
Hundred &Twenty Three (123)

"Definitely stronger, it just adds to my natural strength"

"Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

"Nothing, Cassy mentioned it once when she was younger and it kinda just stuck"

[The tribes of Skarka has been acquired] Paris's cold voice interrupted the scene

"Another win for the Spartans" Gali said as she raised her wine glass to the air then took a sip

"How is Attuma taking it"

[The Spartan captain, Markus beat him into submission]

"As expected…. Namor will hear of it and probably try to attack in the name of helping his fellow Atlanteans, Gali would you like to be in-charge of the exchange program that is about to start" James asked knowing that The Skarka tribe was underdeveloped…. at least in terms of other common things like proper education, maybe medicine too.

From what he had seen from the Skarka tribe, they are simply a country of Atlanteans that worship the battle so James expected a lot of normal things to be vastly underdeveloped in the tribe. Their weapons and fighting was definitely top tier but James doubted that the common Atlantean there knew how to solve a simple math problem.

"You simply want to pass the job to someone else and besides I cant actually be in-charge of it, to everyone in Elysium and outside it, I am basically the Prime Minister of Elysium… you can't expect me to leave my own nation and start helping another"

"That does make sense… Paris can you find a good ambassador for us" James asked

[I have found one, Abigail Northener, recently graduated from the University of Elysium and the best part she has a thing for water] Paris answered

"Is she a mutant?"

[No, she just loves to swim and she is open minded enough to work with people that aren't the same as her]

"That's great….. and speaking of school, Cassy starts high school tomorrow"

[Yes but according to her mom's orders, you are not allowed 5 meters anywhere around the school] Paris said immediately

"What?… Why?"

"You know why…. if you are around, Cassy wouldn't enjoy High school like a normal student and also you will push for homeschooling instead" Gali explained as she rolled her eyes

James, who was lying there looking dejected knew that what they were saying made sense, he was sort of overprotective of Cassy. Maybe it was because he never had a younger one in his past life, or if this was how all good cousins felt about their younger cousins.

He knew himself well enough to know that if he is there to watch Cassy enter the school building, he will probably sneak some bodyguards into the building with her, or simply convince her mother to home-school her. From Gali's statement though, James could grab that his Aunt Michelle had found some means to get her to school without anyone recognizing her.

[And besides I think you would prefer to focus more on the Meta Academy tomorrow] Paris said drawing James's attention instantly


"Emma" Gali answered


[The children, you are their manipulations teacher] Paris answered covering Gali's answer for some reason.

James who saw this reaction from them wasn't a fool, he understood what they meant. He was the children's Manipulations teacher which simply meant he basically taught all of them how to better control their powers especially for those of them that were forthbringers. This was a term, James had created to classify those that projected some form of ability from themselves like Fire manipulators, telepaths, telekinetic etc.

The classes were held any time he felt like it or in simpler terms, whenever Paris or Gali manages to force him over there. He knew that they were sending him there not for the Children but for Frost, Emma Frost aka the Proprietress of the Meta Academy. He didn't need to be an empath to tell that she liked him and worse, several Empaths had told him so.

The only problem he had with this was that, somehow it felt harder to approach Emma than a cosmic being like Gali. He didn't know if it was because of Emma's powers or if it was simply just because he had never been good at talking to girls. He had no problems talking to Gali and Paris because in technicality, the two were non-binary.

Gali could switch to be a man at this moment and it was the same with Paris. Both had phenomenal power to anything they wanted and that power came from him so he felt sort of okay talking to them on a daily basis but with Emma things were vastly different.

"I will try my best" James replied

He didn't know why but for some reason, he felt proud of himself. Many men are confined to only one wife or girlfriend while he was being forced to have another and the only thing stopping him was simply the fact that he couldn't approach Emma.

[Excellent, Now your attention is needed back on Earth] Paris said as she teleported both of them back to Earth.




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