
Gran Finalle!

"So they are finally together," Lady Sitri commented to her husband, observing an interaction between Sona and Yan over breakfast, "Yes, dear, but we still cannot disclose this relationship or he will be the target of everyone with an interest in Sona, "Lord Sitri commented on his concerns, despite not being able to think of anyone crazy enough to attack the mistress of the heir of the Sitri clan and the current Maou Leviathan, yes the parents always knew about the romance between the young man and his daughter older.

"You already know what you're going to do, right?", She asked her husband with a motherly smile on his face, "Yes, we would announce it on the day of the party, but it shouldn't be a problem to speak at the next meeting between the young demons," she replied drinking a cup of coffee looking at the two kids talking.

Yan's routine didn't change much after the relationship between him and Sona started, a week ago, in the morning he did basic physical training and then fought against Chloe, who managed to temporarily manifest himself in the human world before returning to Avalon, as soon as he decided to name his world. Chloe explained why the world was created by Archer's will and his regret for becoming a hero, creating a world where he didn't exist, consuming his soul in the process.

He hasn't introduced Chloe to anyone yet, and since he started training alone when he beat his instructor only with technique and thanks to the reinforcement of the evil piece all aspects, speed, attack, defense and his magic power, in addition to feeling a slight connection mental with Sona and his other pieces, being able to tell your location, emotions and temporarily visualize if you concentrate. "This skill would be very useful, I would say," commented Chloe sipping orange juice. "Yes, very useful," replied Yan, the two looked at each other with malice and started to laugh.

"Tomorrow is the day of that Ravel Phoenix's visit, right? Are you really going to add it to your peers, even though you know you can look for better servo parts in the multiverse? ", Her doubt was significant, there are several beings stronger than the phoenix of this world, for example, he could replace Ravel with Karin from Naruto and win a healer who in the right way can become a Jinchuuriki, rendering the phoenix tears useless and getting an excellent fighter. "It is necessary, this is my new world and I need allies, even if I create an exercise of the strongest beings of the whole multiverse I will be nothing without the right support, in addition the house of the Phoenix will be my future servant should I have someone inside to be able to control them, "he had a serious smile on his face, looking like an experienced dealer or the villain revealing his plan to take over the world," It's just because she's beautiful, right? ", Chloe saw through the boy's true thoughts who just nodded.

Chloe sensed someone's presence and returned to Avalon moments before a maid arrived and warned the boy that Serafall was already waiting to teach. "I remember her saying that this was going to be our last class", he went to Serafall's classroom, where all the classes had been in the last 5 years, "Lia-tan sou eu", knocked on the door and entered, being surprised by a dissatisfied-looking Serafall wearing a white dress shirt, black skirt above the knees and wearing pantyhose highlighting his white legs.

Her hair in a ponytail waved as she materialized the blue glasses with her right hand, "For you, Serafall-Sensei and sit down, let's start your test", she pointed to the center of the room where the bed should be and now he had a school set of chair and table, on which was the proof, a pen and a magic concealer. "Lia", before he could finish speaking, a snowball hit his face, "Serafall-Sensei, I didn't know I was going to take a test, after all I never had one", in all his classes there was never one test, so it was a big surprise.

She adjusted her glasses as she approached the boy, "This is proof of promotion to intermediate rank, Luci-chan owed me one and it was not difficult to get this promotion after his victory over Rise, in addition to having Ravel as a future piece of his nobility it is enough to qualify you for a promotion ", guided the boy to the table where he would take the test.

"Okay, but shouldn't we go to the demon's school to get tested?", Yan struggled to look away from Serafall's curves that he seemed to notice and sat at the table in front of him with her legs crossed. "This is just a formality, your promotion has been accepted as of today, you are an intermediate rank demon, despite having zero demonic power", Serafall licked her lips and unbuttoned a button on her shirt slightly revealing his white bra, she got up from the table and walked to his back and whispered in his ear "You know, I heard something interesting when I arrived, about you and Sona".

"we knew we were going to finish the three together, the final polygamy is common among the demons", she continued to speak, making him shudder slightly, "I don't care how many you have, but if you hurt Sona or leave her I will have to tell you punish it a little, "Yan felt a light bite on his neck, which developed into great pain." Yes! Madam! "He replied and she released his neck.

"As a reward for being a good boy, I let you pass without taking the test," she blinked and the test with no questions answered disappeared from the table. They stared at each other for a while before he felt Serafall sit on his lap. "You can't move," she started kissing the boy and rubbing her body over his. Yan did not resist for long and squeezed his butt with both hands, only to feel two points of ice hitting them. "Don't move or it will be worse the second time," she winked at the stunned boy and continued to enjoy her little lover and Yan could only think, "is this Lia-tan?" The maid passing the corridor looked through the gap, briefly observing everything and closing the door, leaving the two of them to have their time alone.

The next morning Yan lying with Serafall hugging him on the right and Sona hugging him on the other side, after dinner the two went to his room and slept together. "Time to wake up", he stroked their hair to wake them up. Sona woke up with a smile and gave Yan a peck before getting out of bed, "Ne-chan wake up, Ravel Phoenix is ​​coming soon and we need to prepare", Sona tried to wake up her sister, but there was no sign of life coming here. "Let's let her sleep some more, she must be tired of working so much", Yan turned into a mist and left the bed leaving Lia-tan to sleep.

Breakfast occurred normally and soon after everyone was in the living room waiting for Ravel Phoenix for his visit that did not take long to occur, when a yellow magic circle appeared in the center of the room and four figures appeared, Lord and Lady Phoenix, his son Rise and little Ravel. "Welcome to Sitri territory, I hope your visit will be fruitful", said Lady Sitri, her clan is usually led by women, having a great history of powerful female leaders, which is in fact seen in Serafall who is the only one Maou and Sona who, despite being young, perfectly mastered even the most complex spells, presenting high potential and leadership in the administration of the territory.

"So will be! As promised, I brought my daughter, Ravel Phoenix, to meet Yan Zollen, a mid-class reincarnated devil, Queen of Sona Sitri and her Future King ", when he finished speaking Ravel took two steps forward and held the sides of his light pink flowered dress and bowed slightly, "My name is Ravel Phoenix, it's a pleasure to meet someone as strong as oni-sama!" The youngest daughter of the Phoenix house, known for having school results similar to Sona, but different from her, who is good at administration as her main strength, Ravel has her strategic potential creating tactics for her brothers to use in the Rating-Game.

"It is a pleasure to meet you and sorry for the saying during the game", during Rise's greeting his voice was robotic, as if forced to say this, which was confirmed by looking at his mother and she had a genuinely evil smile in the face.

Everyone headed towards the entrance to the property where a carriage was waiting to show the landmarks. Each territory had its peculiarities, however the Sitri was the most impressive, being one of the few spared from the destruction caused by the great war, and this is due to the work of the many generations of the heads of the family who intervened to ward off conflicts or even initiate them to intercept the offensive to the territory. The Story Clan is famous in the underworld for its hospital created by the former and current heiress Maou named after the Serafall Memorial Hospital in honor of it, also for its almost intact natural reserves and of course one of the best hot springs in the whole Underworld.

Throughout the visit, the Phoenix family was particularly interested in the hospital, as their main source of income comes from the sale of phoenix tears that are capable of healing the most serious injuries in a matter of moments, so see the alternative facilities that are not only used to heal wounds, but also illnesses being one of the few flaws in his elixir.

After having a reasonably quick lunch the group split up, the young people went for a picnic while the others went to talk business. "So So-tan, where would it be a good place to go?", Yan was never allowed to leave the mansion area and Serafall didn't have much free time to show around the territory so he was also having a great time.

Sona led the way to the end of a canyon used for training

Highly destructive magic and the main point, it was the ideal place for a picnic, as it was isolated, ventilated and close to many trees. All the way the only one who didn't seem interested was Rise who was visibly counting the time to go, but didn't want to leave her little sister alone.

"Hey, how about a rematch?", Yan wanted to fight Rise again, but this time he had cards up his sleeve to keep him from being in a similar situation, although if it was one of wear he would undoubtedly lose. Rise smiled, he waited for the right moment to take his revenge and is there a better time than that? Ravel and Sona are here to testify that he won by luck and in addition I spent the week training with Sairaorg, "clear", before he finished speaking Sona interrupted, "They are invited and we cannot have a dispute between them here, so control your testosterone excess, "she gave Yan a playful smile.

Ravel was excited to see both of them in action, as she only saw their struggle on recordings, but was disappointed by Sona's words, despite agreeing with it, it is always better not to create unnecessary friction between the clans. "Unlimited Gear Works", the world around everyone changed dozens of swords stuck in the ground, snowy mountains could be seen on the horizon, with a beautiful northern light covering the sky, "Even without a fight we can show off a little bit for you right? "Yan finally discovered his sin.

Each devil, whether pure-blooded or reincarnated, incorporates a capital sin when they are born / reborn, affecting their reasoning, decisions and personality, making devils almost immutable when it comes to their personalities. Rise for example embodies the sin of pride, being from the Phoenix house and inheriting almost perfection his skills give him basis for the growth of his ego, but of course his pride does not let him tarnish the name of his home and has created a great respect stronger hair. Yan's case is more complicated, he had great tendencies to develop, Envy for wanting to be powerful like the Maous, Luxuria because of his vampiric race and influence from Serafall or lastly Gula and his desire for blood, despite not needing to drink to survive, however none of these sins were manifest, because the strongest desire in his heart was to demonstrate that neither Serafall or Sona were wrong, to show the world why they chose him, yes his sin is Vanity, a strand of pride, the desire to become the only one in the eyes of both, for both he will seek to become stronger and stronger.

Yan disappeared from the side of the tree and reappeared in the air over a magical circle supporting him underneath, "Enjoy the show!", A barrier surrounded the three when an infinity of swords formed the crest of the Sitri clan in the sky as they moved, forming multiple figures up to the coat of arms of the Phoenix house.

The blades began to form a hurricane, the sky was clear, the northern lights disappeared and it started to rain, green, blue, yellow, white, multiple colors shone illuminated the sky, yes the swords fell leaving only a beautiful colored blur. "Time for the Gran finale!", Yan said, giving a mortal and falling to the ground while standing, all the blades visible to the horizon started to release small amounts of electricity and flew towards the skies that at some point an Iceberg appeared.

Everyone had different reactions, Sona looked like a mother who saw her little boy learn to walk, Ravel had stars in his eyes and finally Rise with an incredulous look, how could he want to beat him by training just for a week.

The ice, rock was annihilated by swords and it started to snow, the space surrounded by swords was replaced by a few inches of snow. "Yan! That was amazing! ", Sona came running to hug her boyfriend, but what she didn't expect happened, she was greeted by a snowball in the face. "Less talk and more action!", Yan did not wait for the reaction of the four who were watching and just continued to play snowball, no one was surprised by Chloe's presence until the end of the game.

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one more chapter, I started to fix the previous chapters, tomorrow I will finish them all.

keep updating me about the errors to be able to correct them.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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