
School of Guardian God

Klaust walked away from the hut, he was not in hurry to read the content of the parchment. He walked around the district before walking toward Miss Daina house, he was thinking that he need to noticed Miss Daina just in case he was not able to take care of her brother also to saw if she has a detailed book about animal especially the wild and dangerous one for him to read.

While he was walking, he could see Miss Daina in front of her house talking to an elderly woman with a kind face it seems they are talking about something important so Klaust paced down his walking speed. He arrived just after they finished their talk, Miss Daina seems a bit surprised seeing Klaust while the elderly woman watched him with an amicable smile. Klaust thought that the elderly woman looked familiar somehow, he was ready to greet them before Miss Daina beat him to it.

"Perfect timing Klaust, i was just thinking about what to tell you tomorrow. It was about your job for taking care of my brother" Miss Daina talked to him kindly but somehow she looked a bit guilty, before she can told him the detail the elderly woman cut in while kindly smiling.

"Child, let me do the talk because i was the one who needed it" Said the elderly woman to Miss Daina, Miss Daina nod slightly before letting the elderly woman continued.

"Child, good day to you. My name is Teresa. I run the orphanage near the west city wall" The elderly named Teresa greet Klaust kindly with her smile. He paid attention to what the elderly wore, she had a green nun's robe that had some kind of white decorative patterns of twig on it. Klaust remembered this is a symbol of Grepis School, also known as School of the Guardian God. The doctrine of which was symbolized by the two colors on their clothes. They used green to safeguard the land and used white to eliminate evil. This school didn't worship any idol or god. Instead, it worshiped the land that everyone stepped on. The land was called Gaia, the Mother of the Land, by the disciples of the Grepis School. The school believed that all living beings on the land were the descendants of Gaia, the Mother of the Land, and all green things on the land were the gifts and guardians given by Gaia to all living beings. Klaust also know that the School of the Guardian God was not well accepted in Blackhot City and the Andaman City-States Alliance, which was full of the commercial atmosphere and worshiped gold coins as God.

"Yes good day to you too grandma. My name is Klaust" Klaust greet Grandma Teresa kindly, he know a little about the current orphanage situation. School of the Guardian God didn't have a room for praying besides this orphanage. In the eyes of many people in Blackhot City, this school seemed to be nothing special aside from advocating for people to plant trees each year and adopt orphans. On the second Sunday of each March, the "Blessed Day" of Gaia, the Mother of the Land, the school would always present free plant seeds to the citizens in Blackhot City and collect donations for the school. So Klaust could guest the reason for Grandma Teresa being here even then he keep quiet waiting for Grandma Teresa to continue.

"Child, i'm here because i heard that there is a kind teacher that was willing to teach the child in the orphanage. I was trying to paid her back by taking care of her brother but she said that she had someone to do that. So she said that she will talk to you toworrow when you are here, but now that you are here so let me ask your opinion about this. I'm not going to take your job, i just wanted to pay back the kindness i received" Explained Grandma Teresa kindly, she seems to be afraid that Klaust thought that she was going to take his job. Listening to Grandma Teresa explanation, Klaust smiled kindly before answering.

"It's fine Grandma. Actually i was here to said something Miss Nunally about my job too. I recently got someone to teach me about hunting and survival in the wilderness, i was afraid that i won't have time to take care of her brother so i came here. But knowing that Grandma is here i feel relieved that someone is able to take care of her brother" Klaust said kindly while looking apologetic to Miss Daina for the short notice. Unbeknown to him Miss Daina actually feel relieved because they seemed to end the case without any argument, she was also worried that Klaust have been too busy trying to grow stronger, working and taking care of Nunally at the same time that he might passed out anytime.

"Child, God will protect every kind-hearted man. People who give kindness to others will definitely be blessed by God, and they will witness miracles in their lives… " Said Grandma Teresa, she thought that the kid is doing this out of kindness. Klaust hearing that could only smile kindly guessing what the elderly woman thought about him. Grandma Teresa still feeling a little bad about it, took out something from somewhere, it was a fist sized cloth filled with different kind of seed and give it to Klaust.

"On the second Sunday of each March, the "Blessed Day" of Gaia, the Mother of the Land, the orphanage would always present free plant seeds to the citizens in Blackhot City and collect donations for the school. This is some seeds left over. I hope this seeds will be useful for you"

Klaust was a bit surprised to get something from Grandma Teresa, at first he was going to reject the give because he feel bad receiving something when he didn't even do anything worth. But Grandma Teresa insist that he take it and she also said that it was only a leftover and she had no need for it. Miss Daina also told him to take the seeds, she also said that she will tutor the kid here in her house every weekend so he could take Nunally here if he want. Klaust thanked both of them and explained to Miss Daina about being an apprentice of a hunter so he cannot promise that he can take care of her brother in case he need to go out with the hunter outside the city. Miss Daina said that it was fine and tell him to be careful if he ever go outside, Grandma Teresa also chimed in to give some advice to Klaust if he ever went outside. The three of them talked for a while before Klaust decided to went home and maybe he could help Lila's mom on the store.

On the way home Klaust thought about the seed he get and opened the seeds bag. There are several seeds inside, he couldn't identified most of the seeds and could only indentified some of them especially the edible one like some fruits seeds. Klaust thought about the wide space inside Castle of Black Iron, he was going to plant all of these seeds inside to see if he was able to grow it there. He suddenly remember that he also plant some potato and corn inside. He thought that he will check it later, even if it was only a day he can still check if those plant have the chance to grow using the panel inside the castle.

When he arrived home, it seems that he always have a good timing that day because the store is filled with people and Lila's Mom really need a help at that time. He hurriedly went and help to man the shop together with Lila's Mom until the shop closed. After that he helped to tidy up the shop while Lila's Mom went inside to prepare some supper, when he was tidying up the store Lila came home from outside it seems she was out with Nunally. The two families then ate supper together while joyfully talked about the day. Klaust spent the night listening to Nunally rambling about how she spent the day, the two talked about almost everything even the most trivial thing happened, but Klaust didn't mind that, for him Nunally will always stay at the first the priorities. Klaust get Nunally to her bed when she fell asleep and stay for a while until Lila enter her room (Nunally sleep in Lila's room). The two talked for a while before Klaust went back to the couch in the living room (He slept here, poor guy). He made sure everyone fell asleep before he decided to enter the castle.

Due to experiencing this a couple of times and also the help of Deep Sleep Meditation, he was able to link to the Castle of Black Iron much easier than before. This time, the door appeared naturally in his mind, almost at the moment Klaust closed his eyes and thought about the "Castle of Black Iron". He said to himself "Enter" and entered the Castle of Black Iron.

——Lord of Anonymous, welcome to the Castle of Black Iron!

The same dialog box appeared in front of Klaust's eyes everytime he enter the space, he thought that he really need to get used to it.

Klaust stood still and looked around. Through his naked eyes, he found no change to the land — a strange small tree, a vast land, plus the small mound where whe plant was.

He then circled the strange small tree, the "Manjusaka Karma Fruit Tree", twice and found no changes which made him lose interest. He decided to check on the seeds he sowed yesterday. He ran to the marked land and squatted on the ground to observe them carefully.

Only a night had passed, nothing had happened to the niblets at all. Klaust was also not that anxious, as he had learned that it would take about a week since it was buried in the soil for a niblet to sprout. It was still too early at this point. Thinking of this, Klaust patted realized that he had forgotten to water them. This was a really low level error; however, it was still not too late to remember it. He quickly went out and back in bringing two bucket of water and watered the plant. After checking the buried niblets, he moved to the buried potatoes. Surprisingly, some of the stubborn potatoes had already sprouted. He specifically put those sprouted parts upside down yesterday when he buried them. Unexpectedly, some of them should have sprouted this morning. The fresh saplings broke out overnight. Like bean sprouts being soaked in water overnight, they had grown up a lot. The potato with the largest twig had already sprouted out two fresh tender shoots. He was excited that at last he won't starved if he need to stay here for a while.

After a while, Klaust opened the basic attribute panel of the Castle of Black Iron.

——Castle of Black Iron

——Length: 1 Krosa

——Width: 1 Krosa

——Aura Value: 0.3

——Merit Value: 7

——Basic Energy Storage: 0.2

——Special Output: Void

'Merit value rose by 3?' When he checked it came from Lila's mom, Grandma Teresa and also Miss Daina. According to the log it seems not only Grandma Teresa thanked him for today but Miss Daina also thanked him for thinking about her brother. Seeing the log somehow made Klaust smiled kindly. Aura value also rose from 0 to 0.3 which instantly attracted the attention of Klaust…

Huhuhuhu don't guess

You are right

Look forward to it


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