

I focus on Frost International, Oh, too early then? I focus on Snow Valley School for Girls.

It is still early there and 16-year-old Emma Frost is dreading her day, her normal morning ritual, begging anyone to take her away from all this, to make her life better. She is an average girl born into a family that expects extraordinary results.

I smile as I watch if these girls know how treating her would impact their future.

In class she arrives early to avoid the other girls and leans against the window, without realizing it she nods off and dreams of a world where she is special, she is able to protect her brother and put her evil sisters in their place, 'This can be yours Emma, but at a price.'

'My Soul?' she giggles and asks, this is a dream after all. 'No, you must take over Frost International and be successful.' 

She wrinkles her brow, that is a strange price for her dream demon to ask, a lot better than her Soul, why not? 'Sure.'

The dream ends and Emma feels as though her head is bursting, she grabs her head and then throws it back in pain as she, and the school collapse into a deep sleep.

She struggles awake, she has another weird dream, it was like another her was teaching her about strange powers. Thinking about this she lays back down, it would not hurt to try, right?

As she slowly relaxes her mind, she feels it, other people's thoughts closing in on her, but just do what she said, right? Just relax and build a shield, something that can stop them unless I want to hear them. Oh, that was easy, although the shield is flimsy compared to what the other self showed her, it is fine for the moment.

Oh, I can also change their thought, but my other self said it was easier if you just gently nudged them in the direction you wanted.

The nurse looking down on me has some sympathy for me, so nudge it more to the sympathy, and oh, she is thinking about giving me more ice cream when I wake. With a bright smile, a new Emma Frost opens her eyes.

I look for Eric, then realize without his powers he would never have made it would the camp, I needed someone who knew what it was like to have his people victimized and persecuted.

The next people who be the Native Americans (Looked up the most persecuted groups in history) I focus on the Apache reservation in Camp Verde, Arizona, The reason is simple, here I would find a man who would fight for his people and understand at times, you need to take a life.

I decide to be straightforward on this one.

James Proudstar is currently very upset, he found out his brother had died outside the reservation, and James believed it was for nothing more than his race.

He was currently at the local waterhole punching a nearby tree.

I shake my head, moments ago I changed the X gene activation in this universe, I still need him, and one more protector.

I sigh and appear next to him, sitting on the ground, James moves back and stares at me, disbelief in his eyes.

"I am changing the world, I have created some superpowered people, but I also have changed something in every person, soon, humans will have evolved humans, who will be born with powers, or develop them at puberty."

He is still staring at me, I take that as a good sign, at least he never ran off.

"I am giving a few their powers now so that they can protect and guide their own people," I look back at James and smile, "So, I am here to give you your powers, Are you excited?"

He is still staring, "Urm, you're not broken are you?"

He shakes his head slowly and then looks around me, we are at a watering hole, there are tracks all over, yet none of mine.


"One, I do not care if you are good, neutral, or evil. I do care if randomly harm my people though. That's it."

"What are you giving me?"

"The good news is you will be very powerful, the bad news is you might need to study more, choose, Manipulation of the Gravitational fields or Magnetic fields?"

"Magnetic," he says without much thought.

I nod, "Done, remember, the mutants are now also your people."

I go back home, one more, and I think I know who already.

I watch as Heather Douglas attends university, she lost both her parents in a car accident when she was young, and from there she was raised in a Dojo and learned martial arts while excelling at her studies, as things are she will soon earn her degree.

I smile and pass her the knowledge of her powers, I grant her the powers of her doubles in other universes, Telepathy far more powerful than Charles, and the ability to affect even mechanical lifeforms, Telekinesis that allows her to fly, create forcefields, and fire concussive blasts.

This should do, I think this world should be fine, I have done what I should, and now it is up to them.

I wonder if I can get some rest before something new happens, actually, I wonder if Nat is free.

It's freaky, "Joel, are you free?", "Yeah, sure."

"Have you been activating powers?"

" … Why?" 

"Dammit, okay, so the reports are real. I was getting freaky reports like we were back in our world, Doom is running for office and has been flying around kicking all the nations at his border out."

"Good on him."

"I understand you will help any awakened, but you could have warned me, Doom? Really?"

"Yeah, a rare stroke of genius."

Oh wow, I heard her sigh with the connection closed. Should I be glad she never found out about Selene?

I am guessing that's a no to tonight then, what else can I do then, well I actually have loads to do, but like a proper god, I am avoiding it.

I decided my AO ring is far too powerful to hand to anyone, so I am considering dropping it randomly on Earth and see what happens.

Actually, the Nova Corps could use a serious upgrade, should I make an emotional spectrum? Seems like a lot of work, oh, unless I make downgraded rings to act like spectrum ones?

I need to start over, just downgrading a ring will leave ways for people to upgrade it again.

Okay, so regardless of the emotion, we talking thought constructs with certain automated functions, that's easy enough, I will make them yellow, also, to avoid the World Mind issue let the rings secretly all take small parts of the history and information, oh, a Rhyme, needs to be cringe .. hmm


In my darkest moment

In my terror-filled thoughts

In the name of Justice

Lord Paragon's chosen shall never fall 

Okay, that will make anyone think twice about using it.

I created an ancient chest, with some hints that it might belong to the Builders, within are 616 yellow rings, on a plaque on the inside of the chest the Rhyme is inscribed, I made it unreadable, but understandable. The letters will never be understood, but looking at it you will innately understand the rhyme.

I then appear near Xandar, hm, a space storm.

I create one, with portals randomly appearing, space stretching and compacting. It lasts a full Xandarin day before it ends.

I watch the chest floating in space, it take a few days, but eventually a patrol finds it. As I hoped the scans show it to be so old, and the Builder markings it is sent to the planet to be studied by the corps scientists.

The chest is placed on the lab table to be examined next, Floe looks it over and sighs, "No information, not even scan results, they getting lazier." With a huff I pick it up, amazingly it is a lot lighter than I thought. I place it in the cubicle and request a full scan from the A.I.

Unidentified Marking

Unidentified Materials

Unidentified Construction

Please do not proceed, Nova Prime alerted.

Oh great, now I have to deal with big shots, I just want to do my job and go home, alone .. to my console.

Within a few minutes a neatly dressed older lady walks in, Irani Rael, current Nova Prime.

"Those reading are from the outside?" she asks right away

"Huh? Oh yes, we never open if until scans are done."

"Close up the lab and open it." she order

"Huh? Wait what? I am still in here."

The A.I. obeys and the chest is slowly opened, inside are hundreds of rings, all set within extravagant cushioning.

"Can you read that?" Rael asks

"Read what? Oh, the pl.. no, I do not, no, I understand what it says, but I do not understand the words. That is so strange."

Rael nods and leans forwards, taking a ring out, is this woman trying to get me killed, she is a Prime, she can handle things blowing up, I am just a commoner.

After a moment she slides the ring on, fiddling with it she says nothing then looks at the plaque.

She takes a breath

"In my darkest moment, In my terror filled thoughts, In the name of Justice, Lord Paragon's chosen shall never fall."

A stream of power seems to suddenly enter the ring and differing machines and detectors starts warning about energy reading being beyond safety limits.

I freak out and look around, but I see Rael is smiling, "Tell me purpose." I look at her in confusion.

'Initializing, connection, host approved, Nova Prime, Justice enforcers, acceptable. 

My role is to aid the Lanterns in enforcing Justice, no lanterns detected, residue of recent time and space storm, high possibility of time jump.'

"I understand, you can create anything I can imagine? What is the limit?"

'You are, Justice Rings have no limit is aiding their hosts, only the hosts imagination and will power will limit the power, rings function at full power for one full cycle.'

"Then I need to say the words again?" Tael asks.

'Yes, we will connect to the main Lantern and function for another full cycle at that time.'

"Can someone take you off my finger?"

'If you will me to remain on your finger I will only be removed if you forget to recharge me, or your finger is removed.'

"Can you betray me?"

'That is unlikely, you would need to turn your back on Justice for me to do that and we do not take hosts that show the potential to do that.' 

"Have the chest sent to my office, also, ensure no records of this remain."

"Yes, Prime."

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