

After flying a few kilometers away from the apparent convention dedicated to me, I landed in a clearing and de-encapsulated my spaceship to act as a sort of house. I then get my new plan ready. I've had this plan in the works in progress section of my brain ever since I got my Sharingan. This plan that I am thinking about oh so mysteriously about is a plan that will get me actual unlimited power. Whilst thinking about it I go to my ship's bathroom and take a relaxing shower.

I am pretty powerful, but In a battle with reality warpers and Gods like the Celestials, Alien X, The Beyonder, Beyonders, The Presence, The One Above All, Bill Cipher, The Anti-monitor, Discord, and many, many others even with Ultra instinct it will be a very hard or almost impossible fight them. My powers over Life Energy and fighting techniques can only go so far. Ki's main power is destruction and can only do other things on a smaller scale, so I have decided to learn another power system, Magic. And I don't mean I will go to some other universe and painstakingly learn that specific universe's magic system when I have an easy get-rich-quick scheme right in front of me that will be sure to work, the dragon balls.

After mulling over the specifics in the quarters of my ship while half-heartedly listening in to the amusing news, I get up from my bed and leave my ship to go ahead with the plan. Once I am outside I make a few preparations. I use my Ki Barrier technique to make a shield around the area of my ship and bring out the dragon balls as well as the enormous sculpture out of my pocket dimension. I go over the plan in my head and decide that I am in the clear.

"Ultimate Shenron, rise and grant my wish!" I shouted. The dragon obliged and was before me after a quarter minute of summoning.


"I want you to give me the power to manipulate my soul perfectly," I said to him. His eyes glowed a bit brighter before he said his piece and disappeared back into the dragon balls. I marveled at the knowledge entering my mind and was elated that my plan wasn't impossible. I sat down and entered a comfortable position. After a few minutes, I entered a meditative trance and entered a state of enlightenment.

It was midnight before I felt any changes. I snapped wide awake and saw that I was lying down on the ground. I was a bit confused before I looked down at myself and realized I was glowing a faint blueish white, yet wasn't projecting any light on to my surrounding. I looked to my right and saw... Myself? I then realized I had done it! My 'spirit' or soul had left my body and I was now in the 'spirit world'! Being excited, I started testing myself.

Surprisingly I could still interact with things in the spirit world and my ki works just fine and is just as powerful as before. I traveled around to world as a spirit just for fun and to my surprise found other spirits as well, but when I tried to talk to them they seemed kind of braindead. Maybe braindead is a strong word, more like unresponsive, and random yet still aware. The spirits would do random shit like close doors, throw things around the room, drop stationery items, leave obvious handprints, and other dumb shit. The even dumber thing is that living people would hugely overreact and scream like little girls, it was quite funny.

Anytime someone would flee in terror or squeal in fright I and the other spirits would bust a gut laughing. This was probably the origin of all the ghost stories I heard about in my past life. For some reason, the other spirits couldn't perceive me so after a while I teleported back to my body and commenced the plan.

I walked up to the sculpture and the dragon balls and touched them with my spiritual tendrils. While the spirit mirrors your physical body, you can actually manipulate it into different shapes as it doesn't follow the rules of the physical world, using this knowledge I turned my spirit-hand into tendrils that grasped onto the dragon balls and sculpture. I slowly started to bring the items fully into the spirit world and all at the same time to maximize efficiency. It took a week of pure concentration but I was able to transform all the dragon balls and the sculpture into spiritual objects.

During this time, someone had found my little ki dome in the woods and soon hundreds of people were camped outside it. People had actually set up cameras as well and I think were live streaming. Over the course of the week, they would watch in awe as my items would slowly disappear into a blue mist. They also recorded my body and took a bunch of photos.

I pushed thoughts of the people around me out of my head and focused on the spiritual objects before me. I had a limited time to make this work so I reattached my spiritual tendrils to the objects and compressed them until they were all the size of marbles. I took the eight marbles and smushed them together to form a super marble. The spiritual weight and pressure started affecting the physical world as the temperature dropped substantially that even snow started forming around me. It even caused my body to sneeze and blink a few times, revealing glowing white eyes.

My body caused a lapse in concentration as I was still connected to it, causing the super spirit marble to grow a bit. I quickly regained concentration and shrunk it back to marble size and quickly swallowed it. I felt my whole being ascending to a higher realm of existence. Nothing felt as if it was not within my grasp to control. I now had the full power of the dragon balls with just a thought.

I desperately wanted to try out my new power so I fused back with my body. My eyes popped open and I sat up, feeling really stiff. I spent a few good minutes stretching and throwing a few punches to loosen myself up. A rumble came from my gut as I felt the most hunger I had ever felt in my entire life, I didn't realize someone could ever be this hungry. I ran into my ship at the speed of light, stuffing my guts with any tasty food I could scrounge up. I purposefully avoided Senzu beans as those tasteless abominations could never hope to think of gracing the stomach of this Young Master, the great and powerful Lantro of the Heaven Defying Food Sect!

"... " I stared at myself in the mirror in pure abject horror, "What?"

Where did that come from? Maybe all this hunger did something to my brain? I felt a tugging sensation on my being and felt that it was a friendly and familiar presence so I let it pull me. The world around seemed to dissolve and be replaced by a blank white void. I heard furious laughter behind me and turned to see ❄︎❒︎︎♋︎︎■︎︎⬧︎︎●︎︎♏︎❒︎ busting a gut. I had a sudden realization and looked at him angrily.

"It was you, you cunt, why did you infect this glorious Young Master of The Heaven defying food sect with this insufferable Young Masteritis, do you want me to tell the Sect Elder!" It took me a moment to realize what I said which made my anger stew. This only made him laugh harder and in response, he snapped his fingers.

"Stop laughing, you B-Baka!" I stuttered with a one hundred percent uncharacteristic feminine voice! Damnit he made me a Tsundere as well! His laugh grew even louder which made my face glow red with rage and humiliation. After a minute he stopped laughing and just stared at me.

"So, uh-," I tried saying but he interrupted.

"Do you know why I did that, besides the keks?" I shook my head no.

"I did that first to remind you that there is always someone stronger and that just because you are one of the most powerful in the multiverse, you shouldn't grow complacent or arrogant. The second is because despite you having the power akin to a god, you still have one step left to take to truly reach that level." I stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"And that final level is the control of Primordial energy, or just simply Divine energy. Anyone who is a true god has access to this energy. As a matter of fact, gods from the Dragonball Multiverse combine Primordial energy with ki to make god ki." This revelation blew my mind as I had not really thought about the intricacy of the many power systems and their make-ups, I was so focused on getting stronger and fighting strong guys that my views had narrowed.

"How do I gain access to Primordial energy I had never even heard of it until now?" I asked him.

"Primordial Energy exists all around us, No one except gods can sense or see it. A mortal will have to become unfathomably powerful to be able to sense a snippet of this energy, thankfully you have me!" ❄︎❒︎︎♋︎︎■︎︎⬧︎︎●︎︎♏︎❒︎ said as he puffed his chest out. I sighed at him with my hand in my face.

"Ey, what's with that look! I'll have you know I am quite powerful! Just to prove it I'll gather a bit of primordial energy and inject it into you without your consent!" he said with false indignation as he poked me lightly in the ribs.

"Wait wha-"


Name: Lantro (Jason Mackenzie)

Race: Ancient Saiyan (The power of the Ancients flows through your soul)

Age: 10 yrs

Power level: 61 octillian (The high Angel realm of power)

[Martial arts]----------

Kami style martial arts(EX), street fighting(SSS)

[ki abilities]----------

Ki control(EX), Ki sensing(EX), flying(EX), ki aura(EX), ki shaping(EX), Spirit Control(SS), materializtion(SSS), telepathy(SSS), telekinesis(SSS)

[ki techniques]----------

Ki blast, Thunder Shock Surprise(SSS), Galick Gun(10x), Super Galick Gun(12x) Death Beam, Final flash(25x), Big bang Attack(5X), KamehameHa(10x), ki barrier(SSS), Super Kamehameha(15x), illusion(SS+), Instant Transmission level 3(SSS), healing(A++), cloning(SSS), Gigantifiction(B), personal pocket space, ki blade(EX), ki sycthe(SS+), Kamehameha x10(150x)


Genetic Access, unlimited potential, unbound soul, Divine tongue, air is for the weak! , Dimensional travel, Sharingan(matured), Instantaneous Movement Technique/Autonomous Ultra Instinct(Mastered)

(multiversal travel) - worlds so far: Dragonball, Naruto, Earth(prime), DC


[Super Saiyan(1500x), Super Saiyan 2(20x), Super Saiyan 3(40x)], Mastered Oozaru(100x)


Sorry for not uploading for so long but recently my father died of Covid-19 and I really couldn't muster up the motivation to write anything until now, but don't worry I won't drop the story or leave you guys hanging. Also, check out my other story Naruto: Rewritten.

Chad_Thundercockcreators' thoughts
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