
Meet The Family Part 2

"See, I told you all this would be a bad idea." A tall green-haired woman said with one hand on her cheek as they all watched Hestia try to calm the crying baby.

"Wha-! But Palutena, weren't you the first one to agree with me!?" A light blue-haired girl yells frantically while looking back and forth between the crying child and the green-haired woman.

"Ara Ara, I have no idea what you're talking about, Aqua-san. Are you perhaps not feeling well? Maybe you should lie down and get some rest," She with the most innocent expression she could muster.

"Ahhh! That's not fair! Don't pin this all on me! At least take some of the blame!" She said while shaking Palutena, to the woman's amusement. She could always count on Aqua to be a scapegoat while also giving her a pleasant laugh.

The green-haired woman was Palutena, a goddess of light and ruler of a realm known as Angel Land. Palutena has the appearance of a 22-year-old human woman, with long green hair that reaches down to her lower legs. She stands at around 176 cm (5'9"), and has an overall elegant and regal appearance, fitting her title as the Goddess of Light.

Her outfit comprises a layered, white dress, along with numerous gold accessories in the form of a necklace, laurel crown, fibula, arm bands, arm brace, armored sleeve, and ornaments secured by belts. She recently took to wearing more modern clothes, especially from the west, but secretly wanted to make a good first impression on the now crying baby.

The other was Aqua, a goddess of water tasked with guiding souls to the afterlife. She has ocean blue eyes, a slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, wide hips and blue waist-long hair that is partially tied into a loop with a water-molecule shaped clip. Her height was average at about 168 cm (5'5").

Aqua's clothes carry a blue color scheme, comprising a blue vest with white accents and detached white sleeves with blue and yellow accents; she also wears a green bow around her chest with a blue sphere in the middle. She wears thigh-high blue heeled boots, an extremely short dark blue miniskirt, and a translucent purple underskirt. That said, for some reason only known to her genius brain, she doesn't wear panties. Most of them choose not to comment on her odd choice in fashion-

"Shush up, no pan pervert. You too loud! Fenrir ears hurt!" A small girl said while covering the wolf ears on her head with her paws.

"As much as I hate to agree with the mutt, you are being quite loud, Aqua-san. Even my lovely ears can only take so much." A pink haired girl with golden-orange fox ears standing straight on her said with a mock air of importance while casually insulting the wolf loli.

"What smelly fox say!" Said the wolf girl, Fenrir, the god devouring wolf, goddess of ice, and (to Hestia's befuddlement and mirth) the supposed daughter of Loki.

Fenrir was a small girl, only slightly taller than Hestia at 150 cm (4'9"), with midnight blue hair and almost glowing blood crimson eyes. She had a single fluffy tail of the same color with a white tip fiercely waving behind her, showing her agitation. Unlike the others, her hands were paws completely covered in fur until just before her elbow. Her feet were also wolf like and covered in fur.

She wore blue jean short shorts and a black crop top covered by a jacket with light blue fur lining the hood. She didn't wear shoes because of her feet, but no one minded much. Hestia herself often went without shoes, even when going outside and only wore sandals occasionally.

She also had a collar around her neck with a chain extending from it wrapping around both her paws keeping them close together. This was apparently the legendary Gleipnir, the chain that was said to be forged from impossible things to be impossible to break.

"Oh my, to think you couldn't even understand such simple words. I guess I shouldn't have expected less from a dog like you." The other girl responded, trying to look unaffected by Fenrir's words but her twitching eye giving away her true feelings. She was Tamamo-No-Mae or more aptly known as Amatarasu, the goddess of the sun.

Tamamo is a therianthropic being with the appearance of a human possessing fox characteristics such as the ears and two tails. She doesn't mind being called a fox since she thinks they are cute, especially their fluffy ears. Tamamo has yellow eyes and long pink hair that she keeps tied up.

She is currently wearing a pink and white striped hooded jacket that extends slightly past her hands and covering her hot pink sports bra. Black leather short shorts with pink accents and black leggings that end in the middle of her thighs. Leaving her absolute territory exposed for the world to see.

"Grrr~ Fenrir eat you!" Fenrir said, growing and trying to be as intimidating as she could be, though everyone present just thought she looked adorable. Though none of them would stick their hand in her mouth, she wasn't called the god devouring wolf for nothing after all.

"Bring it on, pipsqueak!" Tamamo said, though she was only 10 cm taller than Fenrir at 160 cm (5'2"), her ample D cup chest at the very least was much larger than Fenrir's almost flat AA washing boards. Though still slightly larger than a certain goddess of mischief's own washboards.

Tamamo and Fenrir were almost constantly at each other's throats from the day they met. They were both opposites in many ways, including their conflicting affinities with one being fire and light while the other was ice and darkness. Tamamo hated dogs while Fenrir didn't like foxes because of their nature reminding her of her father, Loki. Tamamo loved to cook more than almost anything else, while Fenrir loved to eat more than almost anything else. Truly two people born to be opposites.

"Now. Now. Aunty, Fenrir-chan, please try not to fight. It's still a celebration, after all. Didn't you both promise to try to be civil, at least for today?" Came the exasperated voice of Uka, also known as Inari, the goddess of craftsmanship, agriculture, industry and prosperity. Ironically, even though she was the goddess mostly associated with foxes, she did not have a pair of fox ears or a tail herself.

She was the daughter of Susanoo-no-Mikoto who also happened to be Amatarasu's brother, making her the niece of Amaterasu A.K.A Tamamo. Well, a version of her at least.

Inari is a beautiful fair-skinned woman with blonde hair that is usually tied in a ponytail, secured with red ribbons and golden yellow eyes. She was about the same height as Aqua, standing at 170 cm (5'5") she also had the largest chest in the group. An impressive H cup.

She is currently wearing a normal shrine maiden kimono like she usually did. Despite being the second youngest in the group, though that was still several thousand years old, she gave off a mature aura that made people want to rely on her. Of course, in this group, that was only asking to be taken advantage of.

""Hmph!"" The two only turned their heads from each other and refused to even glance in the other's direction. They had indeed promised to try not to fight once Hestia had her child. The key word here being try.

Inari could only sigh while shedding silent tears, wondering why it seemed like she already had children of her own when she hadn't even been on a date before.

"Sigh, can't you two just behave for once and Aqua, how long are you going to shake Palutena for?" Bishamon weighed in just as exhausted as Inari.

""She started it!"" Bishamon wasn't even sure who said it that time and her sigh only intensified. 'I need a drink' she thought to herself.

While the rest of the goddess started bantering with each other, Hikari had calmed down a while ago and was now curiously observing the last and oddest women in the room. Initially, she was scared seeing all the unfamiliar faces and loud noises, but she locked eyes with the other woman and they seemed to have entered a staring contest with each other. Hikari seems to have been enchanted; she completely ignored the surrounding noise in favor of keeping eye contact with the clear-eyed woman.

She was the tallest one in the room, yet seemed to have the thinnest presence. A pale-skinned, practically pure white woman with delicate facial features. She had extremely long, sweeping grey hair and possessed white clear eyes. Her eyebrows were cut very short and round, a symbol of nobility, and she wore a red shade of lipstick on her lips. To top it off, she had two brown horns that stuck out from her head, giving her the appearance of a rabbit. She wore a plain white kimono with a few gold accents and nine black magatama on her back.

She is Kaguya Otsutsuki; The rabbit goddess and the mother of chakra.

Hestia of course noticed the impromptu staring contest but decided to do nothing for now and wait to see what happened next. She secretly hoped that maybe Hikari would be enough to help the woman reopen her heart to the world.

Their match continued for about a minute before Hikari was forced to blink first due to her eyes drying. For some reason she seemed a little upset and began pouting while looking at Kaguya.

"Cute." Was all Kaguya said, barely audible, before turning around and leaving the room unnoticed to all except Hestia and Hikari.

Hestia wanted to call out to her and ask her to stay, but she knew it was a futile effort, at least for now. She didn't know why, but she could tell the woman was severely damaged, far more than she let on. The others only felt she was quiet and slightly odd, but didn't pay her much mind outside of that. They were all used to eccentric gods and goddesses so one that was only quiet and liked to be alone was a godsend compared to some others.

But Hestia felt something deep within her core stir when it came to Kaguya. A level of pain and loneliness that threatened to consume her almost daily. She could only reason that it had to do with her family, otherwise she didn't think she would feel such a powerful reaction. She wanted nothing more than to help Kaguya, but the 195 cm (6'3") woman had completely closed off everyone around her and refused to let anyone close to her.

That is why it was Hestia's secret wish that Hikari might somehow help Kaguya. During her pregnancy, she could tell that despite everything, the one most concerned for her health was actually Kaguya. She would catch her staring at her stomach at random times, and she always seemed to be near when she was feeling unwell. There was even a time when she fell asleep on the couch and she woke up covered in one of Kaguya's own personal blankets with a rabbit drawing on it.

She knew very little about the mysterious woman, but she was determined to help her the best she could.

"How about it, Hikari? Do you want to help Aunty Kaguya be happy again?" Hestia asked, looking at Hikari. She was still looking in the direction Kaguya disappeared in with a small pout still on her chubby face. Hikari looked up and met her mother's eyes. She could see the slight worry and determination in her eyes. She didn't understand much of what was going on right now, but she understood it had something to do with the pretty eyed lady.

"Aaa!" was Hikari's response. Of course no words came out, but Hestia was somewhat able to understand her intention and her smile grew wide.

"Fufufu, as expected of my little angel! Don't worry, with the two of us working together, we'll definitely break down that stone heart of hers!" Hestia said proudly while Hikari only looked confused at her strange mother. She really didn't understand what was going on right now, she was just trying to say she was hungry.

She hoped she would get fed again soon...


[A/N: Welp the goddess have been revealed and I'm pretty happy with the choices. Now, I know a few of you might be wondering why I didn't add the goddess from overly cautious hero, and there are two reasons for that.

1. I haven't actually seen it yet. been meaning to but I just haven't taken the time to do it yet.

2. She is very similar to Aqua in certain regards from what I understand. I didn't really want any of the goddess to be too similar to each other but I did want them to have some chemistry.

I was actualy going to use her up until I remember another Light goddess that I figured might fit the role a bit better and that's where Palutena came from. She is also a light goddess but her personality isn't actually that fleshed out all things considered. So she was something close to a blank slate to work with.

That's not to say the other one won't show up but it'd probably be later on if at all. We'll see what happens.]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

UncrownedKingcreators' thoughts
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