
A 'Hail' Mary

I saw no point in delaying, no point at all in holding back that first step. 

Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen, right? Pointless turning my stomach into an anxiety-meadow of butterflies over something completely out of my control.

Attractive. Not attractive. I didn't need these kinds of validation from anyone else when I already got them from the people that mattered most.

Still, as I stepped forward front and center facing those million ogling stares, I don't suppose it'd hurt getting a few arms raised in the air to my self-worth.

Pretty please? 

My entire Christmas sorta depends on it.

"So, name!" The elf chimed, pacing a narrow ring around me. "His name is… um…" 

I flicked my eyes briefly in her direction, seeing her in pause, both hands shuffling and rifling through her deck of forms. 

"Number seven… number seven…" a mutter, a chuckle, then with a smile, she turned the crowd. "I lost number seven, whoops!" 

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