
Movin' up in the world

Upon getting back to the Think Tank and attempting to speak with Alfred, Afton was immediately greeted by yet more notifications.



He sighs. Afton was pretty tired after fight Patient Zero and the rest of the fungel monsters, so if he were honest, he'd rather just get some rest and do this tomorrow. Regardless, its not like he can resume time without completing the level up.

He tosses 11 Skill Points into Survival to max it out before shoving the rest in Lockpick, the only remaining un levelled skill. A notification pops up indicating that his Survival had been maxed out, and a Vault Boy that looks vaguely similar to Tarzan stands next to it in only a loincloth...

[Survival maxed! Perk granted : Wild Man]

[Wild Man] : You have an instinctual link with the wilderness, +100% bonus to Trapping, Tracking, Taming, Foraging, and Stealth while in the wild. +2 Perception, +2 Agility while outside manmade buildings, and territory. Afton wasn't excited or disappointed with this Perk, it was just 'alright', especially considering the fact that most combat he'd be participating in would be outside of the Perk's effects.

Though, gaining Perception and Agility while potentially facing a Deathclaw did sound pretty good. After looking over the new Perk, he boredly scrolls to look at the other one's he could potentially grab, even despite the fact he intended to put it in Endurance. He had to stop himself salivating at the thought of the 10 Endurance Perk he'd receive.

[Flame on!] : 25% resistance to fire. Yeah, this would have been good a couple hours ago... Afton didn't intend to get it though, 25% wasn't worth his Perk points, especially since he only had a couple left before level 50... He still wasn't sure if that was the max level either.

[Spark off!] 25% resistance to electricity. Same problem, though, Afton wondered just what constituted electricity to the Perk.

[Untouched Magnificence] : +100% bonus damage when not injured, affected by poisons, diseases, or other debuffs. Hmm, this seemed like an incredible sniper Perk. Sitting a mile away safe as can be while sniping your enemies... Good.

[Wizard.] : You have fought off women and retained your virginity for so long! +5 to all Stats and Skills. (Must retain virginity to keep Perk), Afton felt like he was getting trolled with this one, there was no way he was going to stay celibate just to keep this Perk, no matter how broken it seemed.

[Seaside Old Timer] : When fishing you just find the darndest things... 20% chance to fish up random valuable objects. This one was interesting, Afton wondered what was considered 'valuable'... Could he fish up a nuclear submarine or something? Or perhaps lost pirate gold? Though, he hadn't fished in. well, since he came to this world, so maybe it wasn't the best choice.

[Mum's the word] : Your subordinates will be unnaturally independent and competent, and are unwilling to approach you should a problem present itself. This seems like it would be just as bad as it would be good... Having the folks in the Think Tank become more independent seemed like a one way ticket to fucked-creek.

[I have a dream!] : Set a goal once this Perk is taken, the more difficult the goal the bigger the reward you will receive after its completion. This was very vague. If it gave him some more info on just what the reward would be, he'd feel more confident in picking it.

He sighs, alright, let's see... He would use the scientifically proven best method to pick whether he wanted to take this Perk, or just upgrade his Endurance.


"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers let him go. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe." Afton says while pointing between the [I have a dream] Perk and [Intense Training]. Afton once finishing opens his eyes and spots that he had indeed picked the former...

"Hmm... I guess that's what I'm doing... Now to decide what his 'dream' would actually be. He could just choose 'tie his laces', but doubted the reward would be any good. Or, he could choose something like 'conquer the world', which, would be too difficult.

"Fucking Goldilocks." he grumbles. Thinking it over.

Destroy the NCR and Legion? He shakes his head, too difficult, not to mention tedious. He might literally have to kill every single legionnaire, even after he kills Caeser.

Become elder for the Brotherhood? No... While difficult (especially considering how he left), he didn't want to deal with managing everything afterwards... God, he was even creating the most sophisticated AI ever seen in this world just to pawn his chores off on it.

Kill Mr. House? Honestly, Afton didn't think that would be too difficult. All he had to do was gain access to Helios One, then point the Range Finder at New Vegas and wallah! A searing crater where Mr. House and thousands of other lives were lost. Nah, if he was going to kill the man, he wanted to know more about him before committing to it.

Though, that does bring something to mind... Conquer the Mojave?


Honestly, it wasn't too difficult or too easy. The Mojave itself was relatively small compared to the rest of the world, and all he'd need to do was drive out the Legion and NCR, something he intended to do anyway.

Though, that brought to mind what he'd do with House... Again, it was better to meet the man first before doing anything drastic...

You know what? That seems like a great one. Besides, even if he took control of it, he could just make another AI to manage it for him. Good for him, good for whoever he'd rule over, and good for the Perk.

[You have a dream. Conquer the Mojave to see it through, and claim the rewards.]

Afton nods to himself, now that he thought about it, he'd gained quite a lot of Perks lately. The Implants, the titles, and the challenges all buffering his Status. Time resumes and he realises that he'd forgotten what he was talking with Alfred about...

"Er, excuse me, the bathroom is calling." he says, quickly leaving the confused AI.

Hope you bois like the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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