
Piao Yun’s Plan

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Jin wasn't concerned about Piao Yun's departure. Quite frankly, he didn't even care about her. His attention was completely fixated on the Storm Beast Cave.

This exceptionally unique beast had been alive for too long. It might even be the oldest creature Lin Jin had appraised thus far.

According to the museum's report, this Storm Beast Cave had been alive for over one hundred thousand years now. 

At first, Lin Jin thought his eyes were deceiving him. He had to double-check, just to be sure he was looking at the right thing. The information provided by the museum was so long that it broke the record. It was at least ten times longer compared to other beasts.

There was a saying that one tended to fall in love with their field of work. After serving as a beast appraiser for so long, Lin Jin had also come to love his profession. It was unsurprising that he wanted to learn more about this unusual creature.

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