
Chapter 6

The lights were bright through the hall room casino especially with the red carpet on the floor.

Everyone at people who came to play cards at there at their table while some other playing at the gambling machine.

Changmin, Mr Dong and Chief police and his follower walked the busy bright room.

Other people hardly notice them walking. They were just so busy with their games.

Changmin could see the enthuaism from the players as well as excitment and cunning intelligence.

Then they arrived to the night cafe which was the next room. The light in the room was a bit dimmer than casino hall.

The men sat at one big table at the corner of the room.

"It's been a long time since you paid a visit here!" Mr Dong began.

"The place got bigger and much improved and it's only 2 years. This cafe"

Chief Police looked around and seemed to delighted with the place.

"There's been more customer lately. I must thank yours kins for supporting!"

Chief Police laughed out at that.

"They must have enjoyed it here!....by the wayy.."

There was silence for a moment before Chief Police continue.

"...by the way what do you think about our business? The products had been in demands and I guess some help from you will be useful...remember we had once been friends."

To this Mr Dong replied,

"I think Chief Police has enough power and has intelligence to do that all but dragging into it might be more dangerous than benefit"

Chief Police was not satisfied with this answer.

"I guess I could not say anything about it more then..!"

Then, Chief Police's interest turn to Changmin.

"You are so much alike to someone I knew before"

"People can be similar Sir. Besides we might have actually see each other at somewhere randomly before but not really know each other.", Changmin replied calmly.

"It could be too!"

Cheif Police nodded.

The time went by. With Chief Police request to take a walk in casino and cafe alone with Mr, Changmin was left alone with the follower man of Chief Police, the one who had given the bracelet back to Spring. Changmin learn the man was a new police who had replaced him.

"You really seem to worry about her. And I hope you do your best because dangers can be actually coming to her!"

Changmin sighed at that.


Time has passed a month, finally it had come to the time Spring had been waiting for. Her best penpal, Grace, had arrived from abroad too for this event.

Spring makeup herself which she had not done for long time now. She dressed up with a light blue gown.

She thought she would dressed her hair too but maybe it's not so much needed for a concert.

Finally, she's ready.

She found Changmin waiting for her at the car already. As soon as he saw her, he gazed her for a few moment until she began to blush.

"Let's go now..its already 3 pm, the show will start at 6 pm!"

"Ohh...ok...let's go!"


Yuri and Ryeowook were already near the concert hall. And Spring found Grace there too.

Spring, Grace and Yuri were excited. They had not thought that Ryeowook would have joined them. Worse than that was Spring father had let Changmin went inside to the hall with Spring.

Before concert, the three ladies had been looking around the hall and buying some goods too.

It was 6 pm and everyone go inside the hall.

The music had been for dances initially. However, they changed into romantic softer ones soon. The audiences were mature enough and there had not been childish screaming much. Out of all Grace was the most attentive to the singer on the stage. She could not just keep her eyes away from Yunho. Spring noticed that.

Yunho sang City Light and Change the World which were Grace's favorite. Then the concert was near to get over and Yunho went around the hall to greet fans.

He especially stopped at where to Spring and Grace standing to greet them for a moment. Changmin was looking at him but he was not looking back focus on the ladies. Changmin did not like the way Yunho looked at Spring. Yuri saw Changmin's reaction.

"Hehe there's someone worse than Ryeowook already!"

Then the concert was over.


Spring had invited Grace to stayed at her home. Grace agreed.

Before going home, the three ladies went to the bathroom. (The gentlemen too..😊). Spring finished before everyone and she came out of bathroom. It was near the concert hall. She waited for everyone near bathroom which was just out of the hall. But then suddenly, someone from behind covered her with a cloth and Spring became unconscious and lay down.

Grace and Yuri came out and found two or men put Spring onto the back of the salon car.

Changmin and Ryeowook came out too.

But the men were already starting to drive away.

Changmin ran towards them he did not know what he was actually doing but he 's worried. He realy care about Spring.

Suddenly, a car stopped near Changmin and Grace, Yuri and Ryeowook saw him got onto the car. And it was driven away leaving the three who did not know whatever is happening.


"Man, you are fast!"

Changmin was saying.

"Of course!" The driver, Yunho replied but he was still focusing at the car which was driving away much in front them.

"Yunho, I can handle it." Changmin said , pulling a gun out.

"Only at the right time man!" Yunho warned him.

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