

After the kiss that they shared in the park as the sun sets down in front of them, Erold and Nixel seemed to have their relationship much more deeper than it was before but also very distant. It was actually because of Nixel who had been getting troubled lately with how the things are going, his feelings to be exact. He was thinking alot of stuff as of this moment including the thought of being with Erold.

And Erold seemed to notice that Nixel have keeping his distance between the two of them after that kiss. Sure, they are much more closer now but it's different. Erold in some parts of him could feel it. The thought of it made him sad and what made him much more sadder is when Nixel acted like nothing happened, he even refrains himself from being all touchy with Erold. It made him cry once at night, hugging his pillow until his eyes and mind would finally get worn out.

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