
Keith Anderson

After admiring the view with Lucan for a minute, Super unrolled a map on his desk.  It was a map of the country that used to be known as Baramore.  Now it had been completely taken over by dark elves, also known as the drow.

"Currently, 90% of the force that invaded Baramore has returned to the capital, Avalon.  It looks like they intend to settle down there.  They have recently raised their defenses around the city so it has been harder to infiltrate to get information.  But with the help of long-range spying and a bit of peeping form the ethereal realm, I can confirm that they plan to make Avalon more than just a pit stop."

"Oh?  What makes you say that?"  Lucan asked.

"They have already started constructing a large formation around the city.  Every night, once the sun goes down, they come out and work on it."

"Hmm, I see.  If they are trying that hard to make defensive arrangements than yes, it is likely that they plan on staying for a good while."

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