
Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Title: Jungle Island...


What Ace sees on the island slightly surprises him. There are destroyed ships all around the jungle-like island with giant trees.

'There seems to be something strong in that island.' Concludes Ace, he then looks at his crew and says. "Well, let's decide who gets to go in that place. Obviously, as the captain, I must go... In order to see if there is anything dangerous that could harm you. It's totally not because I am bored and wanna see what the Grand Line has to offer."

Ace just like usually tells his crew the 'truth', or at least what they conceive it to be. So he takes some paper slips, and some of them have green dye in the bottom. 

"Pick one." Says Ace…

Bartolomeo doesn't get a winning draw.

Cat (the giant tiger) doesn't get one either. Nojiko gets one but she changes with Bartolomeo, she definitely doesn't want to come into a dangerous place like that, but Ace says that there shall be no changes, Captain's orders. Sabo also gets a winning draw. Gin gets a winning draw, and so does Desire. While Deuce also gets the staying here draw.

So in the end, the ones staying are: Cat, Bartolomeo, and Deuce.

The ones coming are Sabo, Nojiko, Desire, Gin, and Ace (obviously). So the captain takes some wood and in under a minute he builds a small boat.

"Wow…" Desire is surprised by this. Because even though she knows that Ace is far from perfect. She didn't know he was such a good leader when the time came, but now he seems like a good carpenter too. 'He really has a lot of talents.'

Sabo sees the surprise on her face and explains to her. "Actually Ace is pretty good at things like carpentry, blacksmithing, and medicine… he is actually good at a lot of things."

"Really?" Nojiko is surprised at this too, she looks at Ace and cringes slightly. "But the way he acts usually is so…"

"Strange?" Finished Sabo with a smirk. This time everyone looks at him. "Heh, I know how you feel… Ace is the smartest person I know, the strangest one too. Also the most reckless… and strangely the wisest. He has some really good life advice. Though he is very uninterested if your backstory doesn't have a lot of explosions and intriguing twists. When we were kids he called me boring straight to my face once after I told him about my parents."

Nojiko doesn't know what to say as she hears Sabo compliment/insult Ace. Though she won't admit it out loud. She was enamored by the seemingly perfect Ace in the beginning. After all, he came to save her and he didn't even do it for the money or recognition. He was a charming prince that seemed to come out of a story book.

"Well, you are all dumb." Says Gin suddenly. Everyone looks at him, some with curiosity and some with annoyance. "The Captain is a brilliant man, none of you can even look at him. He is like the sun, so bright that he will blind you if you look at it for too long."

"Hey! Who did you call a dumbass?!!" Desire is enraged. "I too know just how great Ace is. He is the man who will become King of The Pirates."

Gin looks at Desire and smirks. "So you must have seen it too then?"

"Hm?" Sabo is confused and about to ask what they are talking about.

"Okay guys, the boat is ready!" Calls out Ace, the tone of his voice is very impatient. "C'mon! C'mon! C'mon!... I will be going without you if you don't come guys!"

Everyone runs towards Ace and jumps on his boat. He activates a strange mechanism and they go towards the island of broken ships and jungles.


-Desire POV-

I look at the back of the man in front of me, Ace. My captain, I can see the fearless and excited look on his face. It honestly puts me at ease at times like this.

This is the man that will become King of The Pirates, that pressure of will that he released was immense. I have never felt the will of someone else cause other people to bow.

Plus he is strong… crazy strong... strange too.

We finally arrive at the shores and Ace tells us to jump off the boat and jump on the ship debris, we can't just sail through the ships here so we all jump. Though I see Nojiko the weakling having to be princess carried by Ace.

I honestly wonder why she is even on the crew. Sure, she is a nice girl and very polite, can cook a decent meal, but Ace is a better cook than her so that isn't anything special. What truly bothers me is the way that he does things, Ace… his actions have no general senses. He is good at one time, bad at another, sometimes he is silly, and then the next second he is terrifyingly smart. 

I can easily say that he is the most unpredictable person that I have met.


I keep thinking these things till we finally land on the beach and all I see is destroyed ships and human skeletons.

Damn… what the hell even lives in this place?

"Everyone, be careful around here!" Ace warned them suddenly, as his eyes land on me, Nojiko, and Gin. I get the damn message even if I don't really like it. Sabo and Ace can handle anything that might come, but we are susceptible to injury.


I couldn't even see what happened next like a giant shadow, even bigger than our ship, moved at blinding speeds and charged at Gin.


And a person is thrown towards the jungle.

"Sh*t, GIN!!!" I call out, fu*k, that guy is dead. No way he can take a hit like that and live to tell the tale. 

"I am here!" Yells a voice from the side and sees Gin on the ground. 

I run towards him and ask.  "What happened?"

"The captain pushed me away and took the hit, all I saw was a giant paw as he was slapped into the jungle." Answers Gin, a nervous and guilty look on his face.

"Oy! Gin!" Calls out Sabo, a serious look on his face as he creates a dome of fire all around us. "That was Ace's decision to do that. He definitely won't be hurt by something like that. Ace can handle way harder hits than that." 

"I am going." Says Gin. "Open a path in the fire for me."

"Wait!" Calls out Sabo. 

"You can't stop me, if something happens to Ace because I am too useless I would never forgive myself." Concludes Gin resolutely, his eyes show that he will not take no for an answer. "I will walk through the fire if you don't open a path for me."

Sabo sighs at this. "No… I am coming with you too. Desire, take Nojiko, and go back to the ship."

I nod in confirmation. "Understood."

I don't dilly dally anymore and pick up the stiff Nojiko, she is frozen in place due to fear. 

Damn, this situation just went so bad very quickly. But there is nothing I could do here, other than take Nojiko away.


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