit with a thought. "Hey, Armani?"


"Do you think that once all this craziness is over, we'll ever really have that talk about 'us'? I feel like every time we think things are going to be alright, life throws us a curveball."

He took her by the hand. "I promise, we'll get to have that talk soon. We just need to get a few more things sorted out first."

Their faces gradually inched close together, but Antonio came into the room before anything else could happen. "You two ready?"

* * *

After driving for a while, the trio finally encountered the one-man detention facility where Warren was being detained. It was practically in the middle of nowhere.

Antonio faced them. "Remember the plan," he said. "Just stay behind me and follow my lead."

They nodded.

They all walked up to the front where two Secret Service men stood, observing them.

"Hello, gentlemen," Antonio said. "I've got two new recruits with me, and they've been sent by MS to do a little further investigation with Warren."

The guards exchanged glances.

"You guys got any ID?" the tall one asked.

"We're new," Armani explained. "We haven't been issued it yet."

"You should at least have your temp ID then."

"That one's on me," Antonio explained. "I'll make sure they get their paperwork after this is over." He handed his own ID over to the guys, and they nodded in satisfaction.

The short guard did a double-take when he glanced at Armani. "Wait a minute, is that Parker?"

"I'm a doppelganger," Armani explained casually. "If the current assassination attempt doesn't work, the boss wants me to switch places with the president. The plan is still in works though, so that's probably why you haven't heard of it yet."

Damn. He was an outstanding actor. How could he be so chill about this?

The short guard then turned to Roselle. "And you. You're a girl Secret Service agent?"

"What? You got a problem with that?" Roselle deflected.

"Not at all actually. You go, girl." He smirked. "Actually, maybe once this interrogation is over, maybe you and I could--"

"Come on, man," the tall guard intercepted. "Why do you always hit on the female agents?"

"But dude, she's HOT! And it's not my fault we work at a sausage fest! How am I supposed to get a girlfriend if I never even get to see a girl?"

"I'm trying to save you from another seminar, man."

"Ahem." Antonio cleared his throat. "Do you mind if we come in now?"

"Oh, right," said the guard. He opened the door, and the trio walked into the facility.

* * *

Antonio talked to some more Secret Service guys, and eventually, the interrogation room with Warren was all set up for Armani and Roselle to go in.

"Remember," Antonio whispered to them before they went in. "You two will be recorded, so you mustn't reveal your identities. Keep the act going."

They nodded and entered the room.

Warren looked up at them.

"It's time for questioning, Warren," Roselle said, smacking her hands down on the desk.

I dunno how you guys would feel about the spy chapters, but don't worry, it's only two chapters. I tried to throw in some humor and romance so that it's not too heavy. These chapters are kinda needed to show you guys the final plot twist of this volume. Thank you to the people who voted today, Nate_Quinn and purpliciousj! And as always, thank you to my readers :D

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