
Time to Grind!

Number 1: Acquire analyze skill if possible (if it even exists).

Number 2: Increase all skill levels.

Number 3: Discover magic.

Number 4: Explore past the big lake. ----Done

Number 5: Find some good food.

Number 6: Find intelligent life (Not including monsters) ------Done/incomplete

Number 7: Do not die!

Ok so that is two things off the list for now. I should get to work on number 2, not just my skill levels but my main level in general needs to be going up. I have not fought anything or killed anything, except for maybe those lizards an hour or so back, but they did not give me anything I did not hear any voice that I usually do when I killed them.

Small creatures like that might not be enough, or I just need to kill enough of them to warrant the voice to say something, damn I wish this was all more strait forward. I have explored enough for now and I know what is around me. In one direction is the big lake with the dying forest past it, I honestly have no reason to go that way unless I want to try my luck at hunting deer around the lake or the occasional fish man that wanders out of the water. I am going to wait until I am either fully grown or as big as the turtle for me to take it on.

In the opposite direction would be the shrub lands, where most of gobs and knolls I saw before live. I feel like I would have a better time hunting there than in the woods, there are more targets to go after as well as the fact that they are not as strong as me. I could overwhelm groups of them and level up quickly and do the same for my skills. That sounds perfect. Guess its off to the shrub lands for me but first I need a nap I am tired.

I made a comfortable looking spot around the mound and lay down and before I knew it I was out like a light.


AAAhhhhh I really needed that, I don't think I slept for a day or two. Well its not like I have not done an all-nighter before but the exploring part of it really wore me out. Now there is no time to waste, TO THE SHRUB LANDS! Oh hold two things I got to do first.

I got up and walked over to my list of things and stared scratching in another it read

Number 8: Find a way to alleviate cursed forest, deadline -- about 50 years (you got time).

The last thing I should do is check up on my status, I know I looked when I was back at the giant tree but I should just get a grasp on what I'm working with at the moment.


--Race: Unknown

--Age: 0 years old

--Titles: "Thing", Ambusher

--Level: 29 ---> (was 26)

--Passive skills:

Dark vision

Serrated bite: level 3

Increased perception: level 3

Swordsmanship: level 2 (inactive)

Blunt weapon mastery: level 2 (inactive)

Major resistance (all status effects)

--Active skills:

Slash (Claws): level 3

Intimidating roar: level 2

Physical enhancement: level 2

Dash: level 2

--Unique skills:


Skill points: 52


Huh so my level did go up I wonder when that happened? That is good though I am already on my way to where I want to be. I would like to reach level 50 as fast as I can and level at least one or two skills to 5. I will focus on slash, and hmm dash for now and then I will change if need be.

Alright time to go. . .

(AN: I messed up the last time with the status it was supposed to 29 last time he opened it up but I was so focused on the skills levels it slipped my mind I will work on that.)


Somewhere in the shrub lands at a wide clearing was set a campsite where several fires were burning. More than 30 individuals were in this clearing talking eating and looking over their shoulders trying to see if they could get anything out of one another. The four that originally set out here to get rich were sitting down near the wagon they had brought talking amongst themselves.

"So, we have been here for what 4 days? We have only encountered brush wolves, feral goblins, gnolls and finally 1 shrieker. The good thing is that we have some things to return with and put on the market, bad news is that it is not enough to cover for what we set out with. Then there is the fact that someone opened their craw and let it slip that there was a rare monster about now we got competition to deal with, am I missing anything?" (Man3)

"Yes, you are, it's the fact that the only evidence of the thing existing is some tracks found at the old goblin settlement which ran cold shortly after. We have nothing to go on and no way to track the thing. The only things we can do are continue to wait for some sign of it, whatever it is, or go back to New Portus with what we have. I know there is no time limit here but the longer it is we don't get any leads the less likely we are to find this thing." (Man4)

"I know, I know, we just have to be patient. If it came around here once, then that means it will again and when that happens, we will all be ready. I'm willing to stay another 4 days before packing up and going." Inner dialogue [I have spent far too much to go back now.] (Man1)

"For the most part I am usually for your ideas, but this time after what you just said I am not so sure about this anymore. There is no guarantee that this thing will come back here what if it migrated somewhere else by now, the seasons are close to changing it might have gone farther into the forest or something. It's all speculation now." (Man2)

"Haaa, we set traps, we have surveyed the area more than two dozen times, we even spread ourselves as thin as we could in order to cover enough ground what more could we do to get this damn thing!" (Man1)

"How about improving the bait? Like live bait for one of our traps. We all go there use that item we got for covering our scent and wait until something comes." (Man2)

"Wow that is actually not that bad of an idea, man and I thought all that was in your head was muscle but look here you are proving me wrong." (Man3)

"Shut the fuck up!" (Man2)

"Both of you be quiet. Now that does not sound like a bad idea, we should use a few goblins we captured as the bait and have them tied up in another clearing. Mabey, we bleed them a bit to better lure in anything out there. This could really work." (Man1)

"Well don't celebrate to early we still got a monster to catch alive or dead." (Man4)

For the future I have asked this but what do you think about having a chapter that explains where everyone currently is or giving periodic updates on the status so I do not have to do the "status check ups" in the chapter themselves. Just a suggestion I would like feedback on. Those chapters would be quick unlike these where it takes me weeks to push out. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you like this chapter any and all coments are appreciated I read them all.

TheRealRussianArmycreators' thoughts
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