

"I suggest you don't, you'll hurt him more than he already is."

"I don't know who you think you are, but I suggest you take your hand off of me," Rosalie growled as Paul smirked at her with his grip still around her wrist, "I'm afraid I can't do that," he replied just as Giovanni entered the room to see Paul holding his mate's wrist. A low growl filled the room as they turned to see Giovanni, who shook in anger.

Rosalie whimpers at the sight of her mate, causing Giovanni to step towards her with his eyes glued dangerously on Paul, who still held onto his mate's wrist, "You need to calm down and take Rosalie out of the room, Genesis's heat is starting, Giovanni and you know how aggressive female wolves can be when their mate goes into heat," Paul said as Rosalie growled at him before looking back at Genesis, who began sweating buckets, causing Rosalie to whimper at the delicious scent radiating off his body.

Giovanni's eyes softened as he looked towards his brother, who began struggling with his heat, "Now Giovanni, take her out," Benjamin said, entering the room as Rosalie grew more and more aggravated and aggressive. Giovanni's face hardened as he quickly strode towards Rosalie before grabbing her by the neck as she instinctively tried to fight him off, earning a warning growl as she immediately calmed down before Giovanni took her out of the room.

"Quickly Paul, we have to move him down to the basement," Benjamin ushered as Paul wrapped Genesis's arm around his shoulder before helping him up as they then rushed to the basement.

Once they reached the basement, Paul carried Genesis down the stairs, while Benjamin rode down on the escalator. It was pitch black as they entered the room before Benjamin tugged on a metal string, turning on the lights, which then Paul was able to see his surroundings, including the equipment needed to restrain Genesis, he began to feel afraid for the young wolf.

"Benjamin, are you sure about this?" He asked as Benjamin sighed in response, "Yes, this will help restrain the beast that will wake up after this puppy gets frustrated," he replied as Genesis growled at his words, "Wouldn't it delay his healing process?" Paul asked as Benjamin grunted while pulling a heavy line of chain, "Actually, the anger will speed up the healing process, he'll be stronger than Giovanni on his angry days," Benjamin said as Paul's eyes widened in shock.

"Come, put him against the wall," Benjamin instructed as Paul quickly dragged Genesis to the wall of the basement before sitting him down on the floor as he slumped over, breathing weakly.

"Here, put this on, you don't want to touch those with your bare hands, it's soaked in wolfsbane acid," Benjamin said, handing him a pair of gloves that Paul immediately wore before picking up the metal cuffs with a spike piercing through the middle. The restrain tool was very intimidating as Paul forcefully swallowed before looking back at Genesis, who began breathing heavily as his eyes glowed brightly in anger. They were running out of time as Paul quickly held down the slowly raging wolf before forcing the cuffs on his wrist, earning agonizing and ear-deafening roars that shook the basement.

"Quickly now, around his ankles," Benjamin instructed as Paul followed before being kicked away by Genesis, sending him flying across the room, slamming against the wooden stairs as he groaned in pain. Benjamin sighed as he watched Genesis, this wasn't like him, Benjamin knew Rosalie's presence, her scent was driving him crazy and her absence was only making it worse.

Genesis was pretty much restrained beside his left leg that he used to kick Paul away, but Benjamin couldn't do anything about that, so he proceeded to pour the wolfsbane around Genesis, earning a deep throaty growl.

"That should keep you in place," Benjamin said as Paul came up behind him, holding his sore side as Genesis growled at the sight of them, "We'll see you in the morning, Genesis, sleep tight," Benjamin said before Paul wheeled him out the room with Genesis's roars following behind them.

The house shook with the endless roars of Genesis's rage. Everyone was so nervous that Benjamin had to send Melody away for her safety in case Genesis were to ever break free. Giovanni stayed with Rosalie, they were locked in her room as he comforted her as she whimpered every time her mate roared out to her. Nobody has ever seen Genesis behave this way and it shook them to their core. Giovanni was worried for his brother since he knew that Rosalie was the cause of this out-of-control reaction.

"Gio, we have to do something, he's in pain," Rosalie cried as another one of Genesis's roars ripped through the house. Rosalie was worried for Genesis, she felt how painful heat can be, but she never had to endure it, not like he was going, "It's alright, Rose, he'll be fine, this is what he wants, for you to give in," he said, holding her to his chest as she looked up at him with tears welled up in her eyes.

"What if I want to give in, what if I want to help him?" She asked as Giovanni frowns, "Don't be stupid, Rosalie, you'll get hurt, Genesis is too danger-

Giovanni suddenly stopped talking as he trained his ear to hear through the sudden silence, "What's wron-

Heavy footsteps and raging breaths and growls were suddenly heard causing Giovanni's eyes to widen, "GET DOWN!" He yelled, tackling Rosalie to the floor, just as Genesis burst through the door, flying over them and out the open window.

The couple remained on the floor, covered in wood while Giovanni sheltered Rosalie as they breathed heavily in shock. Slowly standing from the floor, Giovanni held onto Rosalie's arm, "Are you alright?" He asked while checking her body for injuries, "I'm fine," she replied as her voice mixed with another, causing Giovanni to look up as his eyes met her glowing ones, "Kamari, no, he's too dangerous, you'll get hur-

But it was too late, Kamari had snatched her arm out of Giovanni's grasp before running towards the window as she then jumped out, shifting into her wolf before running after Genesis. Giovanni cursed under his breath, getting ready to go after them before he remembered Benjamin and Paul downstairs.

Stumbling out of the room, Giovanni sprinted down the stairs just when Melody burst through the front door to find the house destroyed. Her screams filled the room as she found Benjamin leaning up against one of the flipped couches with blood seeping through his shirt. Genesis had scratched him with his claws when he broke free.

Rushing to his side, Giovanni placed pressure on his wound earning a grunt while Melody ran to find the first aid kit, "Where's Paul?" Giovanni asked as he looked at Benjamin, who breathed weakly, "He went after Genesis," Benjamin replied as Giovanni's face went pale, "What's wrong?" Benjamin asked as Melody returned with the kit.

"Ros-Kamari went after Genesis, if Paul tries to stop her from getting to him, it'll just anger Genesis more," Giovanni replied as Melody cupped her mouth in horror at the thought.

"Oh god."

"Did you catch his scent?" Rosalie asked as Kamari stopped in the middle of the forest, sniffing as she lost her sight on Majesty, Genesis's wolf, "Yes, but it's very faint, he's around here somewhere," Kamari asked as Rosalie huffed, "They should've just let us take care of him," she said as Kamari snarl in disagreement, "They did the right thing, Rosalie, we would've injured him more than he already was, female wolves tend to be more aggressive when their mate go into heat," Kamari said as she continued to sniff around before hearing a branch being stepped on.

Perking up as her figure froze, Kamari slowly looked over her shoulder to see an unknown wolf, staring at her, "Is that Genesis?" Rosalie asked as Kamari growled, "No, his scent is different," she replied before another growl was heard opposite her, causing her to freeze again, "Who's that?" Rosalie asked as she grew nervous.

"It's Genesis and his anger," Kamari said, stepping back as the two wolves stepped out of the bushes and faced each other. The tension between the two wolves was thick and intense. Both beasts locked eyes as their ears stood back before a ferocious growl rumbled from Genesis's throat as his snout raised revealing his deadly teeth. The two wolves began encircling one another, glaring into each other's dark ember eyes, growling ferociously. The sound rattled the bones of the surrounding audience, which happened to be Kamari and an unknown guest, who stood hiding amongst the bushes.

Kamari was nervous, she was scared and wished it didn't have to be this way. Stepping forward, she whimpers, catching the attention of the unknown wolf, giving Genesis the advantage as he launches himself at the wolf. Both Genesis and the wolf collided against one another, tearing at each other while avoiding the other. It was deadly as the wolf swiped his claw against Genesis scratching him on the snort and sending him stumbling back before he regained his balance.

Genesis stared at the wolf with a deadly look in his eyes, which was no longer ember, but pitch black. A dark aura surrounded Genesis as his tongue rolled out and licked his injured snout. Genesis seemed calm as he breathed slowly with eyes locked on the wolf, who grew terrified and was cemented to the ground in fear. Kamari could smell it, the fear, the anger, clouding the air, and making her dizzy.

"Kamari, we need to do something, Genesis is about to kill this wolf," Rosalie panicked, "I don't know what to do, Rosalie, I'm scared," Kamari whimpered before flinching when Genesis began growling, "C-Call Gio, call him! Howl! Howl Kamari!" Rosalie screamed as Kamari immediately howled just as a giant wolf came jumping out of the bushes, tackling Genesis as they began rolling and tumbling, biting at one another.

"It's okay, Rose, it's Giovanni," Kamari said as Rosalie sighed in relief before they turned to the other wolf, who looked at them before Kamari signaled him to leave, which he quickly did.

The fight between the two brothers began to get more and more aggressive as Kamari began to panic. She had no way to stop her two mates from killing one another, "Maybe you should talk to Genesis, through the bond," Kamari quickly suggested with hope laced in her voice, "I can try," Rosalie said before everything felt like it was in slow motion, "Genesis? Genesis if you can hear me then please calm down, we're worried about you and I'm scared, please come back to me," she pleaded as Kamari's excited voice filled her head, "It's working, keep going, Rosalie!" She exclaimed as Rosalie inhaled deeply.

"Please, Genesis, remember what you told me, you said you wanted to meet Kamari, to see our wolf, come back to us, we're waiting for you," she said as the sound of all fighting stopped and was replaced with sounds of heavy breathing and whimpers that came from Genesis as he walked towards them, causing Kamari to instinctively take a step back. Genesis stopped in his tracks, watching as Kamari observed his every move with caution, so he submitted, laid down on his stomach, and submitted to her.

"Why did you step back? It's okay, he wouldn't hurt you," Rosalie reassured as Kamari looked at the submitted wolf before faltering over to him as he immediately raising his head in hopes of gaining her trust.

"I'm sorry," Genesis's voice appeared in Rosalie's head. He sounded disappointed and sad causing Kamari to whimper as she immediately licked his snout before nuzzling into his side as she then lay down beside him, "It's alright, Genesis, we're alright," Rosalie reassured before Giovanni came and also nuzzled against Kamari, "Are you alright, Rose, Mari?" He asked as Kamari turned to also lick his snout, "We're fine," Rosalie replied as Giovanni also lay beside his mate, sandwiching her in the middle.

"Good, I guess we've officially met by now," he said as Genesis gazed lovingly into the eyes of Kamari as his tail wiggled in excitement.

"Genesis, this is Kamari, your mate, and Kamari, this is our mate, Genesis."

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