
Wide Awake, Part 2

Harry hadn't changed yet. A minute had gone and passed and his thought was still his own. Another minute, and he shifted his legs, movement also still staying his. 

Maybe there was something to be done, I thought, something that maybe could keep him being himself if only for just a while longer. Doing nothing now was unbearable, there had to be something… anything.  I was tempted to ask, half-convinced that there might really be a way… maybe if I pressed just a little harder, if I dug just a little deeper, I'd find a way.

I was about to suggest it too, just about ready to spring up to my feet, a semi-practiced speech at the tip of my tongue, 'I'll go first, I'll find help', I could already hear myself say.

"Don't, don't go anywhere…" Harry shook his head at me again, every muscle that moved exacerbating the agony showing on his face. "Please don't go, don't leave me here alone. I-I don't want to be alone."

"I just want to help you." 

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