
Prime Disciple Competition: Quarterfinals Part 3

The two new Shadowfangs entered the arena, their eyes flicking between Mira and the gruesome remains of their kin. They realized that the impossible happened before their very eyes – a junior cultivator eviscerating a Rank 9 beast. 

Mira stood her ground, scythe in hand, with a mix of anticipation and bloodlust. Although the last fight was good, it wasn't enough. She needed more!

Aelina gave Mira a nod, and with that, the entire arena was sealed with a heavier Formation, bolstering its defenses.

"Begin!" The command echoed through the arena.

The two Shadowfangs immediately dashed forward with a synchronicity that the others lacked, circling Mira. Their forms were blurry as they traveled from shadow to shadow, yet their approach was different; they did not rush in recklessly. 

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