

First we sailed south, and after a few days we reached the shores of the Kingdom of the Franks, we headed west ... It was the first time that I had ventured with my army so far from Norway.

My plans were not ambitious, they were only aimed at heating up the waning atmosphere of war. In 778, Charlemagne's troops were defeated in the battle of Roncevaux Pass ... despite the passage of ten years, this defeat was still painful for the Franks like a splinter in a dick... I set the city of Banbaluna (Pamplona) as the goal of my conquest, for many years the city's rulers were balancing politically between the Franks and Arabs, but 781 Abd al-Rahman captured it.

We passed the coasts of Brittany, Neustria, Aquitania, Gascony ... days turned into weeks, but as always, the wind was on my side. Several times my people proposed to land on the shores of the Kingdom of the Franks, but somehow I did not trust them ... usually our stops contribute to a significant reduction in the local population.

We landed on the shore not far from what the future town of San Sebastian seemed to me ... I was not sure, but the topography of the area gave grounds for it ... I was here only once in my first life and most of the time the only thing I saw was a toilet bowl after eating shrimp.

- Give people a day of rest, send scouts, and tomorrow we're going south ... and let them not attack anyone, the captives will tell us nothing. We don't know their language. (Ulf)

The weather was deadly, my people lived all their lives in Scandinavia and were not used to such heat ... wearing chain mail or thicker clothes in such a climate did not help either. I decided that we would travel at night, and during the day to look for some natural shelter, trees, a cave or a water reservoir ... unfortunately I forgot about this one while preparing for the trip.

We had to travel 90 kilometers to get to Pamplona. Normally it would take us four or five days to travel this distance, but we traveled only at night and in unfamiliar territory ... eight days later I sent some scouts south, southwest and southeast.

- The scouts are back. (One-eyed)

- What news? Did they find something? (Ulf)

- They did not come across any larger city, only a few smaller settlements, not larger than several dozen houses. They didn't take prisoners or venture deeper into the field, but there's one good news. In one of the settlements there is a small church. As the only one who knows Latin, you can learn something. (One-eyed)

The One-Eye was right, it was our only chance to find out where we were ... I didn't think I would get much wrong in my assumptions, but there was always some risk.

For the sake of anonymity, I changed into ordinary clothes and in the evening I set off with the scout towards this settlement... After two hours we got there.

The settlement was not big, but it wasn't small either. At first glance, there were about 50 buildings, which could be converted to 200-400 inhabitants... I ordered the scout to stay in hiding, and went to the church myself. Unfortunately the building was closed ... If I started banging on the door it could cause a crowd. Breaking in inside was also not a good solution.

The only thing I could do was look for a living area and try to get there or wait until morning ... The door was opened by a rather young man, he was not more than 35 years old, he did not look like a priest ... I spoke in Latin.

- Praised be Jesus Christ. (Ulf)

- Forever and ever. Amen. (Priest)

- Is there a parish priest or a monk who looks after this house of God? (Ulf)

- I am a priest, my name is Father Maginus. (Priest)

- Please forgive me, Father, but you don't seem like a priest, but rather a soldier. (Ulf)

- Because I was a soldier in youth, but then God gave me a different path. (Priest)

- My name is Gilles de Rais ... can we talk inside? (Ulf)

The priest nodded and let me into the house. He led him to a room and we sat down at the table.

- As I said, my name is Gilles de Rais and I am one of the officers in the army of King Charlemagne. Our reigning merciful King and Pope Hadrian I decided that the time had come to liberate these lands from the hands of heretics and dissenters. I come here to ask for help. (Ulf)

- The Pope and the King sent one man? (Priest)

- They sent an army, but it is easier for one man to stay hidden. I need information, will my father help me? (Ulf)

- What information? (Priest)

- About Arab garrisons, their troop movements, the city of Banbaluna ... every detail can be important. (Ulf)

- Another war will bring, more suffering ... (Priest)

- God will reward everyone in heaven ... and War, God has given us hands and swords to defend the faith ... We cannot oppose God's will. (Ulf)

I spent the next hour idle arguing with this priest, but finally managed to convince him, although I must admit that he gained a lot in my eyes. He wasn't a fanatic, he wasn't happy with Arab rule, but he didn't want another war, maybe because as a soldier he knew war too well ... but well-chosen words, slight manipulation and a saint can be turned into a whore.

Banbaluna was ten kilometers southeast of this settlement. Most of the troops were stationed farther south, there were four hundred soldiers in the city, most Arabs, but there was also a Berber cavalry unit. The city was well fortified and conquering it by siege will probably take a long time.

I wonder about the reviews of this novel, some of them are typical spam, others, even the negative ones, have some basis ... but today I have encountered a negative review for the first time by someone who has not read the novel. The only argument for this was that I am an "asshole" although the word does not come out straight ... people are funny :)

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