

Ash looked around the Ranger station, "What a busy place!"

Lucario, -Very busy.-

Serena mused, "I wonder if I can catch a ground type Pokemon here."

Misty, "You would have to win them without battling. Look over there it says this is a no battle zone."

Casey scowled darkly, "You can thank Team Rocket for that. Last year, while we were in Kanto, they bombed this place and caused multiple cave ins. Luckily the local Onix out here helped the people.... Well, helped most of them get out alive. Some of them however didn't make it."

Max kicked a stone, "Team Rocket is being a jerk everywhere."

Brock pat his shoulder, "Yeah, they are."

Gou, "Cheer up guys. If we can make friends with the Onix, it would be really cool."

Melody nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, look I can see a few Onix over there."

Chloe, "Those must be the ones who forged a good relationship with the Rangers."

They signed in at one of the Ranger spots and the Ranger in charge reminded them of the rules and the consequences of breaking them. The rules were very straight forward to follow:

1. No battling inside the tunnel.

2. No approaching the Onix.

3. They can camp but they are not allowed to light fires inside. They can prepare their food outside and pack it up to eat inside.

4. If they come across any Onix they are not to approach them unless the Onix approaches them first.

5. They are not allowed to capture any Onix inside the tunnel only outside.

Breaking any of the above rules will disqualify them as trainers.

Ash, "Well, it could be worse."

Melody nodded, "Yeah!"

Misty muttered, "The rules are to protect them."

Max, "I don't think we need to stop to cook, right?"

Ash grinned, "No, Misty and I already prepared food earlier that we packed up for a picnic lunch inside the cave."

Chloe, "Nice call."

Serena nodded, "Yeah."

Gou, "Is that why you were cutting so many apples earlier?"

Brock perked up, "You made your special apple and honey pie?"

Max, "I don't think, I have tried that before."

Serena gushed, "Oh! You will love it, Max. The Ketchum families special apple and honey pie is very delicious."

The group soon entered the tunnels and looked around as their eyes adjusted to the darkness inside before walking. They didn't see any Onix around but they did notice a few Paras and Sandshrew around the area and Casey explained they are normally seen near the outer areas. As they moved inside they could hear the rumbles and vibrations in the ground due to Onix moving around. Brock's smile fell realizing the Onix here no doubt were avoiding them, but he suppose he understood why. Max, Serena and Gou were looking around the place hoping to see an Onix or two but had to stop with disappointment when they realized there was none.

Misty noticed Brock's expression, "Hey Brock why don't you take out your Onix and Steelix. I know you had Onix sent to you so they could check this place out together."

Gou perked up, "Good idea. If the wild Onix sees we have an Onix among us, they might not be so wary."

Serena nodded, "I agree with Gou."

Chloe clapped, "Plus Onix and Steelix could enjoy this too."

Brock nodded grinning and released the two Pokemon who looked around the place before rumbling curiously. Brock told them about the place and they both perked up and started to look around cooing and calling the others who were watching them from the shadows. The wild Onix and a few Steelix came out slowly and rumbled and cooed at them in greeting and mingled. The group did not approach them however as it was obvious they were not at all comfortable with humans. The trainers who entered after them grumbled and complained about Team Rocket ruining everything for them.

The wild Onix had told Brock's Onix and Steelix about a nice place with an underground spring. They went to the spring following the direction and it was very beautiful place with the reflective stones that reflected the light from their lamps. It was a very beautiful underground place and Melody made a comment of it being a romantic place for a date. Serena and Gou blushed but didn't say anything making Ash wonder if they liked each other, he decided they would be cute together and said it out loud.

Ash, "You know, you two make a cute couple."

Serena, "Wait... What? What do you mean?"

Gou, "Ash, you think we... "

Ash nodded sagely taking out the packed lunch, "Yes, you would be cute together. No need to be shy, if you want private time I'm sure we could give you some."

Misty face palmed, "Oh Ash!"

Chloe mumbled, "Poor Gou."

Melody snickered, "Serena has work cut out for her."

Casey laughed, "Wheeez, this is too much."

Max snickered, "I'll get the plates... wait till May hears this. She enjoys such stuff, he he he he."

Brock pat the two, "Don't worry, I understand."

Gou whined, "Please Brock.... Don't!"

Serena mumbled, "Don't, just don't... Why is this so hard?"

Lucario turned to Pikachu, -See! We need to protect him.-

Pikachu nodded cooing, "Pikapi ~"

Eevee, "Vui!"

Abra giggled, -That's Meema for you.-

Absol was stretched across Ash's lap enjoying his attention, "Sol."

Their Pokemon were spread around them, Gengar and Phantump moving around the shadows, Lapras and Omanyte in the water and Cyndaquill, Chikorita, Heracross and Tyrunt were enjoying the new place. Ash was thinking about the next gym, which was normal type gym, he should call his normal type Pokemon to battle in the Ace Pokemon battle rounds. After lunch they walked through the tunnel coming out on the other side where they were met by another Ranger station. The Rangers ringed them in and they walked to the forest that were known for it's Houndoom and Houndour packs.

Casey, "Houndour come on out."

Houndour jumped on her in greeting, "Ouuur!"

Casey laughed, "Hi buddy. I need your help, this forest is known for Houndour and Houndoom. They are known for being territorial, could you tell them we just want to travel across if we run into them?"

Houndour barked agreeing and Max asked her what that was about and Casey gave an embarrassed laugh as she told them about her first encounter. Turns out spring was mating season for the fire dark type Pokemon and if anyone was dumb enough to enter their territory they would get burned. Casey then laughed as she told them about how she and her Bayleef at the time ran from the forest but wanted a Houndour or Houndoom in her team anyway. Luckily though they were able to avoid any problems with the canine packs thanks to Houndour, Lucario and Absol helping smooth things out.

Max, "It was fascinating just observing them in the wild."

Ralts nodded, -Yes, it's different in the wild compared to growing up among humans, I think.-

Abra, -Very different.-

Ash, "I think Absol and Lucario lines would be different."

Lucario nodded, -I think so too. It would be interesting to meet a Lucario with no relation to a trainer.-

Misty, "That would be interesting to observe."

Gou, "Now that you have mentioned it I will stay up thinking about it."

Cinderace poked him and started to lecture him about it and things were going well till they came across a net with a few Pokemon struggling inside it. The group were shocked before hurrying to help them get free from the net they were caught it. The Pokemon ran off the moment they were free and the group looked around warily, wondering exactly what had they gotten themselves into.

Gou muttered, "That was a poachers net."

Ash nodded, "Yes it was."

Brock tapped Max's shoulder, "Max listen, there is a Pokemon centre close by."

Melody called her Pidgeot who had been flying above them, "Pidgeot take Max to the Pokemon center."

Max was reluctant to just up and leave them however, "What are you going to do?"

Ash, "We are going to look around and see if there are anymore Pokemon trapped in nets or traps like that one."

Misty, "Once you reach there tell Nurse Joy what is going on and be careful."

Max nodded and climbed on top of Melody's Pidgeot as it took to the air and flew in the direction of the centre. The group looked around the area and decided to break into three groups, Misty would go with Chloe and Casey while Brock went with Melody, this left Serena and Gou with Ash. The two looked at each other and nodded before helping Ash look around, and maybe impress him a little bit in the process. They knew he was not interested in the moment but in the future though he might be, it was always good to start small.

Lucario snorted at them, -At least they are not pushing it.-

Abra grumbled, -I don't want to loose Meema.-

Pikachu, "Pikapi ~"

Ash, "What is it buddy?"

Absol snarled, "Absol."

Gou, "They found something bad."

Serena sniffed the air, "Do you smell that?"

Ash was alarmed, "Stop smelling it. That's chloroform."

Gou closed his nose, "You are right."

Serena looked at Ash dubiously, "I'm scared to ask how you know."

Cinderace used pyro ball to burn the chloroform away, "Ace ace!"

Gou, "Thanks buddy. You are awesome."

Rapidash neighed to get Serena's attention, "What's wrong Rapidash? ... Oh Mew! There are unconscious Pokemon here."

Ash, "Change of plans, we don't know how long they have been here. Grab one each and let's book it to the Pokemon center."

Cinderace grabbed one Houndour while Gou picked up a Snubbull, Serena lifted the Farfetch'd, Lucario picked up a Totodile, Ash picked up the Paras and Pikachu made sure there were no other Pokemon there. They rushed to the Pokemon center to be met by a teen who was holding a Hitmontop while her Skarmory had another Houndour. They looked at each other before Ash explained they had a poacher problem in the direction they came from. The teen who introduced herself as Miki groaned and said she ran into them too and the two wild Pokemon with her were hurt in the process. They rushed to the Pokemon center where Max had already told Nurse Joy and she called the Rangers.

Nurse Jim, "Oh sweet Celebi! Bring them here quick."

Miki, "I left the poachers tied up under my Houndoom and Dragonite's watch."

Nurse Jim, "Good, Officer Jenny will be here soon. Go with her and get them arrested."

Miki nodded as she left and Brock and the rest of the girls rushed in holding the hurt Pokemon in their arms. Nurse Joy was very distressed, there was only so much she could do for the wild Pokemon. Ash however stepped up asking her to put Paras and Totodile in his list and to give them care, Gou and Serena nodded and did the same. The rest of the group offered to pay for the wild Pokemon as well, since they were hurt due to human actions.

Nurse Jim smiled, "Thank you Pokemon trainers, we appreciate your dedication and willingness to look over Pokemon."

Nurse Joy, "Yes, this will make things easier."

The group nodded and went to sit in the common lounge and waited for news on the Pokemon's health. This type of incidents always left a bitter taste in their mouths and ruined moods. They looked at each other before giving out an exhausted sigh and deciding to stay at the centre for the night. It would help them make sure the Pokemon were okay and unhurt while at the same time take a break. The trainer they met earlier, Miki returned with a dark look on her face as she unloaded another group of Pokemon that she asked Nurse Jim to help.

Brock, "Oh beautiful lady of my dreams. You are not only beautiful but kinnnnnnnnn.... Why Golbat?"

Golbat huffed, "Gol gol gol."

Miki however ended up laughing, "You are so weird."

Brock, "At least I made you laugh. What happened though?"

Miki scowled, "Some of the poachers escaped I only managed to capture three of them, two are still missing."

Serena gasped, "On your own?"

Miki smirked, "Well yes, I do plan on joining the Police force and becoming an Officer Jenny one day."

Gou, "That's cool."

Misty, "Any idea where the poachers went?"

Miki, "Sorry none. They could be anywhere according to the data I downloaded."

Ash frowned, "Looks like we are keeping our eyes open."

Melody nodded, "Yeah.... I'll go patrol. Want to join me Casey, Chloe?"

Casey, "Sure!"

Ash, "Be careful!"

Chloe smiled, "Always!"

Ash went to his room followed by Max who climbed on his bed right after, "You okay there buddy?"

Max peeked out from under the blankets to look at him, "Yeah, I guess. Mom and Dad warned both May and I that being a trainer is not all rainbows and sunshine. I just hate it."

Ash opened his arms and Max shuffled till he burried his face in Ash's shoulder, "I get it. Do you want to cuddle with me tonight Max? I can sing another song."

Breloom watched as her trainer who is still very young nodded, "Loom bre."

Mareep joined the two humans, "Marrrrr!"

Ralts snuggled between them, -Cuddling is nice.-

Lucario, -We can check on the Pokemon tomorrow.-

Pikachu made himself comfortable by Ash's head as he sang another song, "Pikapi."

Absol was beside Lucario, "Sol."

Abra joined Ralts, -Move a bit.-

Eevee made himself comfortable by Ash's side, "Vui."

The rest of Ash's Pokemon were in their pokeballs after getting checked over either already fast asleep or resting. The next day Paras thanked Ash before leaving for the forest, while Totodile challenged him to a battle. Cyndaquill accepted the challenge and battled with the water type, dodging the water attacks while using agility to tackle him. Cyndaquill then hit Totodile with a flame thrower right on his face making it fall and Ash captured the water type. Once captured he called Totodile out and asked if he wanted to join them and the water type nodded dancing around.

Misty squealed, "Look at how adorable he is. Congratulations Ash."

Ash grinned, "Congratulations to you and Melody too Misty. I see you got Ledyba and Heracross."

Misty grinned patting Ledyba, "We connected."

Melody hugged Heracross, "Yes, we did."

Ash, "Oh! Gou, Serena are those two?"

Gou grinned, "Yes, Snubbull here is my second fairy type."

Serena, "Farfetch'd and I decided to stick together."

[A. N.: I didn't get my vaccine today as they are still tending to the 60+ age group. I was told to get it after 45 days instead.

Guess I have to wait.

In the meantime, I have been re-watching Transformers Cybertron anime lately. I forgot how hilarious that anime was. They even copied Team Rocket lol]

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