

That night I slept in Justice Mountain.

I was tried after spreading Alpha counter agents meant to work against the Chaos magic of Klarion, a lord of Chaos, with a sample of Starro The Light had managed to make mini samples, once someone was infected by them they would obey Vandal Savage.

I had decided, based on what I knew, that without Vandal both sides would be more reasonable, his plan would lead to far too many potential awakened deaths while so far Lex's plans seem more focused.

You would think someone who is almost fifty millennia of age would realize by now how precarious mind control is. And not be miss led. Anyway, at the moment, with my meddling, they would only be infected for a minute, and then it would be rejected. 

For Batman, with his new ability, it will be rejected immediately.

I'm not here to fix their future, if I were I could just get rid of, or convert the Light members. I just figured I brought myself here, so while I am here I might as well test some things.

With this in mind when morning came I decided to move about, generally, the villains in this universe seemed, maybe not weaker, but more tame.

(I looked up Darkseid and he is weaker in YJ, FYI)

I appeared in Cadmus, I know Guardian has taken over most control now even though other projects are still happening. I move without interruption as I take samples of the genes I can find, as well as the method they use for Genomorphs. These were made with human DNA, imagine better quality DNA and much nicer to look at.

I was thinking we could use them with the angels on other planets and moons. I am not thinking of a slave race, more like more mutants, but more controlled quantities. 

Hm, immense psionic powers, my level for psionic was okay before, but now it is going off the chats.

I look up to the sky and see a rather attractive redhead who is wearing an outfit that shows off her benefits. (Maxima for those who want to know) Hmm, not really sure who she is, but based on the fact she just flew in space without assistance and none of the JLA went to confront her, she is an approved guest. (I was thinking of originally matching them, but DC reworked her as a lesbian, so no luck.")

Okay, got what I wanted, wait, what now, another one?

I fly up as this one seems to be on autopilot and hidden from Earth and JLS detectors.

As I get close I focus on the ship and realize I might have intercepted a major storyline, but who cares?

I stop the ship and then change it into a home, still hidden, with the sole occupant no longer almost dead in the control chair, but lying conformably within a large bed.

I am disgusted, this poor girl. I cover her with blankets and then make her clothes vanish so she is comfortable.

I have already healed her, and I connected to Libby through divinity to learn anything new while I have been here.

After some time she makes noises, and I speak in her language, "Stay still, I dematerialized your clothes so you could sleep well. I am Joel, I found you in a sad state so I healed you."

The girl is a teenager, but a stunning one, with totally green eyes, orange skin, and slightly darker long curly hair.

He is obviously wary of me and pulls the bedding up under her chin. 

"You are safe, I will not touch you unless it is to aid you. I will go create some food, there is a shower and I made new clothes on the chair." I stand and walk out of the room.

It takes a few minutes before I hear the water running, then I hear the sobbing. 

I am very tempted to go comfort her but that would not help building trust, I send my mind out along the path I picked up when I saw her past Vega system eh? I clench my fist and grin, they are all clones eh? I just happen to have a DNA-killer virus, how handy, guess Sinister gets to live a little longer. Keeping an eye on them I change the virus slightly, all I need now is a delivery system, gee good thing I can make portals. Based on her past I open a portal, and grin at the scene, "Yeah, time to pay you *******" I say with venom as I throw the vial through, then close the portal.

Well, should have expected it, she is at the door, I feel like I am living in a cheap drama sometimes.

"That was the Citadel, what did you do?" she asks as she sits, her tone is normal, I was expecting more emotion.

"I gave them a DNA-locked virus."

She nods, "You know they are all clones then? How much damage will it do?"

"It is based on my gene, so it will never die. It will kill them all and never stop." I say as I place the food In front of her.

She glances at me, then nods and begins eating, "Will you be selling me on, or keeping me?"

"Neither, you are free to go if you want, a liveable planet is not far. I can drop you off there if you want."

Although she does not react much, I can sense disbelief in her reaction.

I shrug and head to the top floor, here I have a view of the Earth, the Watchtower, and, on the right side a jacuzzi, while on the left some lay-back chairs.

I lay on the chair and try to relax, from up here I randomly focus on differing people, just seeing their lives till now, and how they might go.

After a bit I sense Koriand'r coming up, she seems to prefer floating. She lays on one of the chairs, saying nothing.

"You seem to know me, do you?"

"Emotionally no, I am a god, when I look at you I see everything you lived through, but I do not feel it, like reading a book."

She quirks her brow for a moment, "Then why did you destroy them? I thought you did it to hide what they did to me, so could get a higher price."

"Hm, hard to say, after I saw what they did it angered me, so I removed them. I was just going to crush them, but I wanted to make it personal, and they made a deal with the Guardians so they could keep doing what they wanted without being stopped. It was my warning to those smurfs." 

"Thank you, it has been a very long time since someone got upset for my sake." she smiles warmly.

"I wish I had come to this universe sooner," I sigh deeply, "If this sounds offensive I do not mean it that way, but if you want I can make it all go away."

Koriand'r laughs lightly, "It happened, it is my past. Now I must move forward, it is how I do that that defines me, not the past."

I nod, there are many more things like this, in many more universes, I would prefer they never happened, but I am only me, if the tests work, then maybe my people can all be safer.

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